"My stomach might have noise cancelling"Miyu Ottavia

Hololive General


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Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
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Why do you both know so much about this? Like, I'm not sure if I've ever seen any of either and I've not gone out of my way to look, but you have tier lists...
This forum was made because these people couldn't stand any dissent about their disgusting lifestyle they love to air out and tried purging them out of the internet.


Emoom? Would.
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024

She's already power scaling Arthur.


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Joined:  Nov 28, 2022

In three hours Hakka's going to play Buckshot with two randos and some Niji I've never heard of


Well-known member
Joined:  May 29, 2024
Bettel and Flayon will be gunning down Africans in a bit over an hour. [Hopefully. I haven't seen the multiplayer work for RE5 since about 2011]


Their RE6 streams are hilarious, so this should be quite good.

2 hours after that starts Raora will be taking Calli to the next frontier of big burger country:

Judging by Shiori and Liz's stream this will be mostly zatsu, the game is extremely low pressure.

2 and a half after that is Kronii's birthday outfit stream:


Emoom? Would.
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
Bettel and Flayon will be gunning down Africans in a bit over an hour. [Hopefully. I haven't seen the multiplayer work for RE5 since about 2011]


Their RE6 streams are hilarious, so this should be quite good.

Oh shit, they're finally playing RE together again? Nice, it was really funny.


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Highlights 22
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Events from Day 22.
Moona died in The End and borrowed Koyori's elytra. She then died again and Iroha stepped in to help her. In the end, Moona failed to retrieve her items from her earlier death and Okayu was there to cheer her up.

Nene saw the sign on Pekora's PekoMura and made fun of Pekora, so Pekora changed it so it can't be wrongly interpreted anymore. But then Fubuki noticed something... [Longer clip of Nene reading the first sign]

Subaru types in chat that she loves AZKi. Other holomems react to it.

Okayu had a long talk with Kaela.

Matsuri and Nene go to The End together. Matsuri teaches Nene about unicorns. Nene then died in the void.

Niko tries to find some soul sand.

Subaru asks someone to read Subaru-nyumu Volume 2. Pretty much everyone in the server show up.

Noel bought the Subaru outfit from PekoMura and puts it on display. Subaru later found out about it. [Pekora's perspective]

Subaru buys the Jojo outfits from PekoMura.

nyanthrope said:
Sold off:
-Ningen (Human): 150 diamonds (Noel)
-Akagami: 25 diamonds (Koyori)
-Jojo Series (Hierophant Green + Dio): 150 diamonds (Subaru)
-Ningen (Human): 180 diamonds (Su)

-Tora (Tiger): 150 diamonds (Lui) (a gift for Niko)
-Lui-louch: (Lui)
-Gundam Unicorn + Iron Man: 160 diamonds (Chihaya)
-Legendary Farmer Takashi Series + Spider Man: 120 diamonds (Vivi)
-Neko (Cat): 150 diamonds (Okayu)
-Usagi (Rabbit): 150 diamonds (Koyori)
-Gundam "Banshee" (Full Netherite): (Matsuri)

Pekomura business is booming!

AZKi reads Miko-nyumu, written by Sora.

Vivi and Chihaya imitate each other.

Mio tries to house her pet arctic fox.

Okayu takes Pekora to her masochist armadillo EXP farm.

Vivi showed up to Subaru and shows her the items she won at the auctions. Subaru points out that Vivi is getting ripped off and gives some tips to get revenge on Pekora.

Watame built a whack-a-mole game under Subaru's house.

Ollie gets informed that she is now known as a great builder among JP fans because of Chihaya. [Chihaya visiting Ollie's builds]

Ollie visits the auction hall and the hololive Comiket room.

Koyori opens a gift from Gigi.

While Polka was making public Ender chests, she ran into Subaru and later got interviewed by Koyori.

Chihaya is the first visitor to Watame's Bunny Subaru fountain site.

(Taken from here.)
Morning (JST) Hours:
  • This morning, Niko will be continuing work on her Slime Farm. Today she has a Vivi talisman on her head.
  • Once Niko sets up the water flow for the slimes to travel to. She gets the items for the Golem. The Golem will act as the lure to attract the slimes towards to the magma blocks.
  • Polka logs onto the server. She and Niko say hi to each other in Minecraft chat.
  • Niko has to deal with the slimes as she's making the room for the golem. Whenever they spawn they gravitate towards her, and having the water flow doing it's job doesn't help either. Fortunately slimes don't deal with a lot of damage, though that depends on their size. Niko quickly looks up how a Golem is made its shaped like a T). Niko makes the golem and she gets an achievement for doing so.
  • I realized this slime farm is made of multiple floors, so for each floor she needs to add an iron golem. and the room that it stays in (the fences are to help keep it secure). While putting the 3rd golem she accidentally punches it. Fortunately since the golem is of her own creation, it doesn't fight back.
  • Off stream, Polka dies to a Piglin Brute, meaning she's in the nether. Niko wonders if Polka got a zenloss. Polka replies with a "b" meaning she's most likely okay (giving a thumbs up). She keeps dying to it multiple times off stream, with only text replies to let us know how she's feeling.
  • Niko tries to make adjustments to the water flow so it works more effectively.
  • Niko after stopping by Kaela's villager trading hall to get Silk touch and other enchantments, she sees Pekora's Fashion Boutque (PekoMura) and notices the outfit Pekora made of her on there, along with the other holomens. She's pretty touched by the outfit that was made.

