Wait until you find out that "awesome" and "awful" started out as synonyms.That linguistics convo was interesting I never thought of Terrific being a negative word despite the root word being Terror
Wait until you find out that "awesome" and "awful" started out as synonyms.That linguistics convo was interesting I never thought of Terrific being a negative word despite the root word being Terror
That one I actually did knowWait until you find out that "awesome" and "awful" started out as synonyms.
"RAISE AIRCRAFT NOSE AND LIFT OFF."Dokibird Airlines going about as expected....
Dokibird Airlines going about as expected....
Doki gets told not to do the stupid thing."Mr. President a second tomato has struck the World Trade Center"
More like Dodobird am i right fellasDokibird Airlines going about as expected....
I don't know how, but Filian gets away with saying a lot of shit. I guess she pays no attention to twitter.I'm having a hard time following filian's arguments, but i think she just said Joe Biden should nuke himself to kill the dragons. based and nuke pilled?
Yup, she doesn't. Pro tip: you can only get cancelled if you engage with twittards.I don't know how, but Filian gets away with saying a lot of shit. I guess she pays no attention to twitter.
Normally I'd say "consequences of your actions" or something, but how about we all just let her off with a warning on this one?Nyaruchuu just reached 10k subscribers on Youtube and is now trying to find ways to avoid releasing the promised piss tape
I think the only way she can get out of this is jumping off a bridge at this point, those are the rules. If she survives impact that means that GOD has forgiven her for her transgressions and all that jazz.Normally I'd say "consequences of your actions" or something, but how about we all just let her off with a warning on this one?