"I won the battle, but lost the idol war."Sakura Miko

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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Forever Siro's Punching Bag
Joined:  Sep 30, 2022
At least Khyo had the balls to mention it

Also what's with this femboy's Twitter pic?



Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Marimari appears to be playing outrun for charity. Maybe while drunk? She's calling herself "God's Drunkest Driver", but it's Mari so who fucking knows really.


Lurker Throwaway

Joined:  Nov 28, 2022
Last edited:


(๑ 'ᆺ' ) Pfp is me IRL
Joined:  Mar 15, 2023
I would like to request some help in archiving some of these because they're funny but, Bao the whale hoe made a bunch of vtweeters mad because she made fun of the sub incident

I tried to archive some of the tweets and all i got were some errors, both default twitter and nitter

Silly Death vtuber - a. I bet she was the one who did it

Riri is playing Only Up and she is too funny. She has played Apex before so is coordinated but it will take her so long as she uses slow mo so much. Also, remember blue journey project/album?

Riri did the lyrics for this song

Last Of The Mohicans

shopping cart not included
Joined:  Sep 20, 2022

don't mind me just need the image for something and this is the fastest way to get it

Faceless Waifu

Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Also what's with this femboy's Twitter pic?
Probably still malding over Nijisanji/ANYCOLOR setting their playbutton hoarding eyes towards him and he decided to parody their logo out of spite.

Superduper Samurai

Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022


🏆 Thread Recap links are in my Profile Posts
Early Adopter
Deranged Archivist
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
The Virtual Asylum Thread Recap
Pages 3900-3950

Other Recap parts can be found [HERE]

Ᵽ PHC: Phase Connect
♨ FVR: FlaVR
▷ HLO: Hololive
☆ HST: Holostars
◷ NIJ: Nijisanji
₪ IDL: Idol Corp
𝄋 EIN: EIEN project
Ⓥ VSJ: VShojo

post | ◷ NIJ | Finana Birthday stream
post | Fan karaoke mix as a gift

post | Ⓥ VSJ | Clarification about the /vsj/ drama. Also Nazuna and Henya to participate in Fanmeeting in Taipei 2023

post | ₪ IDL | About Rin's IRL outfits, according to Juna. Another round of Shorts vs CCV. Also starts plushie discussion

post | ▷ HLO | IRyS jumps in Street Fighter 6

post | ☆ HST | Hakka HyperX collab started, playing We Were Here
post | About HyperX streaming
post | Chess ratings per country

post | Nano warns not to trust her

post | ☆ HST | Altare has a tattoo
Also info on V/A - Alice C. Alucard (@Vita_Aeterna_Co) AKA Cinder

post | ☆ HST | ◷ NIJ | Altare, Bettel, Mysta, Shu, Ver collab - Valorant

post | ▷ HLO | Archive - AZKi's 8th Live [Rewind and Reunion]

post | Ᵽ PHC | Rrat - Phase Anniversary picture originaly had Yuri, she was deleted later

post | Tech - real time voice changer using RVC

post | Info about mechanical license for songs
post | ▷ HLO | Clarification, Gura was talking about Queen from Kanaria, and the major cost was not a license
post | More on licenses, also about Canadian internet

Artist who didn't send an invoice released a Google doc
post | ₪ IDL | Mukkiw (@m_ukkiw) talks about her negative experience being a freelancer artist for Idol. The official Idol account is in replies, they handled it well
post | Archives of a tweet and a doc
post | About freelance artist work from experience
post | Summary


post | ▷ HLO | Kronii is mad about her ISP

Nijisanji announces 3 new livers
post | ◷ NIJ | Nijisanji announces a new EN wave, Yu Q. Wilson, Vezalius Bandage, Vantacrow Bringer
post | Reactions, info from the leak about a missing 4th member
post | Supposed PLs
post | Supposed PL of a missing 4th, Aruvn
post | Info on PLs, face reveal in one of them
post | According to the second leak Anklespankin was replaced too
post | Comment by @totalwarandcomedy on YouTube suggest the same

post | Archives of /vt/ threads, search for an original leak. More leaked designs
post | One more archive, notes on info
post | The Aruvn design was leaked before others, also 2% merch share, some more rrats
post | Archive with info about a possible replacement for Aruvn
post | Earlier archive, leaker speculations

post | Anycolor released a statement regarding leaks
post | Khyo talks about the statement
post | FalseEyeD is talking about the situation

post | Rosemi is hosting a new wave debut program

post | Post your Nijisanji name!