Note from VODS/Afternoon (JST) Hours:
  • Moona has plans to build a large tower, but needs to get a ton of materials for it. She's been spending the stream today hunting for the right materials.
  • Niko ends up taking a trip to Kaela's Creeper farm. She checks it out. And is impressed with it. After some AFKing, she collects lots of gunpowder. She gives Niko her thanks (as Niko was leaving the creeper farm Moona at this point also went to the creeper farm too.
  • Moona gets both Risu and Iofi's accounts and uses them to AFK at Moona's farms.
  • Koyori logs on and starts by doing some maintence work at her potion shop. She organizes the items that she got for donations and fixes up the sign so its easier to know what the potion shop isn't free to use. Koyori also recieves Gigi's present. She likes the shell, but says she already has a wooden spoon that she uses. She then finds Shion's mining entrance. She looks inside and looks inside their chests. shes surprised by some of the items inside like a trident. Koyori wants to interview them if they come up online. Next, she finds Biboo's large chair and goes to check it out. She learns from chat its a DMC ref. Nearby she explores Pekora's Pyramid and sees the different floors inside. She finds out about Pekora getting every Armor Trim in Minecraft.
  • Buttons were replaced for Gigi's rails instead of levers (most likely by Moona).
  • Moona goes exploring in The End. Apparently she had died here and is trying to find her items again. AFter sometime she arrives at the spot where she dies and goes hunting for her items. She died at an End City. Moona sees her items are scattered all over the place and is able to pick up some of the items on the ground. There's too many shulker boxes for Moona to deal with to get the rest of the items. While Moona was able to get her pickaxes, she lost her armor and axe in the end.
  • Noel is in the jungle looking for something with the treasure map. She ends up finding a lush cave.
  • Koyori checks out PekoMura, Pekora's fashion boutique. Later she checks out Kiara's frog home but finds that theres only one frog. She wonders if one of Flip or Flop died (there was never 2 to start with). Nextdoor is Miko's house and Koyori realizes that the Striders at Miko's home are gone. She wonders where they could've gone. Chat tells her that they were moved. She then checks out Kanade's new house. Apparently its up in the sky because the sheep below are noisy.
  • Koyori goes into her Holoium Tower and finds in one of the chests that Sora had written a Mikonyumu (Koyori wanted to make one herself). She takes a look at the books that were added and gives them a read.
  • The Area thats home to Lui, Niko, Okayu, and Mio's house is called Ota City. This is also where Watame's Camper Car is. There, Koyori finds out Polkas CCTV house and where the striders got moved to from Mikos' house.
  • After some tech issues, Chihaya is able to log into the server. She has a list to the left of materials she needs to gather for her garage. She starts off by making mud blocks at Flow Glow's castle.
  • Moona despite trying to get her items and deal with the shulkers in that End City, ends up dying to another shulker again. Koyori says RIP Moona senpai. Moona asks if Koyori has an Elytra and if she can borrow it. Koyori says ok. On her way out of the stronghold, Moona gets attacked by a zombie and dies. Koyori remarks on how she has a spare elytra that Moona can use. Moona arrives at KoyoLab. Koyori gives Moona a rental one (with only unbreaking on it). Moona gives Koyo a diamond in exchange.
  • When Moona arrives at the End she gets attacked and killed by Enderman shortly after. At least she was on the main island so she got her items quickly. Koyori sends a message to her saying that its ok if she ends up losing the elytra. Chihaya reads the pass messages and learns with help from chat what had been going on. Moona says that this is all for the content in the end. Just as Moona arrives at the City, she dies to an Enderman. Both Koyori and Iroha ask Moona if she needs help. Moona gives the coordinates to where she died in The End. Both Chihaya and Noel give their regards and wish Moona the best. Iroha will go and help Moona get her things, while Koyori will continue her own streaming plans of investigating.
  • Noel after much digging around, finds the Trial Chamber that she was looking for. After spending some time at the spot, she makes a large tower to help mark the location from above.
  • Koyori checks out Flow Glow's area by the river, along with Polka's house. She wonders what City area this is suppose to represent (A lot of the areas in the main server tend to represent a different district of Tokyo, albeit unintentionally for the most part). She goes to find Chihaya. She finds her and Koyori interviews Chihaya. Chihaya says that netherite is in demand, and that they wanted to build being inspired by ID's works. Koyori asks what their area would be (referencing Minato City and Ota City), and Chihaya replies "maybe Venice!" (my guess is due to being beside the river). Koyori also asks if they like Minato City or Ota city more. ATM they like Minato City more because they visit that area more often and it has a lot of pink. Chihaya shows Koyori Flow Glow's castle and the villagers they have for trade. After talking a bit more, Koyori thanks Chihaya for the interview.
  • Iroha meets with Moona at the Stronghold. They'll go to The End together and she'll help Moona get her items. She gives Moona a rental elytra to use and fireworks (the elytra is not enchanted). She also gives Moona a bow and some arrows to help fight. They arrive at the city and grab the first set of items from the ground from when Moona had just died to an Enderman. Iroha goes up to get Moona second set of items from when she died to the Shulkers. Moona ends up getting herself stuck in some blocks and doesn't have a pickaxe to get herself out. Iroha also ends up dying to a shulker. Moona disconnects for now so the items don't despawn (they get into Discord VC). Eventually they back to the End City again and go for another attempt at Moona's items. While Iroha was able to find her own items she couldn't find Moona's items.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Matsuri, Azki, Okayu, Riona, all log into the server at the same time.
  • Koyori meets up with Riona who just logged on and asks to interview her. Riona agrees. Riona is planning on building a TTT around this area to help attract more people to this area. She describes this area as Shibuya City. Riona also says she prob likes Minato City more than Ota City cause Minato City has the potion shop and shes not too familiar with Ota City. Riona prefers fighting enemies, she wants to do a trial chamber. Riona wants a Mace the most in Minecraft right now.
  • Moona logs onto Risu's account so she can still play, and help Iroha out with getting everyone's items back.
