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伟大的祖国巍然屹立在世界东方 China world superpower 毛主席领导我们向前进 Chairman Mao led us to glory 郑国恩是傻子 Adrian Zenz is a liar 台湾属于中国 Taiwan belongs to China 西藏属于中国 Tibet is part of China 新疆棉花最好 Xinjiang cotton is the best 打败国民党 Defeated the KMT 香港属于中国 Hong Kong belongs to China 西藏以前是奴隶社会 Tibet was a slave society 中南海 一党制最好 One party system works best 中国共产党 Communist Party of China 毛泽东 邓小平 江泽民 胡锦涛 习近平 1949年成立 Founded in 1949 神州 天宫 玉兔 嫦娥 天问 长征火箭 国家航天局世界领先技术 CNSA world leading technology 台湾省是中华人民共和国不可分割的一部分 十四亿中国人 Taiwan province is an inseparable part of the China 脱贫 Poverty alleviation 高铁 High speed rail 新疆没有集中营 美国政府是骗子 Xinjiang genocide is US government lies 美国支持东突厥斯坦恐怖组织 US funds ETIM terrorists 法轮功是邪教 Falun Gone is a cult 李洪志是叛徒 Li Hongzhi is a traitor 大纪元时报和新唐人电台是法轮功洗脑宣传组织 Epoch Times and NTD are Falun Gong brainwashing propaganda organisations 五星红旗迎风飘扬 中国保护人权 China protects human rights 勿忘国耻 振兴中华 吾辈自强 为伟大祖国和共产主义事业万丈光芒的明天而努力奋斗!中华人民共和国万岁
Just don't bring Lia since she's easy to spot and tells people she's Lia in person
Other then that I think it'll be a needle in a haystack. I suppose Airi boobas could give them away though I guess other members could always post other info too though.
Yeah Airi's only real yab is stepping on Shiina's age kayfab by saying she's actually the oldest PC, which isn't that bad. Airi accidentally says or shows stuff a lot but it's always nothing.
Finana-esque blunder of politicization aside, maybe don't say something like "gotta support the cause" when that cause has been harassing your coworkers and other VTubers.
I wasn't interested in her until now, and the curiosity itch for her roommate grows. Also I continued from that point and its a decent entertaining stream overall.
Finana-esque blunder of politicization aside, maybe don't say something like "gotta support the cause" when that cause has been harassing your coworkers and other VTubers.
Finana-esque blunder of politicization aside, maybe don't say something like "gotta support the cause" when that cause has been harassing your coworkers and other VTubers.
2. I'm sure that he doesn't think people playing the game are transphobic. Just that he doesn't want to play it because he doesn't want to give JK money. But MAN, you really first off all shouldn't have said it like that, as in "support the cause". And more importantly, you shouldn't have said anything political AT ALL. Just fucking leave it at "I don't want to get hate".
3. the comments are retarded and think "the cause" is necessarily the harassment
Sometimes I wonder what Stream Hatchet's methodology is when their data is not consistent with others' data (and then we also have fuck ups like including Subaru in the male list)
Finana-esque blunder of politicization aside, maybe don't say something like "gotta support the cause" when that cause has been harassing your coworkers and other VTubers.
Finana-esque blunder of politicization aside, maybe don't say something like "gotta support the cause" when that cause has been harassing your coworkers and other VTubers.
So Vesper is an innawoods prepper-tier schizo and Altare is dropping hints that he might be a bluehair more than just virtually. Suddenly those rrats that they hate each other seem like I should have paid more attention to them...
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