Close to zil. Hylo's a low 20-40ccv streamer who couldnt break $2000 after 3-4 days of donothons. She didn't bother to save the vods on twitch (or they're private - idk how twitch works). Cancelling lumi would've given her dead career a major boost.So what's the bets on her starting shit again within the month, I'm sure the dopamine hits from the start of her party will drive her to try again once all the asspats stop in a day or two.
But she had to publically apologize and delete the tweets accusing Lumi and Gumis of doxing, harassing and leaking her photos. There's no dopamine rush there. And she cant rebrand without being outed as hylo again because she has a tiny, tiny audience.
I doubt we'll hear from her soon.