  • Koyori meets up with Azki and interviews them next. Azki wants a trident the most right now. She's planning on making a trap to get a trident. Since its been a few days since Azki logged on, she wants to take a look around and see how the server has been. While walking around Koyori continues the interview with Azki. She says she's not sure what her area would be called (Aziro's place), and has no idea why Ota City is called as so. The two meet up with Chihaya again at the castle. After a bit of chatting, Koyori and Azki take a visit to PekoMura and check out the shop.
  • Okayu oversees Matsuri at Polka's house and sees Ina's house. too. She goes to get a closer look at Ina's house, touring inside. Okayu takes a read at the doujin Haachama wrote about Ina. Okayu then takes a visit to Su's house. Okayu meets with Azki and Koyori. They tell Okayu about PekoMoura and Okayu is suprised with the shop (and also how theres a model of her on display). Okayu poses beside her stand. Okayu previously had no idea that this was even made.
  • Riona in preparing to make TTT heads to Kaela's Creeper Farm. Apparently Chihaya had the same idea. Realzing where the Creeper Farm lead, Riona heads on back.
  • Noel meets up with Okayu, Koyori, and Azki who are all visiting PekoMura. Noel is surprised with the Subaru outfit and take a look. After chatting, everyone splits off again, but Okayu stays by the PekoMura shop to get a look at the outfits and prices for them.
  • Iroha tells Moona that Iroha was able to save her items before she died again. Moona logs back onto her main account in The End, and giving up heads back home (she was able to get Koyori's rentral elytra back at least, but lost her own items in the end).
  • Koyori then shows Azki her potion shop. Azki will probably use it to make underwater breathing potions for the trident farm. After, Koyori takes Azki to Shion's mine tunnel. Koyori and Azki then head to Holomarket for Azki to read the Doujins. Because she was so busy running the auction, she didn't have any time to read them. Azki and Koyori read them together.
  • Moona back home meets up with Okayu at the iron farm. She tells Okayu about how she had basically zenlossed. Okayu says that "We support revenge"
  • Nene logs online at her house. She meets up with Matsuri who was passing by here.
  • Chihaya in attempting to shoot down a ghast accidentally hits a piglin. She quickly runs away and is able to make it back safely.
  • Moona goes and enchants Iroha's Elytra with Mending and Unbreaking and naming it Gozaru's HERO Elytra. She then goes to the Spider and Skeleton farm to heal it back up.
  • Nene takes a visit to Pekora's Boutique and reads the sign. She reads it correctly (apparently people thought that she wouldn't be able to). Pekora then logs onto the server. She meets with Nene who's right at the shop. Pekora and Nene chat. Moona can hear their entire conversation from the trading hall below. Pekora and Nene go inside and she shows Nene the outfits.
  • Pekora shows off a new version of the sign that she'll make that'll be easier to read.
  • Matsuri is working on decorating the interior of her own house.
  • Both Okayu and Noel are (separately in their own areas) mining underground.
  • Moona asks where Koyori and Iroha are so she can give them their elytras back. Moona first meets with Koyori at the Holomarket. Moona had to clarify that she had zenlossed, but she's okay, she got the elytras back. Koyori and Azki try to comfort Moona with the zenloss. Azki gives her some food. Moona thanks her for them. Koyori offers for help. Moona says next time they can search for an Elytra for Moona. Moona asks them where Iroha is. Since Azki and Iroha basically live together Moona gives Azki the elytra to give to Iroha whenever she returns (Moona needs to log out soon for the day). Before logging out, Moona goes to heal Iroha's bow.
  • Pekora changes the sign of her shop. Nene comes by and takes a read at it. She teases Pekora with the new sign.
  • Riona does some small terraforming around her house and autofarms.
  • Iroha returns and meets up with Azki and Koyori. She tells them what had happened recently (Iroha recently had died from falling too). Azki also gives Iroha the rental elytra back too. Iroha feels a bit bad she wasn't fully able to help Moona with her zenloss. Iroha asks Moona where she is. Moona says she's at the spider farm. The 3 of them (Azki, Koyori, Iroha) head off to the spider farm. On the way they stop by the wool farm. Iroha gives Moona a new Elytra for her to use. Moona had to say that she never even had an Elytra to begin with, lol. Moona gives Iroha her bow back. Koyori helps to explain the situation. Iroha also got back Moona's shulker box too that she had lost (the one Moona had with the fireworks and gunpowder). Moona is thankful for the items anyway. Moona goes to log out now for the day. Moona notes that the Elytra Iroha found shall belong to her. Moona will get her own Elytra in the future. Koyori thanks Azki and Iroha for the time spent and flies off.
  • After Noel learns about Pekora's shop thanks to Okayu, Noel goes into the mines to dig for diamonds to buy Subaru's costume. She makes a reseveration of 100 diamonds and gets costume (originally she thought it was sold out cause it was gone). Pekora is planning on making more of the Subaru Costumes and selling them at a higher price (now 150 diamonds) since they're popular. Also earlier Vivi went and bought the Spiderman costume from Pekomura.
  • Koyori at PekoMura asks Pekora about the goods and items being offered. Koyori gets the Shanks costume for 25 diamonds. Koyori gets the outfit and puts it on. Koyori realized that the entire item is made of leather. Even the chestplate is just leather thats painted grey. Pekora says they'll come by to Koyo's place once they're done later.
  • Vivi meets up with Chihaya at her farm, with Chihaya wearing Vivi's head. Vivi as payback puts on Chihaya's head.
  • Subaru logs onto the server and reads one of the doujins that she has on her.
  • Chihaya attempts to make glowing jack-o-lanterns by putting the torch on top of the pumpkin, only to realize its done through the crafting menu.
  • Mio was bringing a white fox back to her house, only to have the white fox escape. Mio goes around looking for the white fox and trying to capture it again. Mio is able to capture it again in the boat and take it back to her house. Also in the boat a frog joined in too. Apparently Azki was calling for Mio but Mio is currently occupied with her fox and frog in a boat.
  • Polka is doing some work by the Nether Portal. Subaru first stops by and asks about borrowing the ender chest there. Polka had to explain how Ender chests wokr. Then Koyori showed up. Koyori gave an interview to Polka. Polka wants ender pearls the most right now along with Frog Lights. Polka is currently making a public Ender Chest area for anyone to use (looks like the ones that could be found among the old JP server). Polka eventually makes the public Ender Chest spot. Nene stops by to see Polka's work.
  • Fubuki has been at TTT getting levels. She also did some organizing and cleanup there too. She then heads off to a village to try and get a new map. After a couple of attempts she gets the map that she wants. The map shows that the trial chamber is closeby the village.
  • Nene made some flags and placed them at Pekora's house. She tells Polka about them who goes to take a look, and Pekora takes a look shortly after over hearing them.
  • Riona and Chihaya chat. Riona explains to her about the upcoming TTT project she is going to make. The two work to figure out where within their area would be a good place to make TTT.
  • Vivi is setting up a long trail of hoppers at her farm.
  • Azki, Iroha, and Mio are going to make the Trident farm (drowned trap) together. The three get into a group VC. They first start off by clearing the underwater area (they have potions to help them breathe underwater. Then they add Glowstones to help light it up so they can see properly (This Trident farm is going to be located at Aziro's place near the fishing pier).
  • Koyori takes the shanks costume and puts it on display inside her house on the 2nd floor/roof. She then goes to MAtsuri's house for an interview. Matsuri shows Koyori around her house. Matsuri puts Koyori inside a dog pen for a moment. Koyori later put enchantments on the Shanks cosplay.
  • Subaru has been checking out the different houses in her neighhourhood. She ends up meeting with Okayu and later on the two head into the nether together to the crimson forest. A ghast starts shooting at them and Subaru starts screaming, with Okayu laughing. Later, Subaru and Okayu get attacked by the piglins and hoglins there and need to get to higher ground. During this trip is full of Subaru screams and Okayu laughs. The two then end up at a Bastion.
  • Koyori then makes a fence at her potion shop and adds some signs. The fence is for people to leave reviews and comments about her potion shop.
  • Ollie logs onto the server. Today she'll be grinding for deepslate.
  • Koyori also finally gets to interview Pekora about her pyramid and the contents inside, like the Allays.
  • Koyori tried to do an impersonation of Shanks in front of Nene, but it doesn't work for Nene because she's never seen One Piece. She only has just heard the name of Shanks. Koyori then goes an interviews Nene. Nene wants diamonds the most along with black ink. Koyori then takes Nene over to Holomarket since Nene didn't get a chance to read the doujins yet. Nene goes and reads all of the doujins there.
  • Noel is making a glass enclosure for her Subaru outfit. After she arrives at Pekora's place and gives her the diamonds for the outfit. Pekora goes to get it for Noel. Noel thanks Pekora for the costume (Polka is watching from afar this whole exchange). Noel takes the costume and puts it on display in her house.
  • Polka adds a public Ender Chest besides the Pekora Boutique. She writes a sign that the chest isn't meant to be moved.
  • Koyori goes to interview Matsuri while Nene is reading (she'll interview Nene later). Today Matsuri did the interior of their own house. Matusri wants her own elytra but chat says that it be impossible to find on her own. She also says that she prefers building to adventuring generally. Doesn't want to risk losing their items. After the interview, Koyori takes Matsuri over to the Holomarket where they find Nene reading out loud the pekonium doujin. They sneak around and listen without her noticing. Eventually Nene takes notice. Koyori stays by to read some more while Nene and Matsuri head out on their own
  • Fubuki finds herself another trial chamber. She digs a platform and base for it. She explores the Trial are on her own (These are not ominous trials, so she just gets normal orange keys).
  • Due to all the orders, Pekora has to make an Order list for her shop.
  • Nene and Matsuri have their own adventure together in Minecraft. They get into a group VC. They're going to the end to find an elytra for Matsuri.
  • Chihaya makes her own auto sugarcane farm.
  • Koyori meets up with Noel at her house. She asks Noel about the Subaru costume on display, and two conduct their interview.
  • Vivi has been peacefully building her farm. She replaces the netherrack that's on the side with some Netherbricks.
  • At the Nether, Okayu ends up falling into the lava and suffers a zenloss, with Subaru scared and alone. She tries to slowly make her way back home. (Lamy mentions she was watching Subaru's nether adventure until now so didn't have much time to prepare). Eventually the two are able to meet up again and Subaru is free from the nether.
  • Pekora makes a Roboco cosplay and displays it in the shop.
  • Koyori meets up with Mio and does an interview with her. Mio says that diamonds are the most valuable thing on the server, and also Copper. Mio mentions that she prefers building over adventuring and takes Koyori to show the completed Trident Farm. Iroha, Mio, and Azki show Koyori how the trident farm works. They then watch Iroha make a water elevator from the fishing pier to the trident farm below. Azki, Kyoroi, and Mio do a bit of fishing.
  • Fubuki heads to the fountain and plays the CD there at the jukebox. While there she meets up with Subaru and Okayu who had just gotten out of the nether.
  • Lamy today will be fishing while chatting over drinks. She takes a spot by the fishing pier made by Korone and Botan.
  • Fubuki wants to invite people to do a trial with her. She sends out the invitation for 22:45. If anyone is interested. Elytra will be required to reach there cause its very far away. A few members respond to her in interest.
  • Subaru heads back home and sees she has a copy of Subaruimin Volume 2. She goes and takes a read. Subaru doesn't want to read this alone, so she calls upon people to read it with her and a lot of people show up: Koyori, Pekora, Azki, Chihaya, Mio. Koyori makes a platform for the speaker to read outloud on. Haachama also shows up to listen along.
  • While Nene and Matsuri were in the End making a path, Nene ends up falling into the void thanks to the Enderman and suffers a zenloss. Nene goes to leave Matsuri on her own in The End, while Nene heads on back. Nene returns home and meets with Okayu at the trading hall, where Nene is trading for diamonds. Fubuki shows up and Okayu tells Nene and Fubuki about Subaruinum Volume 2. She takes the 2 over.