post | Ᵽ PHC | ▷ HLO | Pippa mod for HoloCure by SymbolsWriter (@SymbolsWriter)

post | ▷ HLO | Kazunoko coaching and praising Korone

post | ◷ NIJ | About Nina's vacation plans

post | Sami UwUso is planning to stream
post | Small streamers solidarity

post | ▷ HLO | Kronii's PC specs

post | Archive - Raki Kazuki - 【ZATSU + KARAOKE】Let''s have some fun!

RJ2theLA2 is outed as a creep, gets doxxed
post | COQUI (@C0QUI) putting a warning about RJ2theLA2, being a major creep and alleged OffKai staff member
post | OffKai is taking action
post | RJ2theLA2 is Rory J Anderson, doxx info
post | More info
post | About Chico county


post | Ⓥ VSJ | Khyo is planning to talk about Ant Hime video on Froot getting a copy strike
post | More tweets from Khyo, archive
post | Sawa sama is doing a zatsudan with Ant Hime, talking about the situation

post | ▷ HLO | ToFootji-san superchat to IRyS, footfreak

post | "Vtuber group" is teasing debuts for the 25th, includes Yomicham from Tsunderia's 4th Gen

post | Mint with a cute hot mic moment

post | Mari Mari stream, talks about the "gangbang"
post | Strong start
post | Mari Fumo plush merch
post | Mari voice AI

post | Recommendation - Maru Nanamona, comfy streamer

post | Ⓥ VSJ | Aprimum is still there
post | Murray with an interview offer
post | More Aprimum, about Uni
post | About copy strike on Ant Hime
post | Aprimum promoting the only YouTube vid that matters
post | She is grateful for new followers

post | Recommendation - Mitora (@kurehamitora on YouTube) JP vtuber

post | ▷ HLO | AZKi Ollie collab, GeoGuessr in Indonesia

post | Ᵽ PHC | Inwa Noire (@InwaNoireVT), who in reaction to new Niji livers announced to be an ancient Egyptian, has a certain impression about Phase

post | ☆ HST | Izuru's 4th Anniversary stream

Sleepy was banned on Twitter
post | Sleepy got suspended on Twitter again, apparently for quotting Morrowind
post | Looks like perma ban, she is waiting for the last set of appeals
post | An account to track when she goes live, not run by Sleepy
post | Sleepy's new account (@Sleepy_Proj)
post | Sleepy is streaming, this month was bad for her
post | ♨ FVR | Brolime released a rap song about Sleepy's ban
post | Ᵽ PHC | An update, it is not looking good. Pippa tries to help


post | ◷ NIJ | Selen is participating in Twitch Rivals. Also collab with TSB with Axel, Altare, Nocturnal
post | NiceWigg is going to try and get Selen for his team
post | And he did! Info on the teams and Selen POV
post | Results, future Apex collabs
post | TSB PayDay 2 collab, POVs
post | Some PayDay clips

post | ▷ HLO | Sora merch, Yagoo looks very skinny

post | Question - Opinions on a vtuber going fleshtubers?

post | ₪ IDL | Idol is opening the waiting list on auditions

post | ▷ HLO | Hololive introduces a "Support Deluxe Plan" in their memberships
post | A video about the membership

post | Ghost Purin (@ghostofapudding on YouTube) - ex Zea, and Walherich (@walherichX on YouTube) - ex Taka

post | Recommendation - Mako Fukasame, hag on Twitch
post | IRL photos, no face
post | Archives of /vt/, allegedly Mako is trans
post | More Mako photos and a video

post | ◷ NIJ | SEEDs is celebrating their 5-year anniversary

OceanGate's Titan sub drama
post | Kirsche about some bilionaire's DIY submarine. That topic was pretty popular around that time
post | Ᵽ PHC | Pippa is about to play Iron Lung, thematically appropriate
post | Lia is about to review a fanfic about people stuck on the submarine, atm there are 48 Oceangate fanfics
post | Bao joked about it, making a lot of people act angry
post | More replies archived


