"My character became a chocoball!... my character became a black person"Shirakami Fubuki

Recent content by tragic amphibian

  1. tragic amphibian

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    It's like folks with weed. Sure, do it all you want, but let's also pass a law that legalizes beating you with a sock full of nickels if you start talking about it.
  2. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Get fucked, Raph. I played some UO in 2001 (boring) along with SWG from day 1 (awesome because Star Wars until the novelty fell off and it was just a less clunky UO) and these games have mind-poisoned people for decades. The people getting excited for Stars Reach because they want the UO/SWG...
  3. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Crappy games aren't really a concern for resumes, when you've worked on games and you're applying at a new studio you get asked about what systems/writing/assets you were responsible for, the overall quality of the title isn't a problem since it's known that it's the end result of a million...
  4. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Oh right, a great bit to laugh at about with respect to the world artists in WoW: The final expansion zones, where you have to spend a ton of time at level cap, are always some form of blasted wasteland. Searing Gorge/Blasted Lands in Classic, Shadowmoon Valley/Netherstorm in BC, Icecrown in...
  5. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Remember that the WoW team has basically been run by the old guard of Elitist Jerks for a decade and a half. The guild and their forums were already the embodiment of "shut up, we know better" and the forum's fall from relevance was near instant as soon as sites like Icy Veins and a wider group...
  6. tragic amphibian

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    How good could it really be, it's vtuber mu.... Oh... it's legit really good. Rock on, EN music sheep!
  7. tragic amphibian

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    I don't think you'd want anything done additional to a septoplasty since that's literally having tissue rotary shaved out of the inside of your nose and sinuses to help open the airways so you can breathe easier and have your sinuses drain properly. You then have a weird plastic stent and...
  8. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Nah, he's just high on his own farts. His analogy would make sense if software development was meaningfully like cooking but it's an engineering project. Anything engineered needs to have the costs and benefits of decisions weighed since your project has neither infinite time nor infinite...
  9. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Any NRS title at Evo is a joke, the amount of effort that has been put into keeping their games as the stiffest, most shit-awful feeling fighters for 30+ years is almost impressive. My only guess is that Mortal Kombat remains a very normie-aware title and that's why it's kept around. GG will...
  10. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Reading the Witcher books retroactively killed my enjoyment of the Witcher games since I saw how much of the game writing was just taking pre-existing storylines, changing bad guys and settings, and presenting it in the game. After that my reaction was "Oh no, how is Cyberpunk going to turn out...
  11. tragic amphibian

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    It never ceases to amaze me how I've spent time in the sketchiest parts of almost every major east coast city and have never been hassled by anyone other than cops and aggressive streetwalkers but VTubers land in California and immediately get their shit jacked.
  12. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Hardcore FPS gaming pre-2004: load into game change to 16 bit color turn off shadows turn off fog turn textures to minimum turn off foliage (if it exists in game) run console macro to turn a bunch of graphic effects down that don't have settings options Oh yeah, nothing will drop my frames...
  13. tragic amphibian

    Vidya Games Thread

    Hey fellow olds, how does a round of CTF with runes and grapples sound? Q1 or 2 is fine. Instagib instead of runes is acceptable as well.
  14. tragic amphibian

    The Music Thread

    It's not the JP Famicom's sound chip, but a bundled Konami chip on the cartridge called the VRC6. We didn't get it in the US (or anywhere besides JP) because Nintendo has always been Nintendo and didn't let companies manufacture their own cartridges outside of the Japanese market so the fancy...
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