"Sakana hates my tongue. Sakana HATE!"Kaminari Clara

Election Spergery 2024 Containment Zone

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Not everyone in Phase will be like Panko who all evidence points to coming from a hard right voting Italian family, or Ember who openly admitted on stream she knew people who went to J6 and then made jokes about doing J6 part two and burning down the capitol.
Based on Jelly's Dustborn Stream and other jokes she's made, I hope she never spergs out about politics on stream.

I'm already cooked from the Alice streams, VN and website. I'd be hopelessly cooked if she did end up sperging about politics.

I'd need more meds. :beatanimeds::medsmoremeds:


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Rie is occasionally a bit off with her rhythm but she can be a funny bitch sometimes.

Not everyone in Phase will be like Panko who all evidence points to coming from a hard right voting Italian family, or Ember who openly admitted on stream she knew people who went to J6 and then made jokes about doing J6 part two and burning down the capitol.
I swear if the next graduation/termination is due to Clara having a melty over politics then I'll die laughing.
People promised me Holo member RM political sperging but I only see BaSeDcOnNeCt RM political sperging, how come? :gloomiLaugh:
I think it's been said before but what's rubbing people the wrong way is how she worded it. I get in American elections both sides use nasty rhetoric against each other, but years and years of the shit-flinging compounded with the outreach of social media have definitely radicalized a chunk of the electorate into believing that every damn election is the most important and therefore spewing hateful vitriol at people with opposing viewpoints is not only allowed, but encouraged.
Another thing is that she was operating as a JP idol for some time, and we all know how predatory that industry is. Even if she wasn't at the receiving end of abuse, she'll have heard second-hand accounts and rumors of such behavior. It's enough to push women into misandry.
Finally, while we joke that Phase is LE EVIL NAZI ALT-RIGHT CHUUBA COMPANY, it is true that conservative takes are more welcome to the fanbase rather than the alternative. You would need Pippa's mentality (and clout) to express a politically "cringe" opinion, and even then it's written off as contrarian brainworm moments. If you grew up consuming the hyperbole that all conservatives are racist, sexist scumbags, then this could make being in Phase a bit uncomfortable, if not highly stressful. I could imagine Clara may feel like she's in an environment where her colleagues or fans may turn on her the moment she expresses her true opinions under her more public personas, culminating in an outburst on a more obscure social media account that was nevertheless unearthed anyway, and well… we'll see how it goes.
I'm still willing to cope play devil's advocate that Clara got too wrapped up in the heat of the moment and usually she's more moderate, but I definitely see why people will have reservations on supporting her.

Furious George

Low & Lazy
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I swear if the next graduation/termination is due to Clara having a melty over politics then I'll die laughing.

I'm still willing to cope play devil's advocate that Clara got too wrapped up in the heat of the moment and usually she's more moderate, but I definitely see why people will have reservations on supporting her.
Clara literally grew up in the arts, I'm convinced that the mental illness that drips off her isn't kayfabe. The chances that any of these vtubers share our personal politics is practically nil. Is it what it is and expecting anything else is a fool's game.

My rrat is that Clara & Pippa didn't get along initially because Clara didn't want to work with le heckin alt right nazi uber chudette Pippa Pipkins and only chilled out after management made them talk & Clara realised that Pippa is just another retard like the rest of them.

I Wanna Die

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Clara literally grew up in the arts, I'm convinced that the mental illness that drips off her isn't kayfabe. The chances that any of these vtubers share our personal politics is practically nil. Is it what it is and expecting anything else is a fool's game.

My rrat is that Clara & Pippa didn't get along initially because Clara didn't want to work with le heckin alt right nazi uber chudette Pippa Pipkins and only chilled out after management made them talk & Clara realised that Pippa is just another retard like the rest of them.
Wasn't it the other way around? Pippa said she found Clara incredibly annoying until the Japan Trip. Lumi, Lia, and even Airi have shared similar sentiments about not liking Clara at first. She seems like someone who sucks at first impressions.


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
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Clara is a retard (both affectionate and derogatory) and depending what interpretation one takes with her statement on her other account, it was vile. I don't blame anyone for dropping her as I agree it was vile, and I will absolutely point and laugh and criticize her dumb statements.

