I've been wondering something lately how many of these "lesbians" are actually attracted to women and not just saying they are because they hate men they seem too be way to obsessed with the opposite sex when it's supposed to be the other way around. It's like you think woman are sexy cool talk about them and not about how much men just existing pisses you off
Without getting into the deepest of weeds on the Mind-Body neurological axis, there's only Normal, Asexual and Physically Broken as natural states. The degenerate stuff is just that, actual degeneration via perversion of some form. Either as inflicted or learned behavior. But those shoved into outlier stressor environments will start a chain of responses that will end up in very odd spaces, and what you see is mostly a coping mechanism.
Lesbians don't exist. There are a small set that have unrecoverable physiological issues, but most of the rest just have a semi-dysfunctional endocrine system. Solving that normally "solves" the issue. The "college lesbians" set is a little different. It's a notable effect that happens when you put marriage-aged Women together without a patriarchal structure of them. If you happen to find an older Catholic that knows details, apparently there was a mass closing of nunneries across most of the West because they turned into lesbian communes. The 60s were wild.
To the point you're noticing, Women get horny, but they aren't sexually attracted to other Women. They either want to be the Woman they're ogling over (the classic female vtuber and Gacha Waifus) or it's an actual display of "penis envy". There's some of the set of post-porn/sex work set that just hate the Men they sold themselves to, so they just hate "Men" because they turned themselves into objects and hate being just an object. And will continue to be nothing but an object because they need religion.
There's also something in there about "modern" parenting approaches being little more than tactics from interrogation manuals and it screwing up a lot of people.
Edit: I don't know if they've minted a term for it yet, but a lot of the misandry from those that did some form of sex work is the female version of the Madonna/Whore Complex. That effect happens to Men that have taken the services of whores too much that it breaks their ability to process normal chunks of human interactions.