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Opinion: co-op against AI is the best mode for someone with no friends to help you get used to things past tutorials. I am talking about Dota 2, no idea about League
Yeah, co-op vs AI is pretty good in League, you'll usually get good teammates because it's a Venezuelan or Albanian teenager playing his 697th account to level it to 30 so he can sell it off for $2.
This sure is League of Legends gameplay by someone who doesn't want to be playing League, I'll tell ya 'hwat.
It's been fourteen years, and the LoL tutorial still sucks dicks. Good to see some things never change.
Some of you have probably already forgotten but last week all of production kawaii gen 3 was graduated. I have read through the event thread and the lack of spicy theories and rrats is quite disappointing. I would like to bring a few overlooked facts to everyone's attention. Namely on Aletta Sky who was before her graduation sitting on 100k subs, making her the second most popular channel in the entire company. A quick look at social blade will also show you that she was inclining in both subs, views & donations. Unlike some other popular channels we also know that she actually worked quite hard on growing her channel, such as spamming out Shorts ( some of them getting quite big noombers)
or doing a 48 hour donothon or getting a collab with a bigger streamer (neuro sama).
While we are on that donothon stream she did last month; she made 20.821$ and 66 cents during it(which PK claims they may refund) . (Two of the goals she met included an original song and a new model.)
To top it all off 1 week before her termination/graduation she got her merch.
Aletta was by all measures a successful vtuber in the top 1%, raking in fat cash. Even if management took a 50% from her she would still earn more than 99% of all other streamers. If gen 3 made a collective bargain with the intention of getting more money/ promotion / 3d stuff etc, and where ready to quit over it, then I believe that means that management was syphoning off way more than just 50%, leaving them only with a trickle AND that the girls thought they could earn more if they went Indie and started from scratch. This seems unlikely to me. So my narrative is that something terrible was happening behind the scenes (like the situation between Mel & her manager), and the girls quit in solidarity over that issue.
When you realize that cover made this shit themselves and a board of managers probably had to approve it... Maybe JP corpos do have some vague sense of humor?
I am pretty sure the japanese had these shitty "this is how mafia works" mobile ads, just like us. I think some youtuber made a vid mentioning it in passing, can' t remember who it was (maybe japanalysis?)
Vesper received many friend requests.
"Oooh, I would be in soooo much trouble if I just accepted everyone..."
Chat: "Do it and see you in two weeks."
Vesper says 'no, no no' and cancels the friend screen.
Chat: "Coward!"
Vesper: "NOBODY calls me...! ...what's the worst they can do to me?"
Opinion: co-op against AI is the best mode for someone with no friends to help you get used to things past tutorials. I am talking about Dota 2, no idea about League
EDIT: wtf is that mana, spells are almost free? Is there like combo system or you are supposed to spam them off cooldown?
Leagues resource system is fucked beyond all measure.
Mana is Mana and is mostly fine spend it too fast and well your worthless it only matters in the early gameby late you will have essentially infinite mana outside of a few particular champions.
Ki/Energy is a static bar of 100 most abilities take 20 outside some specific exceptions and cost as little as 5 however it rapidly refills even during combat (how varies a little champion to champion) i think this is the most "fair" bar but most champions who use it are busted so the fuck do i know.
HP: Some champions use health as a resource most of them have some sort of heal / regen to compensate not much to say here
Rescourceless (called manaless by most players) the only thing that matters is cooldown this breaks the game as expected some manaless champions also get an additional resource that exists just to power them up even more so notonly not needing to manage a resource to stay relevant in combat but the rescource they do get exists just to make them better.
it's as stupid as it sounds.
There are a few champion specific drawbacks I as a longtime Jhin main will talk about the one that matters to me.
Example: Reload Jhin literally has OCD everything he does must be done in 4's every 4th shot he has to reload he is unable to auto attack while reloading.
there are others but that one works as an example.
I wouldn't worry about this too much just yet. In the usual spirit of making wild changes to existing words until language can't actually convey any real information and becomes meaningless - I've seen more and more use of "queer" as a stand-in for "anti-establishment" which is wonderfully ironic but another subject entirely.
...and this is all a convoluted and autistic way of saying "lol who wrote this gay quiz."
I wouldn't worry about this too much just yet. In the usual spirit of making wild changes to existing words until language can't actually convey any real information and becomes meaningless - I've seen more and more use of "queer" as a stand-in for "anti-establishment" which is wonderfully ironic but another subject entirely.
...and this is all a convoluted and autistic way of saying "lol who wrote this gay quiz."
Not worried about Lisa or anything like that. I'm 99% sure she's straight based on what she's said on streams (although that doesn't matter). I'm more so clowning the quiz and wondering why this looks like a new twitter trend between vtubers again.
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