However, without typing too long of a cope essay, I consume content from plenty that have said or believe some shitty things. I'm a metal fan, which is full of artists from far left retards to actual Neo-Nazi retards, and I listen to plenty falling under all of that. I have biases, so I'll give some more leeway than others, and that leeway usually depends on the entertainment value.

I am also under no delusion that most of the vtubers I like wouldn't call me a shitty person due to my conduct on the Internet, especially in places like this and the Farms. I'm sure plenty of them would dislike me, and I'm okay with that because they're just entertainers to me for the most part. As for Clara, I agree that it is disappointing what she said, but I am willing to hold off on dropping her entirely for now, but she's definitely on the shit list.

To me, it's different with the Neo-Nazis, as they're essentially a non-factor. All the actual Nazis are dead and the party is no more; they have no power over anything. Neo-Nazis are a complete joke, they don't have any effect. Hell, they're not even 1970s/80s Neo-Nazis, going around starting fights with other punks - they just don't even do anything anymore.

The Leftists, however, have control over every single institution in the Western world, and their ideology has destroyed everything I care about. I can't go anywhere or do anything without them in my face and rubbing their shit all over what I'm interested in. That's not even considering the other functional aspects of society like the loss of merit-focus hiring and the diversity priority in the essentials of things like doctors.

So the Neo-Nazis don't bother me as they have had no effect on my life. The Leftists, however, want to destroy everything about me, and they've done a damn good job of that. Thus, it makes it just a wee bit difficult to engage with anything they're involved in, since they've done everything to make me miserable, have driven people I cared about insane, and literally want me dead - and they are gradually obtaining the institutional power to make that happen.

First Tomoe, now Nyaru, can politispergs please leave my favorite brown ladies alone? :pippasadl: Hopefully the abuse redditors and twittards are spewing currently is a wake up call for minority voters, to the Demokkkrats you are nothing but a slave on a plantation, and if you stray off even a little bit, you'd be forgiven for thinking the party went back to the 1860's. I don't think there's a more racist institution in the United States today. I'm not doing my usual black supremacist bit, I genuinely believe this.

A thing to note is that the same people who thought that non-whites were inferior because of their race (Genetic Determinism) in the first half of the 20th Century were the same people - and in some cases, the same individuals - who thought non-whites were inferior because of discrimination in the second half of the 20th Century. The mutated 20th Century Liberals, otherwise known as Progressives, have always been this type of racist, who legitimately think minorities are inferior - all that's really changed is how to best "help" them: first half, it was sterilization; second half, it's welfare.

Conservatives, on the other hand, just don't give a shit. Poor black boy, facing hardship? Don't care, get to work. Poor white boy, facing hardship? Don't care, get to work. There's other ideological elements at play here, but this is the outward distinction between the two. Conservatives generally work with their hands and real-world applications, so they lack the tact and eloquence to promote their position. Modern Liberals, however, work with ideas and the discussion of them, so their skills develop in language, thus they're much better at convincing and manipulating. Also helps that they sell dreams while Conservatives sell reality.

I don't know the answer here. You get better at the things you do. The Right builds bridges and makes tools, so they get better with hands-on things. The Left sits around in Universities, coming up with ideas and bouncing them off one another, so they get better at communication and persuasion. People are swayed by words, until everything collapses around them, and then they follow the people who actually get shit done. I'm not looking forward to the collapse.

Furious George

Low & Lazy
Joined:  Sep 25, 2022
Wasn't it the other way around? Pippa said she found Clara incredibly annoying until the Japan Trip. Lumi, Lia, and even Airi have shared similar sentiments about not liking Clara at first. She seems like someone who sucks at first impressions.
Yep, I was just joking about the possible dynamics of a raging leftist joining Chud Connect. How women interact together in groups is beyond my comprehension to understand.

If she is as full on as she is on stream then I can see how it would be possible for people to get the wrong impression about her initially, maybe working with the other girls will help her chill out although if she is older then its probably terminal.


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Meh, long as it stays out streams and off official accounts it doesn't really bother me. Especially since it's like 1 day after the election. People gotta vent sometimes.
Seems like most of the girls get along with her once they get past the initial wall of her apparently being as weird over text as she is IRL so I assume she isn't spamming the work server with trans flags and shit. If anything I expect her views are probably the norm for most US/Canadian/EU vtubers.


