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It may not be the end for our fearless leader. He may have a chance if he's a grower since according to the fox Grower>Shower.
Edit: Hopefully his hands are veiny too.
I was going to make a joke about putting my name in the fox bowl, but holy unrealistic standards, batman
or, this could be a double-ruse, and she's actually a secret virgin that has never seen a dick before which- no, I can't even finish that thought seriously
Toilet roll sizewise, that leaves what, Liam Neeson, Ron Jeremy, Mike Mattei, Michael Fassbender, there's bound to be a couple more right? I mean if Kirschey says "that's average yo"
Probably none; she's the female equivalent of guys whose standards have been warped by porn. Though in her case it's probably also warped by ridiculous sex toys.
She wouldn't be the first femcel to go overboard on the props and get their perspective skewed because of it.
This must be the female version of learning about boobs from porn and drawing them like silicon balloons with no squishiness. There is no way she saw real dicks in real life and went "nah, that's tiny, now if only it was the size of my forearm now we talking"
Looks like there is a Civil war in the Nazuna/Mikeneko/Rushia fandom arguing the unicorn question,i hope a resident Miguel expert could explain us what is going in the comments of this tweet
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