"Fuck you Sakana I smell perfectly fine!"Fujikura Uruka

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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Vox Akuma is destined to be the star of VTubing's first rise-and-fall drama video.

A cautionary tale about chasing easy money and fame at the cost of your dignity. The VTuber equivalent of midwit zoomer YouTubers chasing the algorithm until the day they release a million dollar house tour that heralds the death of their channel.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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🏆 Thread Recap links are in my Profile Posts
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Guess what time it is? It is time for a new self-made Juniper model! I think it was 3 month since the previous one?

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soap suds

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Vox's whole situation could have been avoided if he wasn't such a wuss. I feel like he has had this talk time and time again and the only reason it hasn't worked before, and probably won't work now, is because he has the spine of a wet bag.


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While memeing on Argentinians is pretty funny, they are unironically the whitest country in South America, primarily Spaniard and Italian ancestry. Unless you think Spaniards and Italians shouldn't be considered white.
Lots of immigration recently so that might change in the near future.
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White Yaksha
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The Eternal Lurker
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

FlaVR has an Astolfo now, and Abagill is in his chat, so he seems somewhat legit.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Hand me a clock if this was already posted but lmao

He needs to really take his meds, i think getting btfoed by fucking redditors and /vt/ users might've triggered his latent SEA-nig schizophrenia

If only he could've used those powers of prediction to figure out that selling roommate info wasn't such a good idea, oh wait that just takes common sense...
that doesn’t prove fucking anything lmao. You’re reading way into that. It’s literally just saying the truth, that if Twitter hears it, they will be very angry. Which is what happened. And saying he’ll talk off stream is because it is something that should be clarified in private. I don’t think he was offended. It’s not like after stream he was like “how dare you say something so racist to me”.

I don’t care if he thought it was unintentionally racist or not. I care if he was acting offended and saying she’s racist. which he didn’t
Stop defending your black-sounding homosexual boyfriend so much Nolan, he can fend for himself.
While memeing on Argentinians is pretty funny, they are unironically the whitest country in South America, primarily Spaniard and Italian ancestry. Unless you think Spaniards and Italians shouldn't be considered white.
Lots of immigration recently so that might change in the near future.
And Germans... :smugpipi:


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Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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A lot of Argentinians are whiter than amerifats so melanin check won't work.
lolno why do you think some call them argensimians
While memeing on Argentinians is pretty funny, they are unironically the whitest country in South America, primarily Spaniard and Italian ancestry. Unless you think Spaniards and Italians shouldn't be considered white.
Lots of immigration recently so that might change in the near future.
¨Spaniard ancestry¨ and so does mexico and they sure as shit ain't white

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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I can respect him at least trying to pull himself out of the mess he's made, but it's far too late and the damage is done. Enjoy the hell you've made for yourself bro :SelenHAHAhere:
He had the chance to turn things around when the shit the shit with Reimu went down without getting too messy. Now, though? Yeah, he is in for a bad time.
She put the 'blush' on, she knew the answer before she asked the question.
Gura 100% knows when it comes to this shit. I am surprised anyone thinks she doesn't, especially given her past.
TBF he's English, that kind of comes with the territory.
If only he was one of the superior model of Bitbongs, like Scottish, Irish, or Aussie.

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
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lolno why do you think some call them argensimians

¨Spaniard ancestry¨ and so does mexico and they sure as shit ain't white
Argentinians are actually white, guys :magnicope:

The akaia na curse was transferred

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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It has been flying around online for a bit now, but there hasn't been a source for this image to be linked to her past account from my understanding. Comment section of the New York Film Critics Online site doesn't count.
Random Asian woman insert? :smugselen:

I'm going to choose to believe it without proof because it contains two things I love: women and coffee.

Please help, an army of Japanese men have shown up outside my house and are screaming, they've been at it for the past twenty minutes I think their powering up!

