The thing these full-time politispergs can never wrap their heads around is that plenty of entertainers do not want social politics to be a factor in their content whatsoever. It's repetitive, requires keeping up with issues you probably don't care about, and involves wasting a not-insignificant portion of time fighting on the internet when that time could be better spent doing literally anything else.
Pikamee was pushed between a rock and a hard place, because gender politics had been forced onto her despite her streams not revolving around the subject at all; whatever move she made would have caused more headaches one way or another by drawing in an audience who're there solely because of the controversy. If she did what Dev's implying she should have done and told the anti-Hogwarts crowd to fuck off she'd end up surrounded by the kinds of people Pippa got for like a week or so after the drama who seemed genuinely mad she wasn't screaming about Total Tranny Death on her company account. No shit she was overwhelmed by everything.