Only the most disingenuous of fuckwads would clip that single part of the sentence and completely omit the prior and following context where she then goes on to say Cuties was food for pedos and therefore bad, then also goes on to talk about how weird child beauty pageants are as well. Easiest thing to debunk bad-faith actors ever.
Only the most disingenuous of fuckwads would clip that single part of the sentence and completely omit the prior and following context where she then goes on to say Cuties was food for pedos. Easiest thing to debunk bad-faith actors ever.
Only the most disingenuous of fuckwads would clip that single part of the sentence and completely omit the prior and following context where she then goes on to say Cuties was food for pedos. Easiest thing to debunk bad-faith actors ever.
Only the most disingenuous of fuckwads would clip that single part of the sentence and completely omit the prior and following context where she then goes on to say Cuties was food for pedos and therefore bad, then also goes on to talk about how weird child beauty pageants are as well. Easiest thing to debunk bad-faith actors ever.
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