post | ▷ HLO | Ame is getting a model upgrade
post | Screenshots
post | Archive - Ame's karaoke

post | Eira finally caught a screenshot of a tampon ad with Shuba duck

post | Twitch is adding Hype Chats, a new monetization option
post | A live interview about it

post | Ᵽ PHC | Fan animation by KKZ

post | ₪ IDL | Yuko Nano interaction

post | Lisa is back from OffKai

post | ₪ IDL | ◷ NIJ | Rin, Juna, Reimu, Shiki and Kou Tsubame collab, playing Valorant

post | ▷ HLO | ☆ HST | Vesper raided Kiara, which is a major /vt/ event
post | Baitposts already going full force
post | Kiara was happy about it
post | Unicorns seething
post | Clip of Kiara raid, also a clip of Vesper raiding Ollie

post | MEEM EN, new but old agency, with suspicious auditions

post | ☆ HST | Prof Lando released a video on isekai titles (now private)

post | USS IOWA exact location

post | ₪ IDL | Archive - Yuko Yurei - comfi morning acoustic karaoke! unlisted

post | Ant Hime about removed video, a song Groomer Nae Nae by Cosmodore

post | Ⓥ VSJ | ▷ HLO | DemonDice GMing one shot campaign for Vshojo

post | Ᵽ PHC | Phase Origins is going to celebrate 2nd Debut Anniversary
post | Original Phase song premiered earlier

post | Kuri Rinji got an affiliate status on Kick

post | Mozu merch reopened for pre order

post | Ᵽ PHC | /pcg/ about Xalamon. Also Discord logs - Lumi, Sei and Menace
post | Context for Discord part

post | Tomoe is back

post | ◷ NIJ | Alban, Nina, Millie, Enna collab, Project Zomboid

post | ₪ IDL | Archive (gigafile) - Coni Confetti's 1st karaoke
post | Aviel says they worked with over 300 freelancers

post | ▷ HLO | Archive (gigafile) - Fauna horse karaoke
post | Hololive Meet merch

post | Dino tubers time! Recommendation - Namo Whambo, cavewoman. Also Rannasaur is working on her model
Also new Moonshine animation, "The friends I made in jail"
post | More on cavewoman
post | Recommendation - Meat, another cavewoman

post | OffKai mini drama, koffie (@koffie_ch) asks evanit0 to take down vids showing vtuber faces
post | About Koffie
post | Her tweets

post | Nana Asteria with an announcement
post | She, along with Mako Sameshima and Emma Oumiya, join the PRISM Project
post | Notes on her stream
post | Info about a PRISM, they have a male gen

post | ▷ HLO | Question - How would Hololive turn out without Holostars?
post | Connect The World Countdown begins - 10 days
post | Connect The World Countdown - 9 days

post | ▷ HLO | DemonDice went to a dubbing studio, did some VA

post | Ᵽ PHC | Erina superchatter Nikki P with a divorce story
post | More from him, now in Shiina's chat
post | Clips from Shiina stream

post | ◷ NIJ | Aia got 300K subs
post | Rosemi is trying Spanish MRE

post | Nyaru found a book "Vtuber: First Time Feminization" by Ursula Lovelace, about crossdressing Kasumi Luna
post | Athella Novella, a vtuber librarian, did a reading

post | ▷ HLO | Kronii stream notes

post | Question - Are we returning to content creators hosting their own websites?

post | Ᵽ PHC | Uruka's PC have issues, South Park VOD is gone

post | Depressed Nousagi is talking about Graduations

post | Mika (@BakanukiMika) got her Gartic Phone collab ruined by gore/racism

post | ◷ NIJ | Nornis 1st Anniversary Acoustic Mini Live

post | Filian got a GameStop sponsorship

post | ▷ HLO | Nayuta Acoustic Live
post | Bae cannot stream, throat infection
post | HoloEarth Episode 3

post | ▷ HLO | Fubuki 5 Year Anniversary event
post | Yuichi Nakamura and Mafia Kajita were there
post | Fubuki used an opportunity to hang out with friends, screenshots

post | ◷ NIJ | A global Niji Valorant custom game

post | Nyaru with a Sonic Central reaction

post | Yuuna fell asleep on the stream

post | CherryPie / Auri Lunami (@AuriLunami) gets a new model, rebranding

post | ☆ HST | Shinri Birthday, collab with Tempus, playing Deceit
Also Japanese bunker screenshots from Ollie AZKi collab
post | Second Shinri Birthday stream
post | Archive - Josuiji Shinri - 【Unarchived Karaoke】 Birthday Karaoke!

