I haven't heard about him in a long time but yeah, I am not surprised in the slightest. He always seems like a Henry or Gabriel Koenig waiting to happen
Everytime I see him in chat, I am surprised that he isn't banned from her chat yet.
Apparently he also was at the german convention Kiara/Keeki was at last year and probably got to meet her in person
I wonder how it feels to meet your biggest schizo in person
If you are looking for a leader for EN: I have written something in the past about how I think Kiara would be a good fit.
Kanauru gets paid, and probably quite well at that.
Kiara mentioned that if she could, she would want all of her new songs of her upcoming Album/EP to have 3D MVs that feature her dancing like DU U does, but if she were to hire him for that, it woulg get a lot more expensive than it already is.
I guess a 30-60 second short is still quite affordable, and a 3 minute MV is expensive but worth the pay.
Multiple MVs would very quickly drive up the costs
Yall thinking about Niji-posting: Have more confidence

Even if nobody responds and it doesnt spark a multi-page debate, it doesnt mean posting about Nijis isnt welcome
I post out here long ass paragraphs about Kiara, shipping and other gay shit (and sometimes random Vtuber news I see on my twitter), and I am well aware that very few people care about Kiara and even less watch her streams.
I post about Kiara more often than other Vtubers, because other people here in the forum cover that already well enough, but I feel and fear that any and all discussion about Kiara here will either be about her menhara or some fake nudes of her roommate that are going around again or just people mocking that her numbers are weak compared to the rest of Myth. I fear that, because I remember that those were the only times Kiara was brought up in the Homeland.
I dont want the reporting on her to be overly negative (which imo it was in the Homeland), so I decided to become the change I want to see in the world and I am posting and reporting on Kiara in the way I would like to see more of.
And I don't care if nobody is interested in my posts, its just my way of contributing to the discussions here without engaging in the shit flinging or polit-sperging that seems to become increasingly common.
So, I encourage you, NijiYamanbas and Nijifriends alike, post your Nijinews and streams without a care.
Clip Tax: