A raid just came that was Bijou's level instead of Bae's and it resulted in Bae's whole base burning to the ground.

Correction: BAE resulted in Bae's house burning down.A raid just came that was Bijou's level instead of Bae's and it resulted in Bae's whole base burning to the ground.
A raid just came that was Bijou's level instead of Bae's and it resulted in Bae's whole base burning to the ground.
She said the letters are on the front side of the caps, but frankly I'd trust her to use blank caps far better than DizzyFuck if I knew that was how she would have reacted I would have planned ahead and chipped in. I'll have to keep that in mind
EDIT: Her keycaps that she has installed look like they don't have characters on them, Dizzmaxing indeed
She pulled a Michael Jackson.Is it the lighting why does MoonJelly look white
Through theand the
we carry on!!
Yes, she's from SEA. How can you tell?Is she intentionally trying to make herself look as pale as possible?