post | ₪ IDL | Fuyo collab with Risa Everfrost

post | OniGiri making Mcdonalds at home for Filian

post | ₪ IDL | Roca is playing Only Up with dono interaction

post | Some thoughts on smaller vtubers and communities

post | Lisa got tickets she wanted

post | 𝄋 EIN | EIEN is opening an auditions for a new gen
Also Tomoe talks about corpos, then promises a big announcement
Also Ayase Ririco was suspended for nudity, despite having no model features for that

post | Recommendation - Felti on Twitch, raising money for charity

post | ▷ HLO | About AZKi, real life concerts and her singer friends
post | Itsuki Natsume is releasing a VOD of her 1st one man Live
post | Mumei is coming back

post | Recommendation - Abi Kadabura from V4Mirai

post | Murray Shinaide is debuting his new model

post | PixelLink's Nebi had issues with her internet

post | ▷ HLO | Fubuki is getting a model update

post | Ᵽ PHC | Uruka streams playing a violin, got it fixed apparently

post | Tech - about pirating

post | ₪ IDL | Archive - Poko Rakun - 【DRUNK UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 Into the Get-Away Truck NOW

post | ▷ HLO | Ame's real life Birthday

post | Namie released a gameplay Arknight video, no talking
post | Sana fan animation

post | VSPo Shiranami Ramune watch party, Valorant Masters Tokyo 2023

post | TikTok about The Bombing of Pearl Harbor with Luka and Akito

post | Ᵽ PHC | Airi day job problems, discussion
post | Rie is releasing an original song, Requiem

post | Ⓥ VSJ | Question - Where does the Vshojo money go?

post | About the highlight feature of TVA, work in progress

post | Mari Mari is doing a charity for GamersOutreach

post | Recommendation - Ririsya, indie JP songwriter

DM me about mistakes and missing info!

Added a post with seething unicorns, since we got an update on that later
Last edited:

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
Marimari appears to be playing outrun for charity. Maybe while drunk? She's calling herself "God's Drunkest Driver", but it's Mari so who fucking knows really.

She's gotten to 1K in less than an hour. She's said at 1500 then she'll play Family Guy funny moments.


Demands thhrang stays atleast 300 yards away.
Early Adopter
✡︎ God's Chosen Schizo ✡︎
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022
The Virtual Asylum Thread Recap
Pages 3900-3950

Other Recap parts can be found [HERE]

Ᵽ PHC: Phase Connect
♨ FVR: FlaVR
▷ HLO: Hololive
☆ HST: Holostars
◷ NIJ: Nijisanji
₪ IDL: Idol Corp
𝄋 EIN: EIEN project
Ⓥ VSJ: VShojo

post | ◷ NIJ | Finana Birthday stream
post | Fan karaoke mix as a gift

post | Ⓥ VSJ | Clarification about the /vsj/ drama. Also Nazuna and Henya to participate in Fanmeeting in Taipei 2023

post | ₪ IDL | About Rin's IRL outfits, according to Juna. Another round of Shorts vs CCV. Also starts plushie discussion

post | ▷ HLO | IRyS jumps in Street Fighter 6

post | ☆ HST | Hakka HyperX collab started, playing We Were Here
post | About HyperX streaming
post | Chess ratings per country

post | Nano warns not to trust her

post | ☆ HST | Altare has a tattoo
Also info on V/A - Alice C. Alucard (@Vita_Aeterna_Co) AKA Cinder

post | ☆ HST | ◷ NIJ | Altare, Bettel, Mysta, Shu, Ver collab - Valorant

post | ▷ HLO | Archive - AZKi's 8th Live [Rewind and Reunion]

post | Ᵽ PHC | Rrat - Phase Anniversary picture originaly had Yuri, she was deleted later

post | Tech - real time voice changer using RVC

post | Info about mechanical license for songs
post | ▷ HLO | Clarification, Gura was talking about Queen from Kanaria, and the major cost was not a license
post | More on licenses, also about Canadian internet

