- Voice actor A accused Crunchyroll of keeping fans letter instead of forwarding it to him
- Twitter activist: that is mail theft, that is a federal crime *google and post mail theft federal law*. Crunchyroll must be burned down. All their CEOs jailed for this trangression
- Mujin: I agree with twitter, hime might or might not have had same thing happened to her but let's talk about the entire history of crunchyroll so I can pad out 15 minutes
- Actual law: if the address on the letter is to crunchyroll headquarter, the recipient is crunchyroll, they can do whatever they want to do with them, regardless of the content within.
- At best you fire the intern handling the mails. It has nothing to do with the entire company. It is a morally wrong thing to do by the intern. But not a "federal crime".
- Legalmindcuck: talk random shit about the federal law instead of pointing out twitter fallacies and how none of it applies.