If I don't make it I want you all to know, you're faggots but I like that about you <3

Don't worry you have at least three more weeks, they're episodic. You can delay them at least another week if you take at least half an hour to reflect on your recent history.

The German Lolime is streaming FNAF 2 and is giving Lia a run for her money about how much one can love the franchise. I wonder what's so appealing about it?

Edit: She actually considered buying a Chuck E. Cheese animitronic, dressing it up as Freddy, and then keep it in her room, but it was too expensive. I think she might be more obsessed than Lia.

The "lore" is slightly interesting if you like bad presentation and boring video games.

I find the whole "death threat" thing so overdone and overused that it means nothing. As if some Chinese retard with an anime boy obsession would do anything to anyone halfway across the world.

If someone is loudly shouting about how much they hate you and want to kill you, if they're not in the middle of doing exactly that at the time you're probably fine because they're venting anger in the moment. The ones that are a real danger aren't going to tell you first.


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Looks like Tenma got her wish:


Tenma: you are PERFECT. I want to give you the attention you miss. offer me your discord id so i can interview you in future!!!! OK???

Can't wait to see how this trashfire goes.


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Shiina just started streaming something called "Deepest Sword". *shrug*

AO Cody

Go read Cloudscratcher
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Don't you think Rushia beat him to that already?
Nah, Rushia didn't have a life cycle. Her channel ended prematurely because of a single major incident. Vox is following the path you see outlined in videos by SunnyV2 or Joon. A career where you make major mistakes in search of fast success not realizing that ends up causing you to burn out quickly rather than surviving in the long term from a stable product and reliable audience. He's chasing parasocial superberries the way these white dudes with wavy Kid & Play haircuts who tell you to smash that like button chase YouTube trends. It seems like a fast shortcut to success, so it's tempting, but fast success never ends well...
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creator, innovator, artist, idea
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I'm afraid to ask but wtf is going on in Vox's chat? I know the (chinese) fujos are nuts but death threads among fans is a little bit too much. Also lol at cheap ARS akasupa ban :whatastory:. I'm not willing to dive into this mess but be my guest. (A1 | A2 | A3)
View attachment 7204

What do you think?

I've personally concluded, after spending 5 minutes reading Vox's twitter to make this smartass post, that the answer is no. Because holy fucking shit man, this guy doesn't shut up.

I don't watch him, but are the fujos reacting negatively to his voice tweet, where he talked about being a fanservice vtuber, his inability to say no to his fans and how it scares new viewers away?

Transcription - Voice Tweet, “Some Thoughts.”​

(Transcriber’s note: I’ve done my best to make this verbatim. Please listen to the tweet and understand that intonation in any language is a key part to the full emotional content of a thing. If you are a non-native speaker, it may be very difficult for you to discern what tone is being used when. My personal understanding here is that Vox is being rather calm, soothing, and reassuring while addressing this matter.)

(Recordings are indicated by asterisks, so that you can better follow along with Vox’s words and his tone while reading. Paragraph divisions are arbitrary and made to make translation/readability easier.)

(Begin Transcription:)

I'm having a lot of thoughts and so I think I'm just gonna voice tweet and let it run as long as it needs to run, and just say what's on my mind at the moment.

I think that when it comes to making the best content that I can, I think that a lot of my experiences in my first year as, ah, you know, having a lot of this success has definitely hit me with a lot of experiences that have changed the way I think about this kind of thing, but not always accurately.

I think that for me, I'm really sort of sensitive to the idea that some people don't like aspects of my content, ah, that other people do like. It's a really obvious concept, but it gets under my skin a lot, and if--

In an ideal world, I think I would just be a really palatable and enjoyable person that I think, you know, that I think the majority of people would really enjoy watching.

But what I think I've been experiencing is that over the course of this career, I've kind of fallen down a certain rabbithole that, which, you know, (is) purely of my own creation, that sort of made me into a certain type of content creator-- and that's okay, like, it's not anyone's fault for enjoying a certain type of content that I do.