Artist who didn't send an invoice released a Google doc
post | ₪ IDL | Mukkiw (@m_ukkiw) talks about her negative experience being a freelancer artist for Idol. The official Idol account is in replies, they handled it well
post | Archives of a tweet and a doc
post | About freelance artist work from experience
post | Summary


post | ▷ HLO | Kronii is mad about her ISP

Nijisanji debuts 3 new livers
post | ◷ NIJ | Nijisanji announces a new EN wave, Yu Q. Wilson, Vezalius Bandage, Vantacrow Bringer
post | Reactions, info from the leak about a missing 4th member
post | Supposed PLs
post | Supposed PL of a missing 4th, Aruvn
post | Info on PLs, face reveal in one of them
post | According to the second leak Anklespankin was replaced too
post | Comment by @totalwarandcomedy on YouTube suggest the same

post | Archives of /vt/ threads, search for an original leak. More leaked designs
post | One more archive, notes on info
post | The Aruvn design was leaked before others, also 2% merch share, some more rrats
post | Archive with info about a possible replacement for Aruvn
post | Earlier archive, leaker speculations

post | Anycolor released a statement regarding leaks
post | Khyo talks about the statement
post | FalseEyeD is talking about the situation

post | Rosemi is hosting a new wave debut program

post | Post your Nijisanji name!


post | Ᵽ PHC | ▷ HLO | Pippa mod for HoloCure by SymbolsWriter (@SymbolsWriter)

post | ▷ HLO | Kazunoko coaching and praising Korone

post | ◷ NIJ | About Nina's vacation plans

post | Sami UwUso is planning to stream
post | Small streamers solidarity

post | ▷ HLO | Kronii's PC specs

post | Archive - Raki Kazuki - 【ZATSU + KARAOKE】Let''s have some fun!

RJ2theLA2 is outed as a creep, gets doxxed
post | COQUI (@C0QUI) putting a warning about RJ2theLA2, being a major creep and alleged OffKai staff member
post | OffKai is taking action
post | RJ2theLA2 is Rory J Anderson, doxx info
post | More info
post | About Chico county


post | Ⓥ VSJ | Khyo is planning to talk about Ant Hime video on Froot getting a copy strike
post | More tweets from Khyo, archive
post | Sawa sama is doing a zatsudan with Ant Hime, talking about the situation

post | ▷ HLO | ToFootji-san superchat to IRyS, footfreak

post | "Vtuber group" is teasing debuts for the 25th, includes Yomicham from Tsunderia's 4th Gen

post | Mint with a cute hot mic moment

post | Mari Mari stream, talks about the "gangbang"
post | Strong start
post | Mari Fumo plush merch
post | Mari voice AI

post | Recommendation - Maru Nanamona, comfy streamer

post | Ⓥ VSJ | Aprimum is still there
post | Murray with an interview offer
post | More Aprimum, about Uni
post | About copy strike on Ant Hime
post | Aprimum promoting the only YouTube vid that matters
post | She is grateful for new followers

post | Recommendation - Mitora (@kurehamitora on YouTube) JP vtuber

post | ▷ HLO | AZKi Ollie collab, GeoGuessr in Indonesia

post | Ᵽ PHC | Inwa Noire (@InwaNoireVT), who in reaction to new Niji livers announced to be an ancient Egyptian, has a certain impression about Phase

post | ☆ HST | Izuru's 4th Anniversary stream

Sleepy was banned on Twitter
post | Sleepy got suspended on Twitter again, apparently for quotting Morrowind
post | Looks like perma ban, she is waiting for the last set of appeals
post | An account to track when she goes live, not run by Sleepy
post | Sleepy's new account (@Sleepy_Proj)
post | Sleepy is streaming, this month was bad for her
post | ♨ FVR | Brolime released a rap song about Sleepy's ban
post | Ᵽ PHC | An update, it is not looking good. Pippa tries to help

post | ◷ NIJ | Selen is participating in Twitch Rivals. Also collab with TSB with Axel, Altare, Nocturnal
post | NiceWigg is going to try and get Selen for his team
post | And he did! Info on the teams and Selen POV
post | Results, future Apex collabs
post | TSB PayDay 2 collab, POVs
post | Some PayDay clips

post | ▷ HLO | Sora merch, Yagoo looks very skinny

post | Question - Opinions on a vtuber going fleshtubers?

