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My third world internet is dying, so I'm going to have to stop watching the wemi stream. I do hope someone was recording it, but it's going to be a long one so I'm not holding my breath.
Hey guys, I've been busy for the last few days cuz I have a few more labs to finish before the semester ends so I haven't got the opportunity to watch streams, what's been go-
>Axel was a bogan goblin on stream with his manager
>Ame shot random Christmas related things with her gun on stream
Haruka doing her first gameplay stream later. Safe to say that the Akari channel might end sometime soon considering she's pretty much slowly building her audience in her channel.
Wouldn't be surprised if she does a collab with kson sometime as well.
Apparently she said she's thankful of Kson for giving her an advice to "restart" her streamer career during one of their date. Yeah, the signs are there. The Four Great King era is really over.
Still, I hope Haruka find new success in her new endeavor. She's actually quite entertaining. So naive but also have a Hag-like quality. I think I'll follow her.
Jesus Christ on a bike you motherfuckers cranked out like 8 pages in the time i was gone fucking myself up via consumption of copious amounts of food and drink, we will definitely have to commission the asylum contractors to seed a whole patch of lawn in the courtyard for people to go touch because this is fucking ridiculous.
It's been a while, ladies and gentlemen, how are things?
I'll cut to the chase, how do you archive Instagram photos and videos? I might...found a lead regarding a roommate info
Apparently she said she's thankful of Kson for giving her an advice to "restart" her streamer career during one of their date. Yeah, the signs are there. The Four Great King era is really over.
Still, I hope Haruka find new success in her new endeavor. She's actually quite entertaining. So naive but also have a Hag-like quality. I think I'll follow her.
She'll be fine. The way I see it is she's enjoying this "freedom" of being able to interact with her audience whenevr she wants and she's a pretty capable entertainer. Plus she can always ask kson for advice.
As for the four kings era, yeah it's pretty much over for quite a while now. Siro is the only one still going and doing pretty well all things considered.
My third world internet is dying, so I'm going to have to stop watching the wemi stream. I do hope someone was recording it, but it's going to be a long one so I'm not holding my breath.
found this clip (file too big so i uploaded it to gofile) of dottovuronii talking about that femboy that complained about her following a feminazi account on twitter, and other fuckers sending her hate mail because of it.
I also watched this channel a little bit in the last few days, it's definetly interesting to watch it switching between gameplay and reacting to chat prompts. The AI skyrocketed on place 1 in UK and worldwide on this Akatsuki private server ranking with an average accuracy over 99.5% (don't know how big this community really is). But the chat AI still needs some more training before it can evolve into Skynet.
This really feels like the PSO2 or Colorful Stage concerts. If they start selling skins and other cheering effects besides the fireworks they will make a bank with it. It definitely has potential. Here two ingame screenshots ripped from twitter:
If true, just because someone has the talent for banger mash-ups (like this one of Mori's "Please RIP" and the Kim Possible theme) doesn't mean they have the charisma to be a livestreamer. I'm gonna get high on copium and believe it's going to be a song making fun of vtweeters.
This really feels like the PSO2 or Colorful Stage concerts. If they start selling skins and other cheering effects besides the fireworks they will make a bank with it. It definitely has potential. Here two ingame screenshots ripped from twitter:
Oh yeah, I couldn't get ingame but even watching on Youtube it really felt like PSO2. They'd fucking PRINT money if you could buy different little playermodels that are based off of talent-specific shit, like shrimps, deadbeat skellies, nene seals, korone's little drawing dudes.
Here's a picture of the Mori family cat, which looks like Wilford Brimley.
I don't have a savior complex, I just want to fix her by improving her physical health, her diet, and her living conditions. You see, it's not saving, it's just fixing, so that she's much better.
>vods to watch
You mean VOD. Unless /vt/ or somebody on homeland archived it, Axels stream was privated.
Also Coyote, the only english speaking KemoV member will be live in like 45 mins.
For those of you (which I’m wagering is all of this damn site+homeland minus maybe 3 or 4 others) who don’t know who KemoV are. KemoV is the official Kemono Friends vtuber group that started out with just 3 members Cape Penguin, Humboldt Penguin, and Island Fox but have since expanded 10 total members with only 9 of which being still active. Cape Penguin graduated back in May due to reasons I can’t remember right now but I’m wagering it was likely to focus on College.
They aren’t really 2views as they are still able to pull in at least a few hundred in terms of views but I sure as hell wouldn’t call them very popular either. I mean hell nobody subtitles/translates them besides this one JP KemoV clip channel which hasn’t even done eng subs in a fucking year.
Just wish more people knew about them so they could some translations, since they are pretty fun to watch. If you want a good stream to start with I’d go for this one
Can’t go wrong with cute Engrish.
I don't have a savior complex, I just want to fix her by improving her physical health, her diet, and her living conditions. You see, it's not saving, it's just fixing, so that she's much better.
I've tried most of the Phase Connect talents and I've never gotten that vibe off anyone except Remi. Most of them are more along the lines of "sometimes life is really hard and I've got a few problems, but I'm doing my best and I'm really grateful for any support you give".
Remi's babyvoice GFE makes her unwatchable to me, but I can appreciate her trying her best after experiencing a shitty life. I hope she succeeds at Phase.
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