I mean, I think, to be honest, the reason that I fell into being a fanservice vtuber was probably because I just enjoyed the approval that I got whenever somebody in chat asked me to do something and I did it and they would sort of, you know, say, "Oh, thank you very much! Tskr!" or whatever it is, it felt nice, and so I kept doing it.

And-- but then, over time it does start making me think about the longevity of my content and how it must look to someone who doesn't know what's going on, or who is joining us for the first time.

To me, I think that a lot of the names and faces that I see recurring-- see popping up on stream more often than not-- are ones that have been here since the beginning. There are very dedicated kindred and some brand new ones as well.

But to be honest, if -I- were in this community and I weren't in this position, and ** I found my content as a brand new person, I think I would find it somewhat impenetrable in a way.

There are so many in-jokes and so many traditions and not to mention, I think that-- I do agree with people, that having like a really sus aspect to almost every single stream is kind of exhausting, and I think it stems from my inability to say no to people.

Um... Whenever I-- I mean-- people are giving me their own hard-earned money through supas. I -need- to respond to that, and do, obviously not always, but I--

I really feel that I owe the people in my chat so much and the worst nightmare that I have is not giving them the thing that they're coming to me for, and that resulting in, you know, things falling apart or someone leaving, and, you know, it's--

it's bad and I'm very sensitive to that kind of thing, and I want to be able to make the right thing for everyone, and I really want more people than just like the people who enjoy this very specific style of content to be able to watch me, but I think that over time, it's become, you know, so dictated by what a small minority of people want me to do that it's sort of scaring away everyone else, and uh...

I think it sort of really relates to the whole experience of chat, because if all I'm ever doing is-- if all I'm ever doing is, um, giving fanservice and if all I'm ever doing is, reading the, you know, reading supas and trying to do whatever it is they ask me to do--

because, like I said, I feel sort of obligated to do whatever a person asks me to do in a supa. It sort of feels like it's required of me, like it's in my job description.

But then, of course, you know-- for example, streams like a MC stream can be just me chatting and relaxing with everyone, which is my favorite thing to do, or it can become one person makes a really sort of, you know, intimate request of me, and because that's just what I do, I'll respond to it and I'll give it to them,

and then, suddenly *** there's an avalanche of people who all want me to stop and pay attention to them individually, which I don't mind, but while I'm doing it, I do think about the experience of everyone who is not one of those people, everyone who was enjoying the other aspect of the stream.

And so I think maybe the right thing to do is to kind of shake up the chat rules a little bit and add another clause about um, spam-- I mean, the whole thing about it is that I actually really enjoy emote spam.

It kind of-- it fills me with dopamine and whenever I-- whenever I do something and people say tskr or like, they have the ‘kekw’ emote in chat, it always makes me laugh, and it makes me smile.

But the chat isn't really for me. The chat is for you guys to interact with me, and so if it's generally sort of-- if it's generally, like, agreed upon that a lot of people would prefer that stopped, then maybe we can take a look at reducing that.

So, um-- all I'm really trying to do at the moment is to keep my fingers on the pulse of what is generally enjoyed by, you know, the majority of the people who watch me, because I think that I've made the mistake in the past of trying to appeal to the people who don't watch me, and sort of forgetting about what made my own content special in the first place.

And so I don't want to make that mistake again. I just-- I just want to listen to you, okay? And the fact of-- I'm just trying to think about what I'm gonna say--

I think the hardest part of all of this is that when you're on twitter, you see the perspective and the opinions of only so many people, and one of my biggest fears, really, is taking action and doing-- doing-- making drastic changes, when there's a whole community of people, specifically those perhaps who don't have access to twitter, perhaps those with a language barrier, who, um, what am I trying to say here?-- who I may not get to see the perspectives of. And that is a little scary, you know.

It's a little frightening not to know what everyone in your community is thinking, you know, and while I might see the opinions of people who really, you know, I-- **** see the opinions of people on twitter who might have the right idea, but then there might-- there might–

they might make me think that's what the entirety of my community thinks, but then it may only be a small sample size, and there might be an even larger swathe of people who don't think that way, and I may be letting them down as well.

