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"AZki + Nodoka new model/concert review" changed to "Nodoka confessing being a hardcore Pioneer and saved by Yag...AZki", sorry Axel you got competition now :
Nodoka tried to follow an acting career path and failed
When feeling down, she stumbled upon AZki's Inochi on youtube, then her 7th live, in which had the major announcement of her not retiring and transferring to Hololive, which lifted up her spirit. At that time Nodoka didn't know anything about vtuber.
She got motivation again to look for a job and then got hired by Cover to stalk her supervise her 4th birthday live (she even gave her a fan letter when they 1st met up)
She is also now a slave corporate, getting just out of job before the collab.
The other slave corporate AZki had only 4 month to produce the 4 latest songs, so it stack up with her others jobs and made it even more difficult
AZki want to hear Nodoka sing so for future karaoke date they formed a new unit (again) : Azunodo
Seems like it. In the past Tamaki was really paranoid about getting strikes or loosing monetization. I don't know if it ever happened that a clipper uploaded an unedited clip before the stream ended and youtube the clip was the original but that was the fear. I'm sure Tamaki got over that and was cool with clips long ago. Maybe the problem is that the clip was about a 3D stream since there are a lot of availabe clips of 2D streams.
Thats the thing, artists, and esp menhera artists, DO NOT WANT TO DRAW FOR MONEY. Reasons being:
1) fear of burning out
2) fear of artist block hitting
3) fear of underperforming on a comission, dissapointing the customer
4) fear of not being able to complete a comission in time and having to explain that to the customer
5) fear of the customers themselves
6) not feeling that they are good enough to draw for money and, as you said, not knowing how to market themselves
src: been friends with many artists, having artist relatives
Yeah, they feel that if they turn it into a job they will hate doing art. That's why if she makes the art upfront she can avoid having to deal with dogshit clients. If she signs and numbers each piece it becomes a collectible/exclusive. It doesn't have to be this highly detailed piece either. Sure she could probably charge $200-$300 for a highly detailed piece that will take her upwards of 12 hours or she could charge $75 for a sketch that will only take her 1 hour to make. Fans go crazy for exclusive shit. Look at the cutouts from Offkai that got auctioned at the end. I believe one of them went for $1300 or some shit.
Not only can she help promote the company and the other girls by offering the fans artwork but she can make a good amount of money. She could probably do something like this and sell it for $50
Test it out with Pippa since she seems to be the most popular/famous.
Going to go into a bit of a rrat here (based on personal experience)
The whole Barista thing honestly feels like a way for her to force herself to go out and interact with people in public while at the same time making money on the side. Maybe (going by some of the sadgirl drunk rants) she also sees this as a way to possibly meet someone or get asked out. She should go with the art thing honestly because having a part-time job will cut into her streaming or lead to her being burned out. If she wants social interaction she should then enroll in one of those Art classes or whatever the fuck else she might be interested in and do that with a group of people.
It feels like she is getting older (possibly about to hit, or already passed 30) and not really having a socially fulfilling life. She wants to meet people and wants to hang out. The idea of growing old and alone scares the shit out of her and she is noticing that its something that seems to be happening. In a way I can identify with it as it is something I have had to struggle with for the past few years.
She mentioned that she wanted to have money and not be a leech to her sister (guessing she lives with sister in California). Why not move to some other state where going out doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Live in one of Pippa's spare rabbit cages.
She may not namefag or post on 4chan but i'm sure she still lurks after all View attachment 5696
And I know this placed has been named dropped at least once on /pcg/.
Someone should send her a marrow even though she's backed up.
It's wild that this woman has put out one of the best lives for 2 years in a row now and will still believe she isn't as good of an idol as the other Holomen. The choreography and production quality were way too high for this to be a free live.
I have always considered Subaru the BEST 3d performer in Hololive. She has the best stage presence and stands out from a crowd whenever she dances because of how bouncy she is. I think the problem' is that people think about her regular voice and assume that she would be terrible at the whole idol thing.
I saved most of it before I went to bed. Only missed the last 10 minutes or so which nothing seems to have happened. Gonna have a blast making clips from this (after i finish working... fml)
IDOL EN girls up in 3 hours. So far the Ghost and the Electric Eel have amazing BGM. The other 3 are ok. Not sure what to expect but they are pushing them hard. They have paid a few people to do debut watchalongs (most notably Punkaloppi) and they went with a custom animated intro and a bunch of art for each girl.
Remember to fill in your predictions. Also does anyone have a Debut bingo card?
My suggestion for merchandise - a Phase Connect calendar. I've seen calendars work elsewhere as merchandise, especially when there are large pictures of a cute woman involved. There's no reason the same thing wouldn't work when it involves cute anime women instead. Calendars are also easy to make and cheap to ship as far as merchandise goes. It's too late to do anything but a basic calendar with artwork for 2023 - I'm sure the Fish could make it work when money is involved - but they could get the work underway for a quality 2024 calendar and have plenty of time to commission new art.
There a good chance she doesnt come back before they loose PKM perms so she probably gonna just play it off stream, so at least he might be safe there, but dont worry Im sure Ina will have plenty of Elden Ring to play since there a chance we get DLC announcement before she comes back.
Not the pokemon and elden ring stuff, but the worry that she won't come back. Silly maybe - Miko and Ayame were gone for way longer and they came back - but it's because her friend Sana already graduated for health reasons/to focus on her art. Maybe that's looking like an attractive option to Ina now too.
EDIT: Panko's rating hentai tags right now. Just started.
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