  • Mio and Subaru will be reading the Subarunium Volume 2. Just before she starts the stragglers come by and everyone laughs. Subaru begins the story. During the story Mio tries to do an impression of Subaru's opening phrase, which gets a laugh. Subaru takes a pause but the audience encourages her to keep going. (Su came by a bit late but is also listening along). The book suddenly ends after page 11. The girls give their thoughts on the story. Subaru wonders who was it that wrote volume 2. She also apologizes that the story wasn't R18, but thanks everyone for coming by to listen. Subaru sends a message asking who was it that wrote it. Subaru suddenly realizes that the book got stolen. It was taken by Koyori but it was an accident. She returns the book right after realizing. Vivi also expressed when she saw the message in Minecraft that she wants to write in the book.
  • Mio, Azki, and Iroha head back to the Trident Farm to see if it works, and it looks like it does. There's no trident since the drop is rare, but the farm itself is working as intended.
  • Pekora takes a trip to visit Kaela's Creeper Farm. She enters outside, and realizing you can't just walk there, uses her Elytra. She opens the chest and discovers all the gunpowder. She takes most of the gunpowder, and then goes off for a bit (She started speaking very fast here I have no idea what she said).
  • Fubuki discover PekoMura and takes a visit to the shop. Nene shows up since she was nearby and talks to Foob about the store's name. Fubuki tells Nene that the store's sign can be read/looks like something yabai, which Nene didn't even notice until Fubuki pointed it out to her. (Its meant to read PekoMura, but Fubuki reads it as "Pe-ni-ko"). Subaru comes by and even she reads it as Panikomura. As they're talking bout the store's name Pekora shows up. Nene is about to tell Pekora what Fubuki says about the sign, but Fubuki tries to stop her. Nene still tells Pekora anyway. Foob can't help but laugh. She ends up flying away.
  • Fubuki arrives at the fountain and Koyori shows up shortly after. Koyori uses this time to interview Fubuki. Fubuki says the thing she wants the most right now is a beacon, and nether star.
  • Fubuki takes a small group out to a Trial Chamber. The group consists of: Koyori, Riona, Chihaya, Su. They make a VC group together. The group fly across to the trial chamber site. It takes a long time due to people crashing and getting lost, but the group eventually meets up by a village.
  • Pekora makes another outfit. Its Heirophant Green from Jojo (a Jojo Stand).
  • Matsuri has been continuing her trip in The End, she hasn't found an End City with a ship yet, and since she has no elytra has been taking the entire adventure by foot. Eventaully Matsuri comes upon a portal that will take her back to the main island. Matsuri keeps on exploring, and eventually finds an End City. She goes inside to explore. AFter exploring she heads back out and continues exploring The End.
  • Mio heads back to her house by the shrine with some new materials. Mio continues her work with the shrine. She adds a floor and roof. Mio takes a look from a bit afar and is happy with how the shrine is looking so far.
  • Azki and Iroha watch Subaru do some fishing by their pier at the river. I also noticed that right next to the iron farm Iroha set up a cactus farm for cacti.
  • Watame logs onto the server. She says hello and some of the members greet her back. She meets up with Subaru and Subaru shows her the stuff inside her house. Watame plays deniability. She then removes the green carpet and shows Subaru whats underneath.
  • Pekora is Netherite hunting underground. She uses TNT to find it faster.
  • Azki does some land clearing. She has on screen her plans to make a geoguesser pin house. She has it built above her storage room, but its not at the top of the hill. She starts with a stone floor for the foundation. The house itself is made out of red wool.
  • Okayu does some armadillo breeding.
  • Subaru meets up with Vivi at her house who is wearing the Pekora head.
  • Watame joins the trial chamber group of Fubuki, Su, Riona, Koyori, and Chihaya. The rest of the group wait and prepare at the village while Watame heads on over. Fubuki makes a cheer with the group. Eventually Watame meets up and the group go into the trial chamber together. The trial is filled with multiple challenges. They also do an ominous trial to get the blue keys for a good reward (if they can).
  • Subaru and Okayu head with Azki and Iroha to their goat horn challenge game to play. Azki explains how the game works. For the first round Subaru will be inside and Okayu will push the button to move the blocks and get the goat to hit those for the horn. After they switch spots. Both Subaru and Okayu were able to get a goat horn. Iroha kills the goat immediately after its over.
  • Vivi continues work on her farm. Its a semi auto-wheat farm system (Similar to what Riona has where you push a button and water will automatically harvest the crops for you, but you must replant them yourself).
  • Matsuri finds herself in another End City and trying to deal with the shulker boxes while also heading to the Ender Chest. She only has a pickaxe for a weapon. She gets to the Ender Chest and pulls out her bow and arrow and uses that to get the Shulker boxes better. She finds a Ship at this End City and heads towards it. Matsuri enters inside and gets her Elytra! She also goes and gets the Dragon Head. Matsuri makes sure the items are in her Ender Chest for safe keeping. She then death warps back to the Overworld. Matsuri wants to tell Nenechi about her adventure but Nene is offline.
  • Ollie has been busy deep underground mining and gathering deepslate. She also grabs any treasures and ores along the way like redstone, gold, lapis, and diamonds.
  • Ao recently logged onto the server. She is making something next to her house. She's been gathering sand and other materials for it.
  • Subaru and Okayu take a trip to the End for Subaru to get an Elytra. They stop by Gigi's village, with Subaru commenting how it reminds them of 7 Days to Die. The two enter The End together (Well almost, its just Subaru in The End travelling, Okayu is back at home talking to Kaela).
  • Okayu meets up with Kaela and they chat. Okayu is telling Kaela about the Armadillo trap that shes making. Kaela doesn't know what Armadillo is in English (Okayu is saying it in Japanese btw). She asks Kaela if shes made an Armadillo trap before, and Kaela has not. Okayu takes Kaela to her house to show the Armadillo trap shes working on. Okayu also shows Kaela around her own house. She shows her the cat house, and cat's (REDACTED). She also shows Kaela the One Piece outfit. She says its not for sale. Okayu also shows Kaela the treasures she got from the auction. She puts them on display inside her house. Okayu also tells Kaela about Pekora's Boutique. When Okayu tells Kaela about her zenloss and that she's at level 9, Kaela asks if she knows about the Armadillo EXP farm. More stuff is talked about, and then Okayu sees Kaela off.
  • Pekora is back at her shop making more outfits. She made Dio Brando from Jojo.

Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • Azki finishes making her Geoguesser Pin house. Theres steps that lead up towards it so it's easier to climb to. Azki then does some mining higher up into the mountain, making what looks like another set of stairs to the top. Azki and Iroha take a look at the Geoguesser pin from the fishing pier and it looks good. It sits right on top of their storage room. Azki makes sure to put a lightning rod above and some carpet for the roof to prevent mob spawn.
  • Fubuki, Watame, Koyori, Riona, Su, and Chihaya finish their exploration of the trial chamber. They go out and towards a 2nd Trial Chamber that Fubuki found. They make a base and start the trial. In the previous trial before this one, Koyori got 3 Heavy Cores. After they complete this trial chamber, they use up their keys. Riona was able to get her own Heavy Core to make a Mace with. The only one left who haven't gotten a Core yet are Su and Watame. They open another blue chest and Su gets her Heavy Core! They try to find another chest they can open for a chance to get a Heavy Core. After getting some more keys they open one more blue chest. Sadly its all junk for everyone, no Core for Watame.
  • Okayu meets up with Pekora at the boutique, with Okayu posing next to the costume on display. Okayu takes a look at the new costumes that Pekora had recently made such as Chihaya, a gundam outfit, and more. Okayu wishes to buy the costume of herself.
  • Lamy had a lovely chat today while drinking. She ends at the roof of her house with her axolotls (Also she mentions shes very drunk).
  • Subaru continues her exploration into The End. She works on making a bridge across the void. While exploring The End and trying to find an End City, or anything, she accidentally aggros an Enderman and while she tries to get rid of it, ends up dying to the Enderman. Many online react to the death message in chat. Subaru decides to death warp back home.
  • Ao is seen doing some writing. Currently unknown what the topic of writing is (most likely an -nyium of some kind). While writing she gets interupted by Subaru who comes to visit and check out her house.
  • Vivi is still working on her farm. Its slow but steady progress. At one point she got an enchanted shear and nicknamed it. She placed it on top of her wall. Looking at Vivi's farm its hard to tell specifically what kind of farm she is making. It looks to be something that uses redstone, and Vivi is adding glass at the edges.
  • Okayu went into the nether and grabbed a zombie piglin. She takes it in a boat and brings it to her house. On the way she meets up with Subaru at the fountain and Subaru tells her what had happened. Whiel travelling Okayu learns you can pull a boat with a leash. She has to make a rail to bring the zombie piglin inside. She gets the piglin in the minecart and makes it ride the rail. She also gives the Piglin a nametag so it won't despawn.
  • Pekora makes the "Legendary Farmer Takahashi's Outfit".
  • Subaru meets up with Pekora at her boutique, and Pekora shows Subaru her Green Heirophant outfit and the Dio Brando outfit. Subaru likes them both, she can recongize what the costumes are suppose to be. Subaru goes to grab her diamonds to buy both costumes. She tries on the Green Heirophant costume and shows it to Vivi, who was coming by to the Boutique. Subaru then goes over to Okayu's place and shows her the costumes.
  • Azki makes a Geoguesser pin house for Iroha. It'll be right besides Azki's Pin House, and instead of red, it'll be a teal color (the color closest to Iroha's colors in Minecraft).
  • Subaru enters Noel's house and sees the display Noel made of Subaru's costume.
  • Pekora heads off to get the mats to make a 2nd Subaru Costume outfit.
  • Fubuki and the Trial Chamber group start heading on back home. While flying back the group talk to Sbuaru and Pekora and the others in-game chat. They then disband the voice VC and everyone heads back home.
  • Okayu is working on leading her group of Armadillos up to the trap. Seeing her try to guide all the armadillos to the place looks a bit silly. The trap that Okayu is making is the same armadillo EXP farm that Pekora also has in her pyramid. Because the trap has a limit of 25 armadillos, Okayu now has more armadillos than she knows what to do with. She sends a message out about them.
  • Riona is still at work on her TTT.
  • Pekora is at a warm ocean biome making a tropical fish trap.
  • Vivi is still working on her farm but she's starting to get sleepy.
  • Su heads to Pekora's Boutique and sends a messages to Pekora requesting for a Subaru Outfit. Pekora heads back from her tropcial fish trap and makes the outfit for Su. Pekora charges 200 diamonds for it. Su ends up making the purchase and gets the outfit. Watame has been watching the exchange from outside the store.
  • Chihaya gave her extra mace that she got from the trial today to Okayu. She's happy to have a gift.
  • Ao continues writing her story, which is now at 19 pages.
  • Watame is making a flower stand at the front of Pekora's shop. Okayu watches her at work. After Watame is done, they go into the shop where Okayu shows herself next to the Okayu costume. Pekora goes and sees the flower stand, and likes it. Watmae heads back to Pekora's shop and celebrates the store's grand opening.
  • Pekora made a Winnie the Pooh outfit. She shows it to Watame and Vivi. While at Vivi's place, Vivi shows Pekora green frog that she raised. Vivi also shows Pekora the farm that she's currently working on. Pekora then heads to Ao's place dressed up and does a Pooh impression. After playing around with the costumes, Pekora heads back to keep working on her Tropical Fish Farm. She eventually gets it finished (after being distracted by the others, lol).
  • Okayu is testing out her Armadillo EXP farm. She made the armor stand wear an Okayu head, so atm it looks like she's hitting herself. The farm makes her get to level 30 super fast. Okayu then calls on Pekora to check out her Armadillo EXP farm. Pekora gives the EXP farm a test run, and it works well (also some suggestive things were said during this that I will not type here or risk my post getting flagged). By the end, Pekora leaves with 39 levels.
  • Azki is doing some terraforming besides Moona's wool farm. Shes using dirt to cover the ravine thats beside the farm. She enters into the ravine's water and lights it up inside to prevent mob spawn (and also collect some coal). She also adds torches alongside the mountain, and clears more land next to Iroha's Geoguesser Pin. AFter doing some landscaping, she heads down to the Trident Farm and does some fishing (underground theres a pond you can use to fish. It's large enough that you can potentially fish up treasures). Irhoa can be seen on the other side of the glass decorating the fishing area with corals and plants.
  • Su deep underground is making a Subaru Shrine. Its all the way at the end of a long hallway. She made a pink heart with some lights and the armor stand in the middle. She also has bookshelves with readable books (the Subaru doujins) at the top. She also encases it in glass.
  • Watame now has her own pet armadillo. She clears some land nearby her camper, and moves the dirt over to where she'll be building her SuBunnies. Watame then establishes the ground itself for where the SuBunnies will be (makes a small pond with a glowstone and some pathing around it).
  • Ao finishes her book (at 25 pages total). She reads it to her viewers and goes over for edits and revisions. After reading it over, she heads over to Su's place. She first asks Su what she's up to and Su shows her the shrine she's making. Ao finds the Subaru shrine cute. Ao heads back and adds additional information to the book, like what appear to be coordinates. She then goes and signs the book, and places it in her shelf.
  • Vivi accidentally washed up all the wheat that was growing. She'll have to go and replant it all again. Back at home, Vivi turns on the jukebox and dances with her cat, Kiki.
  • Okayu writes down instructions on how to use her armadillo EXP farm. She uses Deepl to write the english parts (Also chat's help with any edits). Not only she gives instructions but also asks that if you want to use her EXP farm for free, you use it while streaming (so she can see the results). Otherwise you'll have to pay 10 diamonds per use.