I think it's, again-- branches from what I was saying like right at the beginning of this giant rant that I really don't like s-- I really struggle to say no to anybody, and if a fan or someone giving a supa asks me to do something, even if it makes me really uncomfortable, I'll probably do it still.

So it's definitely difficult to know which direction to take this, but all I'm going to ask is like, again, I always say this, but please, be kind to one another, and don't get into arguments. Just--

Let's discuss this like, nicely, and with the effort that-- with the-- excuse me-- to bear in mind that at the end of the day, I am a youtuber; you're watching a guy who plays video games online; it ain't that deep. Okay? The main thing is just trying to create a community that it's nice to be a part of, and to create content that you guys enjoy watching. And that is all. Okay?
So, let's just have a nice chat about it, and try to figure out what we're going to do next. Okay? Mweh. (kiss)

Superduper Samurai

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I don't watch him, but are the fujos reacting negatively to his voice tweet, where he talked about being a fanservice vtuber, his inability to say no to his fans and how it scares new viewers away?

View attachment 7214
View attachment 7215
View attachment 7216
View attachment 7217

Transcription - Voice Tweet, “Some Thoughts.”​

(Transcriber’s note: I’ve done my best to make this verbatim. Please listen to the tweet and understand that intonation in any language is a key part to the full emotional content of a thing. If you are a non-native speaker, it may be very difficult for you to discern what tone is being used when. My personal understanding here is that Vox is being rather calm, soothing, and reassuring while addressing this matter.)

(Recordings are indicated by asterisks, so that you can better follow along with Vox’s words and his tone while reading. Paragraph divisions are arbitrary and made to make translation/readability easier.)

(Begin Transcription:)

I'm having a lot of thoughts and so I think I'm just gonna voice tweet and let it run as long as it needs to run, and just say what's on my mind at the moment.

I think that when it comes to making the best content that I can, I think that a lot of my experiences in my first year as, ah, you know, having a lot of this success has definitely hit me with a lot of experiences that have changed the way I think about this kind of thing, but not always accurately.

I think that for me, I'm really sort of sensitive to the idea that some people don't like aspects of my content, ah, that other people do like. It's a really obvious concept, but it gets under my skin a lot, and if--

In an ideal world, I think I would just be a really palatable and enjoyable person that I think, you know, that I think the majority of people would really enjoy watching.

But what I think I've been experiencing is that over the course of this career, I've kind of fallen down a certain rabbithole that, which, you know, (is) purely of my own creation, that sort of made me into a certain type of content creator-- and that's okay, like, it's not anyone's fault for enjoying a certain type of content that I do.

I mean, I think, to be honest, the reason that I fell into being a fanservice vtuber was probably because I just enjoyed the approval that I got whenever somebody in chat asked me to do something and I did it and they would sort of, you know, say, "Oh, thank you very much! Tskr!" or whatever it is, it felt nice, and so I kept doing it.

And-- but then, over time it does start making me think about the longevity of my content and how it must look to someone who doesn't know what's going on, or who is joining us for the first time.

To me, I think that a lot of the names and faces that I see recurring-- see popping up on stream more often than not-- are ones that have been here since the beginning. There are very dedicated kindred and some brand new ones as well.

But to be honest, if -I- were in this community and I weren't in this position, and ** I found my content as a brand new person, I think I would find it somewhat impenetrable in a way.

There are so many in-jokes and so many traditions and not to mention, I think that-- I do agree with people, that having like a really sus aspect to almost every single stream is kind of exhausting, and I think it stems from my inability to say no to people.

