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Oh yeah, as a resident zombie simp I feel obliged to mention that Ollie basically admitted, during her recent Zomily stream, that IDGens2's 3D models are just around the corner.
Some streamers are good solo streamers, others are good in collabs where they can play off another person. Rie's the latter, in my opinion. I really enjoyed her impromptu collab the other day with Lia and Yuri as one example of this.
Oh yeah, as a resident zombie simp I feel obliged to mention that Ollie basically admitted, during her recent Zomily stream, that IDGens2's 3D models are just around the corner.
Makes me wonder what they are gonna do about CouncilRyS. IRyS said in a stream the other day that a 3D live for this year's anniversary would not be possible and they would not get to use their 3D so freely until after their proper debut. Makes me wonder if CouncilRyS's actual models are even done, yet, like Holoro's are.
Moona is in Japan too. Accidently ordered well done steak instead of medium rare, Doctor told her to taking a break from her phone as it was causing headaches.
I like Rie and I think she has a lot of potential. I feel like there's parts of her streaming that are very awkward still and she has kind of glass house thing where she's "edgy preverted girl" but the mood of her chat seems out of place and it's hard to know what you say to her. Really I think she's cute and interesting and it's only circumstantial stuff that has lead her to be less popular and not really come into her own yet. Play your Guitars Rie!
I won't even if I [just don' t read this] pickle and make into jerky parts of him to consume before his eyes, just for the pleasure of defecating it on to him to thoroughly defile and curse him before he dies! [If you read it anyways it's your fault]I won't become like him.
I would expect any woman in a sort of entertainment job where she directly interfaces with the audience and largely coasts on parasocial affection to say the same and waffle on admitting to being in a relationship. It's bad for business, if the brainlets in chat don't think they have a chance to woo the woman by throwing money at her they'll leave.
Yeah I understand and support this. I want Shiina to make money and be secure. Even if I'm inclined to think she is a single woman, how she presents her streaming persona is her business and I understand if she need to exaggerate or omit anything about her personal life. That said, if she Wontons herself again on stream I'll still LMAO.
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