post | ₪ IDL | Idol is opening the waiting list on auditions

post | ▷ HLO | Hololive introduces a "Support Deluxe Plan" in their memberships
post | A video about the membership

post | Ghost Purin (@ghostofapudding on YouTube) - ex Zea, and Walherich (@walherichX on YouTube) - ex Taka

post | Recommendation - Mako Fukasame, hag on Twitch
post | IRL photos, no face
post | Archives of /vt/, allegedly Mako is trans
post | More Mako photos and a video

post | ◷ NIJ | SEEDs is celebrating their 5-year anniversary

OceanGate's Titan sub drama
post | Kirsche about some bilionaire's DIY submarine. That topic was pretty popular around that time
post | Ᵽ PHC | Pippa is about to play Iron Lung, thematically appropriate
post | Lia is about to review a fanfic about people stuck on the submarine. atm, there are 48 Oceangate fanfics
post | Bao joked about it, making a lot of people act angry
post | More replies archived


post | ▷ HLO | Ame is getting a model upgrade
post | Screenshots
post | Archive - Ame's karaoke

post | Eira finally caught a screenshot of a tampon ad with Shuba duck

post | Twitch is adding Hype Chats, a new monetization option
post | A live interview about it

post | Ᵽ PHC | Fan animation by KKZ

post | ₪ IDL | Yuko Nano interaction

post | Lisa is back from OffKai

post | ₪ IDL | ◷ NIJ | Rin, Juna, Reimu, Shiki and Kou Tsubame collab, playing Valorant

post | ▷ HLO | ☆ HST | Vesper raided Kiara, which is a major /vt/ event
post | Baitposts already going full force
post | Kiara was happy about it
post | Clip of Kiara raid, also a clip of Vesper raiding Ollie

post | MEEM EN, new but old agency, with suspicious auditions

post | ☆ HST | Prof Lando released a video on isekai titles (now private)

post | USS IOWA exact location

post | ₪ IDL | Archive - Yuko Yurei - comfi morning acoustic karaoke! unlisted

post | Ant Hime about removed video, a song Groomer Nae Nae by Cosmodore

post | Ⓥ VSJ | ▷ HLO | DemonDice GMing one shot campaign for Vshojo

post | Ᵽ PHC | Phase Origins is going to celebrate 2nd Debut Anniversary
post | Original Phase song premiered earlier

post | Kuri Rinji got an affiliate status on Kick

post | Mozu merch reopened for pre order

post | Ᵽ PHC | /pcg/ about Xalamon. Also Discord logs - Lumi, Sei and Menace
post | Context for Discord part

post | Tomoe is back

post | ◷ NIJ | Alban, Nina, Millie, Enna collab, Project Zomboid

post | ₪ IDL | Archive (gigafile) - Coni Confetti's 1st karaoke
post | Aviel says they worked with over 300 freelancers

post | ▷ HLO | Archive (gigafile) - Fauna horse karaoke
post | Hololive Meet merch

post | Dino tubers time! Recommendation - Namo Whambo, cavewoman. Also Rannasaur is working on her model
post | More on cavewoman
post | Recommendation - Meat, another cavewoman

post | OffKai mini drama, koffie (@koffie_ch) asks evanit0 to take down vids showing vtuber faces
post | About Koffie
post | Her tweets

post | Nana Asteria with an announcement
post | She, along with Mako Sameshima and Emma Oumiya, join the PRISM Project
post | Notes on her stream
post | Info about a PRISM, they have a male gen

post | ▷ HLO | Question - How would Hololive turn out without Holostars?
post | Connect The World Countdown begins - 10 days
post | Connect The World Countdown - 9 days

post | ▷ HLO | DemonDice went to a dubbing studio, did some VA

post | Ᵽ PHC | Erina superchatter Nikki P with a divorce story
post | More from him, now in Shiina's chat
post | Clips from Shiina stream

post | ◷ NIJ | Aia got 300K subs
post | Rosemi is trying Spanish MRE

post | Nyaru found a book "Vtuber: First Time Feminization" by Ursula Lovelace, about crossdressing Kasumi Luna
post | Athella Novella, a vtuber librarian, did a reading

post | ▷ HLO | Kronii stream notes

post | Question - Are we returning to content creators hosting their own websites?

