Maybe Marine can help.Megabased, now if only Kaela learned of the Gospel, then she'd be an 11/10 wife.

More than that she is living in country where sharia law applies and women have little more rights than a nightstand.
Women in Malaysia - Wikipedia
The actual application of sharia law in Malaysia varies by region and demographic. Suffice to say, given that Remi is ethnic Chinese and was raised speaking English, she is highly unlikely to be in a location or category where sharia applies. Her parents are just a-holes. Legal help will probably still be difficult, but no more or less than in any other third-world nation.Ah ok if her parents have her documents and she can't get new ones then that's something a lawyer should be needed at least to help her see how to get new papers at the very least, but she lives in a goatfucker shithole doesn't she? so she may be fucked.
I'm like 70% convinced the leaks are from an actual liver. At least, some of them.
What was the argument in favour? I can buy it, but I'm not sure why it would be a liver over someone on staff.Kurinji actually made that same arguement in a live stream about the leaks. It would be my bet at this point too.
Other than his Orange Man moments (e.g. 2% confirmation), the other things that come to mind are that he was diagnosed with ADHD, and this recap on the homeland of a trip/off-collab he had last year with Nina, Vox and Ike where he went completely off the rails, by his own retelling.In a scale of 1 to Rushia howis Mysta? Its really that bad
Whilst I understand a vast majority of you don't watch male NIJI talent, did any of you happen to listen to Mysta's overview of his trip/offline collaboration with Nina, Vox and Ike? I knew the guy was unhinged and inept, but I didn't foresee it going to such levels of borderline lunacy. I'll provide the key bullet points, so you don't have to suffer listening to a sickly British voice.
- Arrived two hours early for his train and managed to bring the wrong paperwork to collect his tickets.
- Journey itself resulted in Mysta having to board four different trains. However three of them where within London's Overground and Underground system. Claimed it was extremely expensive. Naturally he was flooded with donations to cover these "extreme" fees. (At most, he had to pay £9 within London)
- Seeming cannot read the maps for either the Overground or Underground system, almost getting lost to the meet up point.
- Mysta unironically wore Techwear and budget "Sports Direct" gear to the meet up, which reaffirms my belief he is a the product of the wonderful council estate housing system.
- Nina wanted to explore quaint parts of London. Mysta, the Filipino Chav claims that "The UK has no culture but Football. Everything else is cringe."
- Despite being allergic to chocolate, ate it almost exclusively on the trip. Only time he had an actual meal was when the group ordered something in advance.
- On the first day, he went off on his own and avoided the group until his stream. Blames it on being introverted.
- Refused to show any pictures of the trip, as he feared someone would dox the location/s they visited.
- Second day, he went off on his own again to meet with an old friend. Gotta feel bad for Nina, Vox and Ike at this point.
- Intentionally got white girl wasted, so he could socialise and partake in karaoke in the evening with them. Complained about Nina's cocktail mixing skills.
- On his planned final day in London, seemingly lost his tickets and didn't know how to get a replacement.
- Had a mild panic attack at the station and his first nose bleed of the trip, decided to book a new hotel and hid away for a day to plan his journey out.
- Lied to Nina, Vox and Ike about his wellbeing as they departed. Seemingly got himself lost taking an afternoon stroll away from his newly rented hotel room.
- Called up Mika from Niji ID and begun crying on the phone to her.
- Didn't note down the new hotel he was staying at sent some poor taxi driver on a wild goose chase trying to find his place. Was abounded after the third hotel.
- Hotel is a branch chain (likely Premier Inn) and was able to direct him to the correct location.
- Calls up Mika from Niji ID again on the phone to try and calm himself down, has yet another nose bleed before puking up. Yes, she was on the phone listening to this man puke.
- He decides to diagnose himself based upon Google information.
- Security from the hotel is sent to check upon him, after seeing him covered in blood on CCTV.
- Mysta didn't tell anyone in Niji EN or management about his health situation. Mika Niji ID seemingly was the only one alerted until this stream.
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