"The doctor suspected stomach bacteria, to figure that out he needed me to shit in a cup. So I have to go to the hospital for a bunch of stuff, but also to drop off a cup of shit. I took a bunch of laxatives that day, I drank a coffee, I drank some aloe vera juice, I ate some spinach, had some orange juice, long story short, I shat my soul out later that day. The worst part was I had to scoop the mousse au chocolat into this fucking cup. It was so moussie, and chunky. The medicine I am taking, it seems to help. The first night was still rough, but this night, I feel great. I feel very gassy. Hopefully whatever it is the medicines are working well against that, and now we just hope and preygge (Pray) that when I call on Monday they didn't find anything else that's suspicious."Shylily
Before the fr*nch revolution, the plebs relied on the clergy to ward off all sorts of evils that preyed upon them. But now, demons are free to feed on the population, and they are none the wiser.
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