post | Ᵽ PHC | Uruka's PC have issues, South Park VOD is gone

post | Depressed Nousagi is talking about Graduations

post | Mika (@BakanukiMika) got her Gartic Phone collab ruined by gore/racism

post | ◷ NIJ | Nornis 1st Anniversary Acoustic Mini Live

post | Filian got a GameStop sponsorship

post | ▷ HLO | Nayuta Acoustic Live
post | Bae cannot stream, throat infection
post | HoloEarth Episode 3

post | ▷ HLO | Fubuki 5 Year Anniversary event
post | Yuichi Nakamura and Mafia Kajita were there
post | Fubuki used an opportunity to hang out with friends, screenshots

post | ◷ NIJ | A global Niji Valorant custom game

post | Nyaru with a Sonic Central reaction

post | Yuuna fell asleep on the stream

post | CherryPie / Auri Lunami (@AuriLunami) gets a new model, rebranding

post | ☆ HST | Shinri Birthday, collab with Tempus, playing Deceit
Also Japanese bunker screenshots from Ollie AZKi collab
post | Second Shinri Birthday stream
post | Archive - Josuiji Shinri - 【Unarchived Karaoke】 Birthday Karaoke!

post | ₪ IDL | Fuyo collab with Risa Everfrost

post | OniGiri making Mcdonalds at home for Filian

post | ₪ IDL | Roca is playing Only Up with dono interaction

post | Some thoughts on smaller vtubers and communities

post | Lisa got tickets she wanted

post | 𝄋 EIN | EIEN is opening an auditions for a new gen
Also Tomoe talks about corpos, then promises a big announcement
Also Ayase Ririco was suspended for nudity, despite having no model features for that

post | Recommendation - Felti on Twitch, raising money for charity

post | ▷ HLO | About AZKi, real life concerts and her singer friends
post | Itsuki Natsume is releasing a VOD of her 1st one man Live
post | Mumei is coming back

post | Recommendation - Abi Kadabura from V4Mirai

post | Murray Shinaide is debuting his new model

post | PixelLink's Nebi had issues with her internet

post | ▷ HLO | Fubuki is getting a model update

post | Ᵽ PHC | Uruka streams playing a violin, got it fixed apparently

post | Tech - about pirating

post | ₪ IDL | Archive - Poko Rakun - 【DRUNK UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 Into the Get-Away Truck NOW

post | ▷ HLO | Ame's real life Birthday

post | Namie released a gameplay Arknight video, no talking
post | Sana fan animation

post | VSPo Shiranami Ramune watch party, Valorant Masters Tokyo 2023

post | TikTok about The Bombing of Pearl Harbor with Luka and Akito

post | Ᵽ PHC | Airi day job problems, discussion
post | Rie is releasing an original song, Requiem

post | Ⓥ VSJ | Question - Where does the Vshojo money go?

post | About the highlight feature of TVA, work in progress

post | Mari Mari is doing a charity for GamersOutreach

post | Recommendation - Ririsya, indie JP songwriter

DM me about mistakes and missing info!
I'm amazed and applaud you good sir.


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Ex-Lewd Fauna has something under her sleeve. During her audio thing she was playing with the idea of starting her own shit and managing her own shit. Might be harder than she thinks but im all for it. Either it will be huge or it will crash and burn when she realizes that dealing with women is a pain in the ass because they all seem to want to do whatever the hell they want.



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I'll see the truth, m'lady
Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
Erina streaming that Fish game that made Gura rage about a year ago. She has 730 CCV which is pretty impressive. Not sure if this was from offkai or if someone raided her.

This is late but I forgot to respond to it yesterday and I don't think anyone else did either, but yes, she did get raided by Pippa.

