The Philippines is an outlier since English has been taught here for 100+ years. The real case study in SEA for learning English through media are Indonesians. Two decades ago, there were few young Indonesians, even at the hotels, who could speak enough English for short conversations. Now it's the second-language of choice for the young, and they're somehow able to have a less sharp and grating accent than the Malaysians and Singaporeans just across the water, and those countries were British colonies.I've heard some SEA kids who have never stepped foot in the UK have a fucking British accent by virtue of their parents letting them watch nothing but Peppa fucking Pig all day. Nips don't really consume Western media as much as other countries - unironically, it's a great English teacher by osmosis which is why there are Third World countries like the Philippines who speak English way better than the Nips.
I know a few people who have taught English in Japan, and the general consensus does seem to be that English proficiency there has actually declined since the 2000s, maybe even earlier. And the young people there aren't necessarily getting better at English either. It's the middle-aged salarymen who tend to have the best grasp of English. Makes sense since I guess they didn't have as much reason to learn after their economic bubble popped in the 1990s. This does get borne out in rankings (though I always take these sorts of rankings with a grain of salt) and test results: