"A fruit fly flew into my mouth during the meet & greet and I didnt want to worry all the beautiful con-goer cookies so i swallowed. 🙃"Amanogawa Shiina

Pippakistan's Psych Ward

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The Peanut Gallery

Tis the Spooky Season. 🕯️👁️
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So I guess this means no projects being shown on anniversary day?


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Fish bad

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Ah no, it was definitely mostly /pcg/. I just read through the archives.

I don't disagree with them that this is a woman moment, but as usual some of the usual suspects there were overblowing it to make it seem "worse" than it was (honestly the Rye reference was probably more drama-inducing then her just sorting the images poorly).
That being said, this guy is right. Pippa needs to do something to calm down the woman moments. If not meds, at least learning some meditation or something to get herself sorted out when things like this happen.
That 4chan message is just evil. Twisting and manipulating facts to try and trick her into taking meds.
I'm not trying to re-hash arguments we've had ad nauseam, but even if you think taking meds is a positive, even modern psychology accepts that meds don't just work by themselves, they're supposed to be used alongside therapy to fix the problems causing the feelings/outbursts, before going off those meds.
So, why not just cut out the part where you get on meds, acclimatize to them, then struggle to get off, and just do the part where you try to live a healthier life ?
Besides, Pippa is a normal woman. Nothing she does is beyond what is accepted and she doesn't really suffer from any debilitating mental illnesses that would require medical help. So, why would you want a normal woman, who's just learning her way through life to add this extremely invasive element, just because she struggles, sometimes ?
You know she doesn't share our motivation to get her into a better lifestyle, and struggles to get out of her comfort zone, so she does things bit by bit. If she were to get meds, she wouldn't do the therapy part, or she would just show up, but not do the required work. So what's the point ?


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I wonder if one of her stream-manager-wannabe mods (Archivefag) messaged her, telling her how much better she could have managed it if she did X and Y. I really truly hope this isn't the case, because it'd be a tougher fix than her just having a moment.
Nah he was shitting on people for complaining about reddit.
I think certain people in her stream chat were just as critical of her method as /pcg/, and definitely not as polite.
It's just weird that /pcg/ was having the mildest complaints and this is what gets her, I mean she used to do this way back, but her doing it now is just weird.
t's also possible something could have been brewing behind the scenes and this wave of complaints made things boil over and resulted in what some interpret as a "woman moment".
Probably, if it IS because of /pcg/ then it's absolutely this, because the angriest they've ever been, outside of male collabs, was the Japan stuff, but they've basically been very positive since her coming back from Japan, because in their words "she's clearly trying to do better" which I can't say is wrong, she's absolutely tried communicating cancelations more.

Trap Supremacy

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That 4chan message is just evil. Twisting and manipulating facts to try and trick her into taking meds.
I'm not trying to re-hash arguments we've had ad nauseam, but even if you think taking meds is a positive, even modern psychology accepts that meds don't just work by themselves, they're supposed to be used alongside therapy to fix the problems causing the feelings/outbursts, before going off those meds.
So, why not just cut out the part where you get on meds, acclimatize to them, then struggle to get off, and just do the part where you try to live a healthier life ?
Besides, Pippa is a normal woman. Nothing she does is beyond what is accepted and she doesn't really suffer from any debilitating mental illnesses that would require medical help. So, why would you want a normal woman, who's just learning her way through life to add this extremely invasive element, just because she struggles, sometimes ?
You know she doesn't share our motivation to get her into a better lifestyle, and struggles to get out of her comfort zone, so she does things bit by bit. If she were to get meds, she wouldn't do the therapy part, or she would just show up, but not do the required work. So what's the point ?
Yeah, you're right. I mean, I didn't say meds would be the only solution. Learning to handle anxiety through meditation and therapy is also completely tenable and probably better than just taking medication.


Spooky time.
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Why do viewers have to be so shitty that the hurt the Pippa in pursuit of their own egos. :pippasadl:

Pippa, I think you do amazing streams and the order by which your sort things doesn't matter, you're a wonderful good girl and your hands are a work of art.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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She had viewer submission streams where she ended up fucking around and not showing anything off and people complained. But it was a couple of sorting comments that triggered her with this one?


