What the fuck does this woman have for an ass that she does this to a chair? Sandpaper?
Everyone knows that people pay top tier price for "used" chairs and since not-Yuri doesn't seem like the type to do that often, might as well go for the other degen option.He never said he'd buy a piss chair.
New Juna Unagi cover just dropped and it's pretty darn good.
She has a nice low voice. Would really love to hear more of her covers.
Wish they did a collab. Have they ever?
They haven't. It would be interesting but I wonder what they would talk about. Don't think they have that much in common.
I continue my search for more phase clippers and took a look at #phaseclips on twitter to see if anything ends up in phase weekly tomorrow. The only remarkable thing is that pebbel seems to lurk the thread because he started using twitter after people recommended he uses it
Another thing is that even though there's a lot of dizzy lovers here there's an incredible lack of dizzy clips, since debut her general tag has only 4 videos, 2 from a no view channel, 1 from a mexican channel lmao and one from a possible gimmick account on twitter, it's their only post. I guess you don't love dizzy that much, looking at you john vtuber.
Leaving the most recent clips I got for your amusement, there were pebbel clips but those were old I linked the newest. The erina supercut should remind you how cool blightown is
If he isnt here, then I hope someone let him know. I wish more of the clippers would help promote themselves and their clips to get more views on em.
Just saw this kinda interesting
Interesting. I wonder how much she will get nerfed to avoid having her say yab shit about the talents. Inb4 she calls Idol a Jewcorp.
Maybe left a small written note with the merch calling them out. Overall seems like a bad thing to admit to but Shondo sometimes does or says stupid shit.She'd better hope those viewers still like her because payment processors don't find data misuse funny. It was a mistake even admitting this, honestly, all it takes is a couple of antis pretending to be concerned fans emailing StreamLabs/Gumroad/PayPal/etc linking the tweet and asking if she has their address and they'd probably nuke her shit from orbit.
Im confused. Wtf is this and what are the rankings based on?
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