If AOC becomes a Fortnite streamer, I'm blaming Kirsche
EDIT: Just as I post this, she's mentioning another Caleb Hammer audit, you might want to avoid this if you have anger issues:
EDIT 2: And here's a copy of the previous Caleb Hammer videos from the server transfer:
Before Tangent Friday begins, new Caleb Hammer Financial Audit dropped about an hour ago, so get ahead of her brain rot here:
Here's the one where Kirsche mentioned the woman that would spend $$$ on her nails while in debt:
And I feel like the Birthday Cake bit is going to be something referenced in the future, either as fan-art or stream toggle/alert:
I'll make additional posts for further references made on-stream, and then condense them into a single post once the server's back up and running, because if I have to watch hundreds of hours of poor financial decision making alongside Kirsche, so do you.