I'm going to repost the images themselves here since this is exactly the kind of behaviour that will cause Phase-Connect problems over time.
Well I see she must have a fine relationship with her Sea Sisters after all

She is referring to the Snow White remake controversy that Jelly and Remi were talking about on X last night (in the quote below), and is, by extension, calling them non-white white supremacist pickmes.
I no longer believe there is any room for plausible deniability. The absolute, most charitable interpretation I could give her is that she is blindly reciting talking points from others while accidentally giving Jelly and Remi's trolls more ammunition to use against them, which in itself is negligent behaviour that would require intervention. However, given the consistent streak of vitriol throughout her other posts about her political opponents, I'm not inclined to give the benefit of the doubt here, this feels malicious.