Rin had a chatting stream earlier today. Just finished catching up on it but I was doing some work on the side so I might have missed some things. It'll be a bit sloppy and out of order so apologies if it's hard to read.
Membership Stuff:
- She still has no idea what to do for membership streams. She wants to do unique stuff but is at a slight loss for now. Her and the other girls are gonna start opening them soon so she was thinking about ideas like:
- Karaoke from across the room
- RPing as her sharks (Think I misheard this one? Was largely a joke anyways)
- Emoji-only tier because she wants a cheap option and plans to make some emojis herself
- Private game lobbies like Splatoon. Though she also said she would rather do public streams and put the invite code for members only.
- More doorknob reveals, though she realized all the doorknobs in her house look the same.
- Surviving ringfit streams. She does mean surviving in her case.
- Mostly a lot of joke ideas from her and chat.
Her School Life and Friends:
- She has a male best friend and they've known each other for over 10 years. They talk about her ikea sharks a ton. She even convinced him to get some for himself. She asked him about vtubing and streaming together and he said he isn't interested. She also confirmed that he's coming over for Christmas before going to his family.
- They've been accused of being siblings or dating as long as they've known each other. She cares less about it now but it was really annoying when they were younger.
- She would often hang out with a group of boys throughout school. Rin looked more feminine and petite back then (she was one of the "little guys" in her words) so people would make fun of her for it.
- Went to a school gaming club which was again mostly boys. Played a lot of Mario Kart, looked up all the shortcuts so she could always be better than them.
- Due to her class scheduling, she had a free Friday every other week during her last year of secondary education. Though she said she couldn't take advantage of it much cause COVID started a bit after. I don't really know how UK schools work but wouldn't that put her current age around 21-24 or so?
- Hopefully Gabriel fucks off back to Kronii now that Rin's a confirmed penis-toucher

Why does she have this many medical issues:
- She almost didn't bring it up because she didn't want people to be concerned.
- She said that overall, her body's fine. It's more a lot of annoying minor issues that pile up rather than a major issue.
- Nothing is debilitating enough that it should cause a stream to be outright cancelled. She might have to end a stream early or move one to another day depending though. Any issues she have will usually last about a day or two so it's nothing to be concerned about.
- She was born several weeks late. Had meningitis and jaundice at birth. She nearly died multiple times post-birth and needed a spinal tap at some point.
- After a bad cold she had at 5 years old, her appetite never recovered and to this day, she has to forcibly remember to eat.
- Because of the above, she was underweight her whole life until high school (again, called herself a little guy)
- Is maintaining average weight now.
- She has tinnitus. It was so casually mentioned she didn't go into detail at all.
- She has random migraines often. The Sonic stream she did was only an hour because she felt one coming on.
- She gets nosebleeds often. The bleeding is so excessive that it comes out of her mouth too.
- She still has some lung/breathing trouble now. Still wears a mask whenever she goes outside (which isn't often). She also blames her British teeth and admits that she doesn't want to show them to the public.
- She said again that she's fine overall. She proved it by getting up and doing a Splatoon dance for about 5 seconds before sitting back down, after which she was breathing hard. Her stamina is probably at the same level as 2021 Luna.
- She's the only one in her family with these medical issues. Everyone else is completely healthy. Her grandma's more of a super soldier than an old lady. Wondered if she was adopted multiple times.
- Her issues tend to pop up either very early or very late in the day. Her streaming time is usually out of that timeframe but they can happen at any point.
She seemed normal, laughing at literally everything and doing her usual UK commentary. I'm sure she's fine with herself and her laundry list of medical problems. I do have a bigger appreciation for her though because this brit's life can basically be summed up in:
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