I wonder if they've done coffee bar tables at conventions, because I think that could be a decent idea to market it more. I don't know how many impressions there are out there for their coffee but I think having word of mouth out that "It's okay" would motivate a few more sales for people on the fence like me. I still hold that if Fish "Phase Connect" Man Sr. sends me bags of each, I'll do full on reviews of each of them and post them wherever they want it. I have a french press and everything, I'll give it a real shot and give you some absolute nobody's take on your bean broth. And Fishman, if you like that coffee bar idea and are hitting a convention on the east coast again sometime soon, I charge $20/hr for freelance barista services and I promise I won't poison Pippa fans with any mold that isn't endemic to the product naturally.
Even if they probably deserve it.