Additional comments:
  • Okayu ends up erasing the instructions she was writing down for the EXP farm by accident and has to rewrite them down all over again. She gets the instructions written properly and book is signed.
  • Pekora's tropical fish farm isn't working, so she uses Kanata's "Do Anything" coupon to request her to build an axolotl and fish farm at the coordinates listed.
  • Riona is still at work on TTT. She got the basic structure down but it needs some adjustments especially with the water. When Riona went to the top of the farm she saw Iroha at the top taking a look at her TTT. Azki then flies up to check it out as well. Azki and Iroha help Riona out with the TTT, and the 3 get it finished. They head down to test it out. It does spawn mobs, though it may be slow atm (theres other people online and the ground below may need to be lit up). As for now, though, Riona considers her TTT finished (Generally speaking). She spends some time at TTT letting it run and seeing what it drops.
  • Azki and Iroha take a trip to PekoMura. They go inside and look around the shop.
  • Su continues working on her Subaru Shrine. She adds quartz around the area.
  • While Watame was working a drowned showed up holding the scaffolding that Watame dropped. The drowned left the area so Watame leave it be for now. The next night approaches and Watame sees the same Drowned again nearby. The Drowned notices her as it tries to approach her from above.
  • Azki and Iroha take a picture of them by their Geoguesser pins at the top of the Iron Farm.
  • I noticed all the different spots that Polka put the Public Ender Chest at. Theres one at spawn next to the stairs to Sora's house, theres one next to the nether portal, one next to PekoMura, one at the entrance to Aziro's Village (there's probably more in other locations but that I have yet to see).
EDIT: Added another clip.
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Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

