Su, the new blue gremlin, revealed that Subaru is her #1 oshi and the reason she found vtubers
(1:39:46 for timestamp)
She knew she wanted to be a dancer ever since elementary school but always had problems getting along with people. The combination of school life, people issues and aiming for her dreams all got to her at one point and made her feel really down. Her mom was always supportive of her and her goals, which is a major part of why she could be here now. But when her mom had to go to work, Su would be home alone and depressed with no one to talk to.
During those times, watching Subaru's streams cheered her up and really motivated her. She felt that being able to watch Subaru everyday saved her and made her life much brighter. She saw 3rd gen debut and discovered vtubers as a whole afterwards. Su admired Subaru a ton and then saw her 3rd anniversary live. It made her realize that vtubers can do this sort of thing, give people the chance to dream. It made her want to reach that same point and here she is now.
Su also said that she oshis a member from each branch: Hajime from DEV_IS, Bae from EN and Kobo from ID. Basically the really good dancers. She thinks Hajime dances in an opposite way from her while Bae dances the most similar to her out of everyone in Holo. It was a happy surprise to her that a vtuber could be so cool on stage like that. And Kobo is the perfect mix of cool and cute while being able to sing amazing. They all motivate her and she wants to stand on stage in the same way they do.
So basically I have another comrade alongside Noel and Bae
Speaking of the duck, she's currently on a week-long break. Technically she started yesterday since she still had some work to do:
While she never really talked about her plans, we know from
Miko and
Mio that the 3 of them will be on break together, doing their usual vacation. Looking forward to that twitter space and hearing them talk about what they've been up to. Mio has more experience as a driver now so she probably won't panic at the rental car if they're doing a drive this time.