Um... Whenever I-- I mean-- people are giving me their own hard-earned money through supas. I -need- to respond to that, and do, obviously not always, but I--

I really feel that I owe the people in my chat so much and the worst nightmare that I have is not giving them the thing that they're coming to me for, and that resulting in, you know, things falling apart or someone leaving, and, you know, it's--

it's bad and I'm very sensitive to that kind of thing, and I want to be able to make the right thing for everyone, and I really want more people than just like the people who enjoy this very specific style of content to be able to watch me, but I think that over time, it's become, you know, so dictated by what a small minority of people want me to do that it's sort of scaring away everyone else, and uh...

I think it sort of really relates to the whole experience of chat, because if all I'm ever doing is-- if all I'm ever doing is, um, giving fanservice and if all I'm ever doing is, reading the, you know, reading supas and trying to do whatever it is they ask me to do--

because, like I said, I feel sort of obligated to do whatever a person asks me to do in a supa. It sort of feels like it's required of me, like it's in my job description.

But then, of course, you know-- for example, streams like a MC stream can be just me chatting and relaxing with everyone, which is my favorite thing to do, or it can become one person makes a really sort of, you know, intimate request of me, and because that's just what I do, I'll respond to it and I'll give it to them,

and then, suddenly *** there's an avalanche of people who all want me to stop and pay attention to them individually, which I don't mind, but while I'm doing it, I do think about the experience of everyone who is not one of those people, everyone who was enjoying the other aspect of the stream.

And so I think maybe the right thing to do is to kind of shake up the chat rules a little bit and add another clause about um, spam-- I mean, the whole thing about it is that I actually really enjoy emote spam.

It kind of-- it fills me with dopamine and whenever I-- whenever I do something and people say tskr or like, they have the ‘kekw’ emote in chat, it always makes me laugh, and it makes me smile.

But the chat isn't really for me. The chat is for you guys to interact with me, and so if it's generally sort of-- if it's generally, like, agreed upon that a lot of people would prefer that stopped, then maybe we can take a look at reducing that.

So, um-- all I'm really trying to do at the moment is to keep my fingers on the pulse of what is generally enjoyed by, you know, the majority of the people who watch me, because I think that I've made the mistake in the past of trying to appeal to the people who don't watch me, and sort of forgetting about what made my own content special in the first place.

And so I don't want to make that mistake again. I just-- I just want to listen to you, okay? And the fact of-- I'm just trying to think about what I'm gonna say--

I think the hardest part of all of this is that when you're on twitter, you see the perspective and the opinions of only so many people, and one of my biggest fears, really, is taking action and doing-- doing-- making drastic changes, when there's a whole community of people, specifically those perhaps who don't have access to twitter, perhaps those with a language barrier, who, um, what am I trying to say here?-- who I may not get to see the perspectives of. And that is a little scary, you know.

It's a little frightening not to know what everyone in your community is thinking, you know, and while I might see the opinions of people who really, you know, I-- **** see the opinions of people on twitter who might have the right idea, but then there might-- there might–

they might make me think that's what the entirety of my community thinks, but then it may only be a small sample size, and there might be an even larger swathe of people who don't think that way, and I may be letting them down as well.

I think it's, again-- branches from what I was saying like right at the beginning of this giant rant that I really don't like s-- I really struggle to say no to anybody, and if a fan or someone giving a supa asks me to do something, even if it makes me really uncomfortable, I'll probably do it still.

So it's definitely difficult to know which direction to take this, but all I'm going to ask is like, again, I always say this, but please, be kind to one another, and don't get into arguments. Just--

Let's discuss this like, nicely, and with the effort that-- with the-- excuse me-- to bear in mind that at the end of the day, I am a youtuber; you're watching a guy who plays video games online; it ain't that deep. Okay? The main thing is just trying to create a community that it's nice to be a part of, and to create content that you guys enjoy watching. And that is all. Okay?
So, let's just have a nice chat about it, and try to figure out what we're going to do next. Okay? Mweh. (kiss)

Not really, he usually gets a fuckton of asspat from both chinks, esl and random fujos

I think the only pushback he is getting is on him not allowing emoji supas because ESLs cant speak without using them
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