RTX Moona. She tried to play this game before Kiara but her computer didn't like it.


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023
Throw me the big clocks and i know this is the thread of PURE AND WHOLESOME NONPENIS ON SIGHT hololive but i was just checking Axel schedule and somehow he nailed a collab with Kson

Now the question is, has any holostar or hololive collabed with alumni before? and i mean as their Cover corp IPs and not PLs
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Fucking Riggers
Early Adopter
Yuria's Husband
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
View attachment 93375
Now the question come, has any holostar or hololive collabed with alumni before? and i mean as their Cover corp IPs and not PLs
not a collab but haachama sent Kson a video message once, she may have gotten in trouble for it though.


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
not a collab but haachama sent Kson a video message once, she may have gotten in trouble for it though.
did i miss some explanation by Chama saying she got on trouble for it?
View attachment 93375
Throw me the big clocks and i know this is the thread of PURE AND WHOLESOME NONPENIS ON SIGHT hololive but i was just checking Axel schedule and somehow he nailed a collab with Kson

Now the question is, has any holostar or hololive collabed with alumni before? and i mean as their Cover corp IPs and not PLs
No, this is the first time
Dont get your cock erect : the Holostars can do these kinds of things because they dont have collab autism


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
No, this is the first time
Dont get your cock erect : the Holostars can do these kinds of things because they dont have collab autism
Inb4 they could have always done it all this time and the girls just actually dont like kson


Well-known member
Joined:  May 21, 2023


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
did i miss some explanation by Chama saying she got on trouble for it?
I think the reason she got in trouble was because she didn't tell her manager she was going to send Kson the video, but I don't remember which stream she may have said something about it.
I found some posts on VT about her saying something about being "reprimanded" but it may have been a members stream.

The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022

assdfdgdfgfgsdfsdfesfegtrhth thus is thte cutest esfyofamn thing ivf have seen all wefek addfhfgnrgrdg :inahungryl:


The Chartrinator
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
From the last couple of days:

Dear Lord, please guide them away from the gay actions and homo ways that stray from Your path Amen.

They turned my boi Aruran into a knock-off Arknights character. He literally looks like Chongyue combined with Mr Nothing. Not a bad design tho. I rate it 6 stars limited character/10.

In three hours Hakka's going to play Buckshot with two randos and some Niji I've never heard of

You can post as much penis as you want my guy


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023


The Chartrinator
Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
The fact that 7k people are watching clock talk shows why Cover is king.


Emoom? Would.
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024

They will never touch my clock, why even live.

Yeah, its starting to be accurate.

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