Well whatever really, could be an excuse to jettison them because they are more work.... LOL, did I just type that all she did was scroll.

Well whatever really, this is peak first world react streamer problems


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Besides, Pippa is a normal woman. Nothing she does is beyond what is accepted and she doesn't really suffer from any debilitating mental illnesses that would require medical help.
She admitted well into her time being Pippa that she believed the climax of her streaming career would be her committing suicide on stream. If that's normal woman, bitches be crazy and she needs therapy anyways.

That said, I agree she isn't some particular horrible case. But streaming does put a stress on you and all your mistakes will be amplified to the public. Meds might not be necessary, but seeing a psychologist (not fucking better help) isn't a horrible idea. Consider it a business expense. 10% less woman moments has some value.

I think there is still a part of her terrified that this will all come burning down and so it's better if she's the one to start the fire. I don't blame her for that fear, it's normal. But take the war to the brain worms and do something proactive instead of just letting the fester.


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She's probably stressed about all the OffKai shit coming up, and having a bunch of people get mad she didn't give their dog an updoot was the straw that broke the camel's back.


"I would be shot at for her"
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No Pippa no! I wanted to clip your based and brave take on indoor cats!
>Oh I don't need to record this in real time, I'll clip it later just this once....
i was almost done uploading my archive but AF pulled through first. credit where credit is due.


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She's probably stressed about all the OffKai shit coming up, and having a bunch of people get mad she didn't give their dog an updoot was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Yeah, probably at play, I just find it weird because she really did validate the complaints people had about reddit, and I wonder if that had anything to do with it as well. Like a bunch of people saying the reddit isn't going to end well, and I mean, they weren't wrong.


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Read bottom to top:

Quite frankly he's not wrong.


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Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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So was it the fancord doing the bitching then? If so a pattern

The Peanut Gallery

Tis the Spooky Season. 🕯️👁️
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As a quick aside to the Stardust thing that happend yesterday, Dax rexweeted the link for what it's worth


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I think I figured out who's on wrangling duty for this.



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What a fucking clusterfuck did I wake up to...

This raccoon, I swear.


Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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I'm a bit miffed about this whole thing. I feel like all the points I'd make have already been said by others here. It's a small vocal minority of people, doing a mix of the "HURRDURR REDDIT LE BAD!" meme and then another sect of people assmad she didn't choose the most efficient way to scroll a subreddit to look at pet pictures while the reception to the stream itself from 99% of viewers was positive. I don't go on /pcg/ and I refuse to go check their conversations so I can't accurately gauge their hostility levels or whatever but I do know this thread was also quite tame about it all things considered and everyone liked the stream.

Also lmao at the implication of this meaning she'd no longer review fan submitted projects. I expect she didn't think this whole thing through fully and there'll be a walkback, which is a good thing because I liked the stream and the people incessantly bitching over practically nothing like this don't deserve to be catered to.

Trap Supremacy

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Alright, I've woken up a bit more now and deleted my previous take (and read more /pcg/) so I'm gonna revise my feelings about the situation.

Pippa had a woman moment. Part of this was likely due to her own stressing out over external things like OffKai and her anniversary coming up, in addition to it being late at night and her not thinking straight (I honestly don't think she ever went to sleep), but it was also the fault of the schizos on /pcg/ making it seem much worse than it was. Now, I know Pippa should be able to discern the idiots from the genuine takes, but I think that's giving her too much credit. Even if the takes weren't from actual fans, they seemed like they came from people who cared about her in some shape or form, and that was enough to set her off.

That being said, the people on twitter and discord saying it was "redditors" and blindly supporting Pippa while acting like it wasn't a genuine mistake on her part are also in the wrong. If she looked a bit harder she would've realized that she'd be able to sort by oldest to newest, but she didn't. (EDIT: This isn't actually possible, but she still could've just scrolled to the bottom first). The stream was still fine in spite of it but for the future that would be an good thing to keep in mind to make them just a little bit better. Her completely backpedaling and saying she'll never do viewer submissions again was totally callous on her part and hopefully tonight when she's better rested she can reconsider her options as opposed to nuking the subreddit and closing viewer submissions completely.
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