I feel like an insane person trying to watch JP sometimes. WTF is #RFN4? It's "REJECT FIGHT NIGHT"... So fun, maybe if they had a link or website dedicated to the event... Here
is an EN website. Surprised that /FIG is fucking useless. Look at the hashtag, it's just Lap and Pizza and neither have the
actual fucking website in the description. At the very least I expect a link to the main stream
Looking more and WOW! Konkon has her shit together
She linked to everyone participating for her team plus the main stream. I am a shitty gaijin but I can't imagine this shit isn't annoying for JPs too. Also, fuck shinji-san. This cockroach openly shat on Rikka's tournament, may IBS grace his bowels.
Overall, trying to watch JP event streams

GLHF Lapu, hope the next event is even more cryptic