Joined:  Mar 27, 2023
My rrat is that Clara & Pippa didn't get along initially because Clara didn't want to work with le heckin alt right nazi uber chudette Pippa Pipkins and only chilled out after management made them talk & Clara realised that Pippa is just another retard like the rest of them.
She collabed with Lumi when she was Morino Peari, and Lumi has/had a somewhat similar reputation if I remember correctly.
An addendum to this is that the Democrats often claim that the Republicans' "Southern Strategy" that saw their rise in the south in the 60s-70s was expressly targeting racists and embracing anti-black policies, when the strategy was actually targeted at the rising southern middle class; the poor white southerners (where anti-black sentiment was historically strongest, since there was direct competition with blacks for law-wage jobs) didn't turn Republican in large numbers until the mid-90s-ish.
From what I remember, Barry Goldwater wasn't opposed to the Civil Rights Act because he was a racist or wanted to court a particular group of voters, it was because he had an autistic obsession with states rights. Pretty amazing that despite his support for desegregation etc his ideological opposition to a couple of bits of federal legislation had such dramatic consequences, and its effect on voting demographics is still felt to this day.


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She collabed with Lumi when she was Morino Peari, and Lumi has/had a somewhat similar reputation if I remember correctly.

From what I remember, Barry Goldwater wasn't opposed to the Civil Rights Act because he was a racist or wanted to court a particular group of voters, it was because he had an autistic obsession with states rights. Pretty amazing that despite his support for desegregation etc his ideological opposition to a couple of bits of federal legislation had such dramatic consequences, and its effect on voting demographics is still felt to this day.
To be fair the civil rights act was really bad for society and didn't fix racism, it just gave the state government new avenues to enforce racial and later gender nonsense onto companies because otherwise it's "discrimination"


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Also, an interesting post from the farms.
@Lurker McSpic you had this one right at least.

This is supposedly Clara's IRL instagram account.

As a Clara fan: Hmm, that's really disappointing. Well, she seems to have deleted them since all she has there is a bunch of overfiltered cosplay selfies now. But it's hard to ignore her wishing death for people who voted the wrong way in an election in a country she has zero stake in even if she regretted it later. Like I don't even mind any of the other politisperging but the weird sepsis thing was just way over the top. (No state that currently has some sort of abortion ban is forcing women to carry already dead fetuses to full term, Clara. I'm not even sure if that's physically possible.)

She probably got worked up in a social media echo chamber (this woman brings up some inane shit she saw on TikTok at least once a stream) and sperged out. At least she had the sense to manage to do it on a personal account rather than a Clara one.

Call me a simp but I'll keep supporting her for now and do my best to pretend I never saw this. It'll be tough to forget it though.


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As a Clara fan: Hmm, that's really disappointing. Well, she seems to have deleted them since all she has there is a bunch of overfiltered cosplay selfies now.
She posted these in her instagram story which autodelete after 24h.


Certified Awatistic
Joined:  Dec 22, 2023
To me, it's different with the Neo-Nazis, as they're essentially a non-factor. All the actual Nazis are dead and the party is no more; they have no power over anything. Neo-Nazis are a complete joke, they don't have any effect. Hell, they're not even 1970s/80s Neo-Nazis, going around starting fights with other punks - they just don't even do anything anymore.
I mean, these days, they do each other:
gay skinhead.PNG

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Superduper Samurai

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my condolences to the 3 Clara fans of the forum who decided to drop her for a pretty mid-high tier woman moment



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I'm bit late to it, but the whole thing with Pippa was they were opinionated so they disagreed on few things and talked about them(its pippa so it can even be poptart guns) Pippa said Clara's use of emojis felt passive agressive(or something similar i dont remember) and only by actually talking her face to face she understood that Clara just likes using emotes. She said something like "you are pretty annoying sometimes" to her after a day of talking things out and Clara said "Yeah" and they stayed on good terms since.
She also said clara is very animated in real life and 3D is how we would understand how she actually is.

Tldr: women + text based communication
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It's so diverse even Blackrock would suggest adding white straight males to it
Is she hot? I might be able to help with that if she's hot
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