I was scrolling /vt/ out of boredom today and saw a few interesting statements, the first one is about Cover fronting the money talents spend on their personal projects

Is that how it works? How it might work? Its common knowledge that Cover actually foots the bill for very few things or at most gives a small advance that is barely enough to pay for the most barebones MV (I believe Moona talked about it before that she does receive support from Cover but its minimal, Kiara as well said that Cover did give her a budget to spend on her upcoming Album but it by far doesn't fun all that she actually wants to do in that project)
It is certainly true that Kiara doesn't handle the paying commissions part herself, she talked about how when she commissions someone, she leaves it up to Jenma to make sure that person gets paid and she doesn't even know how much she is spending on commissions for stream assets and such, she is aware that she can afford it and that all she knows
Fundamentally, it doesn't change anything, the talents still have to fund their own passion-projects themselves, but by giving the talents an advance or docking that spending from her pay gives me a more favorable perception of Cover than if the talents had to pay every commission they do directly out of their own pocket.

this smells like a big old rat to me since I have never heard of that rule before, but also I trust HoloEN management to be retarded enough for that to be real, at least partially, has anyone else ever heard of this?
Kiara is not allowed to become a stewardess for the 2nd time