"Grab my butt. My butt's open"Tsukumo Sana

The Stream Archive Thread

That Chuuba Enjoyer

DM me if you have a Ed, Edd n Eddy clip
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
-S res,ext:mp4:m4a --recode mp4

I downloaded ffmpeg and tried that bread FlavVR girl unarchive karaoke and it worked. it still was a .mkv file but I was able to play it now without it ending few seconds in. I also tried that mp4 line of code for the ghost girl doing unarchived karaoke and will report if that line of code helped in making it a mp4 and working.

Thank you guys for responding so swiftly and being helpful!!!

5/5 VA Geek Squad!!!!


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I was wondering if someone can help me with an issue I have with YT-DLP. I am able to download videos fine on youtube. However, when I do livestreams. I get like three .mkv at the end or two. When I try to watch them on vlc or any other video player, they just play for a few seconds then stop.

I'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong or should I make it download livestreams as a mp4 and not mkv cause I'm really not familiar with this stuff let a lone mkv format.
I'd also suggest installing a different media player than the windows default, VLC. Bit more support for weird media formats


Asylum's lurker
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
I was wondering if someone can help me with an issue I have with YT-DLP. I am able to download videos fine on youtube. However, when I do livestreams. I get like three .mkv at the end or two. When I try to watch them on vlc or any other video player, they just play for a few seconds then stop.

I'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong or should I make it download livestreams as a mp4 and not mkv cause I'm really not familiar with this stuff let a lone mkv format.

View attachment 10996
since the codecs issue is solved, I'd like to point out that the ytarchive command line is usually much preferred when recording livestream.
there's concern over using yt-dlp for non-vods sometime (though probably not as often) and since it's easier to keep track of progress through ytarchive instead

Could be a possible alternative for when yt-dlp commands decide to be weird again next time, here's the github for instruction

That Chuuba Enjoyer

DM me if you have a Ed, Edd n Eddy clip
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
What's a good way to record twitch streams? Something easy for a simpleton like me! Don't need the chat really really, just like to record the vod or stream itself really.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
What's a good way to record twitch streams? Something easy for a simpleton like me! Don't need the chat really really, just like to record the vod or stream itself really.
Yt-dlp will do just fine for twitch and odysee. It will complain about the stream not being able to be recorded from the start tho. Also will complain about twitch ads. This is how i archived last metokur stream and couple other twitch streams, so it should work!

That Chuuba Enjoyer

DM me if you have a Ed, Edd n Eddy clip
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Yt-dlp will do just fine for twitch and odysee. It will complain about the stream not being able to be recorded from the start tho. Also will complain about twitch ads. This is how i archived last metokur stream and couple other twitch streams, so it should work!
What line of code did you use to do that? Cause when I try to with it I get massive walls of text coming in with some purple text.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
What line of code did you use to do that? Cause when I try to with it I get massive walls of text coming in with some purple text.
Yea, it should do that. Output will still be fine. You can check it by starting a recording of any random stream, let it run for couple of seconds, and then pressing ctrl+c to stop downloading, and confirming you want to save what was downloaded(only ytarchive asks you that). I will include screenshots later if i can

edit: heres me doing it like a retard. This is just a way i do it. But if it works for you, glad i helped!


  • retard.png
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Archive Hoarder
Joined:  Mar 29, 2023
My post was prompted by the guide on twitter spaces and the mention of archiving Twitch with yt-dlp. I automatically archive several YT and Twitch streams and Twitter spaces and get Discord notifications for everything, very convenient. You, too, can have a convenient archiving experience with these three tools:

Twitch - https://github.com/jangxx/twitch-auto-recorder-3000
- Claims to be Python >=3.7 but is actually also Python <=3.10, Python 3.11 breaks building of the project, instructions are otherwise on point.
- Very reliable twitch recorder using API to detect a live stream. Doesn't need maintenance whatsoever.
- I suggest following the steps for ffmpeg_remux so you get nice mp4s.
- Original ts recordings are still kept so when your hard disk is running low, delete all the ts files or use the included script to do it automatically.

Twitter (spaces) - https://github.com/HitomaruKonpaku/twspace-crawler
- Twitter API limitation really fucked all things Twitter, had to drastically lower the poll rate so free API plan doesn't run out of quota. Setting a rate of 70000 for 18 channels keeps me in the green. If you want to monitor less, you can go faster. Experiment until you don't run out of quota.
- Installation instructions work just fine, but Nodejs will suggest you install python for building, and that will install a higher version than what is supported by the above Twitch solution. Skip the python installation from the NodeJS installer when using both (or have two python installations in parallel if you know what you are doing)

Youtube - https://github.com/HoloArchivists/hoshinova
- Ideal for catching every unarchived stream and yab on YT. When it works, it works great but when it doesn't work, it can be a world of pain.
- I found it easiest to run in Linux and you should check on it once or twice a day in case any streams errored out due to temporary connection issues.
- Uses yt-archive to record, is about to add support for yt-dlp which should enable archiving of all content a chuuba uploads
- Nice web interface

I'm happy to help out anyone needing help navigating the configuration of these tools but if you encounter issues with building/installing, you are on your own (sorry).
If anyone is interested in archiving paywalled content (z-an, spwn etc.), do let me know and I'll post a guide of the basics.


Forever Siro's Punching Bag
Joined:  Sep 30, 2022
Archive of Mirai Akari's Graduation Stream from 4chan because BAMCO won't fucking release it yet.



Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
Archive of Mirai Akari's Graduation Stream from 4chan because BAMCO won't fucking release it yet.

it was pretty much giving the middle finger to them and maybe this also confirms her move to other group or just going indie? they will not release it
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