Our local vtuber is debuting his new model:

e: pro tip, you aren't a corpo so you can just torrent games like superhot. If it's on GOG, then there's no DRM and it's omega easy pirate.
My critiques: maybe should have done a few dry runs to iron out the technical scuff. Dry runs would have maybe helped as well as deal with nerves, and I heard a lot of "umms" and "uhhs," so some planning/having a soft script on the points you wanted to hit may have benefitted you. Overall not bad, your artist did a great job and you certainly didn't fall into the biggest newbie trap of having tons of dead air. 👍

Regarding torrenting stuff, the family sharing has worked before, and likely would have continued working if I didn't just blindly let Steam update itself. At any rate I'm too old for the piracy crap. If I really do need to buy a new copy I'll just throw the $7.49 at GOG and have an AIDS-free copy of the game I can redownload with a click at any point in the future, and support the team behind one of my all-time favorite games besides. It's worth the money to me. As for the OBS glitches, man, OBS is a janky pile of jank. I sincerely have no idea how people are making millions from operating that piece of garbage. At some point I need to sit down and see if there are any alternatives to this thing, even if it costs money. Because if someone out there is making, or were to start making, "OBS but more performant, less crashy, less janky, and without a UI designed by blind gorillas on downers" that would easily be worth $50-100 to me and I'm sure many other people trying to make a career or at least a serious hobby out of this.

As for avoiding newbie traps, I've been doing this since January. Tonight was just the debut of the new model.

And when you're pirating from other places, don't forget to change the specific .ini file so your ingame name doesn't show up as XATAB, FitGirl or DODi :^)

What is this a reference to? I don't get it.

View attachment 32250
Embed doesn't work but the link is

Thanks LaponKotsu for pointing this out

What the hell? Why?

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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Sawa's about to learn about the happy virus

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Avian Agricultural Refugee

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Joined:  May 26, 2023
Peo was visited by American friends who brought her Chips Ahoy. She can't speak English, but she tries anyhow.

Her English seems fine, even though she doesn't know how to say "sofuto kuriimu" in English. :SelenHAHAhere:
I mean technically it's "soft serve" I just find it cute when they don't know they're already saying English loanwords.

EDIT: Jelly Hoshiumi is in chat.


Gods Strongest Chiramigo
Nolan's Widow
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>Did I give everybody a shoutout?
No Wemi, you missed one...:pippasadl:


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Screenshot - 2023-06-24T021637.344.png
10/10 MordeTwi parody art of Nemu and Hootsie

The Holiest Hole

Needs to stop using imgur links
Joined:  Mar 11, 2023
She did confirm in the zatsu she nuked this week that she has a degree in CompSci, and she called it an expensive piece of paper that doesn't do much. So I'm wondering in what way her job has her by the proverbial balls, and how much debt she's still in.
There's a few factors that we can infer from what she says.
>Almost none of the cushy software engineer jobs are being handed out nowadays especially after the mass exodus of employees from all the tech companies in the past 2 years.
>She says that it's an "expensive piece of paper" which most likely means that the current job she has doesn't even have programming as part of the job description. It's most likely a tech support job that pays close to minimum and has long hours because navigating the internal system still has job training.
>Depending on how much she complains about debt she might have gone straight to a 4 year out of high school instead of transferring out of community college which can range from around 30k(including housing and food expenses) to holy shit amounts depending on how prestigious the school is(and where she lives haha where's the dox guys).

As for the thing that's keeping Airi there someone said a couple hundred pages back that most likely the company paid for education/training and if she quits she has to pay a contract breach fee(can't remember if that came from Airi's testimony or not) but there's probably multiple scenarios where she can't quit her job that aren't just BLACK COMPANY BAD.

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
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:holohag: :hololove: News
Clios doing a 24hr Birthday stream

She accidentally had the date as June 2nd but deleted it before I could archive it.


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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I randomly stumbled upon what my forced wife yuria looks like, She's the one on the right (vt already knows she's savescreen, She has the same fire emblem brainroth, plus dottovu follows her, don't know if anyone knew what she looked like, she seems to be dutch too).

proof from her personal twitter (Same hair color).

Savescreen has the same cat (posting the cat pics just to have the connection).

media_FpnpsevXsAAWcTm.jpg media_FQ-FwJdXEAAvYaD.jpg

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