"You guys called me a 'scaly' so I'm gonna make fun of you guys too; Because I said that I would smash the pokemon that we're riding on right now. I don't trust any man who likes Gardevoir, because I know they wanna smash Gardevoir... I know this, this is a fact... it's a MEME!"Amanogawa Shiina
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Yeah that mumei stream is from I think she was setting up her new PC and accidently went live for a tiny bit, she even mentions it during her anniversary stream
You know what would be cool with those weird thumbnails? Manager being weird and putting number station with white noise and computer generated voice reading moby dick in japanese on background.
You're acting like you've been positioned to get big tiddy Sana back in return for sticking your dick into Artemis of the Troon.
Actually, you go ahead and do that. Maybe seeing her Sanalites' devotion and sacrifice will break her free of West Taiwan's influence. I mean, if making BL IRL doesn't bring her back you might as well end it.
Sleepy dragon apparently doing a guerilla Pokemon stream. Cute, pleasant dragongirl noises abound.
So, if anyone remembers it, a gacha game called Counter:Side is planning a collab with Hololive on their Global server in which players can get skins based on HoloMyth that can be given to select in-game characters that fit said skins. While its supposed to be in December or so (no exact date), apparently people within that game community based on the Korean server (aka the primary server of said gacha game) manages to get some leaks of it. (URL works better in desktop because alot of webms, and it's full of starcraft player runes, so be careful.)
What they found so far is:
- L2D animation of Kiara and Gura in both passive and "interacted with" state, along with variety of expressions that would shows up in between those L2D animations
- In-game sprites for Kiara, Gura, and Ame. This involves the characters appearing, attacking, moving, end battle/victory, and ultimate skill animations.
- Some bits of voice lines from Calli, Ame, Kiara, Gura and the currently MIA Ina, meaning that yes, looks like all of Holomyth is doing their own lines.
Note: It's in .mov format, it might not work on phone or something, iunno i kind of dumb in this sort of stuff.
All in all, some neat stuff that these gacha gamers found. Could be interesting, but i don't know. Can say Kiara's voice recording sounds shittier than I expected, but eh. Is gacha game collab stuff, no one really cares about those! Right? I care.
From:Johnathon Jambalaya (@Johnathon Jambalaya) To:TVA Users (All) Cc: Subject:This v-tuber girl really rocks! Check her out! OK guys, now this is truly awesome.BE SURE to read until the END!!!!1!!!
The topic :
This v-tuber girl, she released a new song. It is one of those where you sing the other person's song: honestly - I can't remember the name of what that's called for the life of me! Such is the ceaseless march to the grave I guess. LOL. They told me it is from one of the new Nintendo's games they play on the TV. OverWatch or something. Either way! The song is very NICE.
Anyway :
I've attached the video below, if the dumb thingy works that is! I like all these v-tuber characters from AkioAir or how they call it now. Respect them, every last one of them. Just like our troops. The MEW Horizion v-tuber girly is, I am thinking, she is my favorite.
Cool shitpost, but if you were trying to get me to watch whoever the fuck that is. . . yeah I don't need a multi-level-marketing email, and I don't think she does either.
Edit_1: I did check her out. You should mention that she seems to meticulously time-stamp/section her own videos. That is actually pretty rare and a good signal that the person cares about the content rather than just the model.
I saw this bit live, and knowing, what I do, of Italian, it made her funny accent and snarky attitude so much better before she figured out what Panko actually sent. Brava, panda eccitata.
Not all heroes wear capes. With the training I have received from the American Navy Special MARSOC Paratrooper Corps, I can have sex with Mori for the greater good.
To shitpost, like the lord intended, a wretched heathen like thou would not understand the ways of the faith even if thine own foolish self stood before them.
Cool shitpost, but if you were trying to get me to watch whoever the fuck that is. . . yeah I don't need a multi-level-marketing email, and I don't think she does either.
In my last post, I speculated on the name of the mysterious girl currently orbiting the holoearth beta lobby. I need not speculate any longer, as poking around the game files (I used this tool, in case you're curious) reveals that is indeed her name:
Extracting the model outright allows us to see what her eyes look like when open, as they are closed in-game (I apologize for the scuffed lighting):
The model for player character revealed back in march is also in the files, but isn't used anywhere in the actual game yet, as far as I'm aware.
They announced that there'll be another gameplay demonstration on the tenth next month.
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