"Hellooo guys! Hello hello, do you guys want to Go somewhere with meee? 'Go where Risu yeees' Go___bblin' deez nuts in your mouth HAW HAH HAW HAAAAW!"Ayunda Risu
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It's been a long time since I played too but yeah. Templar is their best core, Then Tiny, Abaddon (in hands of the competent) can move into a pos 3 role. Puck is Puck. WD Is wardbitch.
Puck is traditionally a pos 2, but hasn't been meta in forever. Tiny used to be a good pos 1&2, but I haven't seen him used in a while. For frame of reference, TA hasn't really been meta either. (For reference, 1=hard carry, 2=mid, 3=offlane (top in league), 4 and 5 are supports.)
Abaddon is used a lot as a 4/5. He can be used as a 3, but that isn't really meta. WD is really good, and has effectively output dmg equivalent to a carry ever since he got his ult buffed, and his aghs shard added (which basically gives him a second ult).
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