"Take care of your own feet before you simp for other people's feet OK?"Enna Alouette

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Lets see how being an indie is treating Yuri...

View attachment 29617

What the fuck does this woman have for an ass that she does this to a chair? Sandpaper?

He never said he'd buy a piss chair.
Everyone knows that people pay top tier price for "used" chairs and since not-Yuri doesn't seem like the type to do that often, might as well go for the other degen option.

New Juna Unagi cover just dropped and it's pretty darn good.

She has a nice low voice. Would really love to hear more of her covers.

Wish they did a collab. Have they ever?

They haven't. It would be interesting but I wonder what they would talk about. Don't think they have that much in common.

I continue my search for more phase clippers and took a look at #phaseclips on twitter to see if anything ends up in phase weekly tomorrow. The only remarkable thing is that pebbel seems to lurk the thread because he started using twitter after people recommended he uses it :kaelaapprob:
Another thing is that even though there's a lot of dizzy lovers here there's an incredible lack of dizzy clips, since debut her general tag has only 4 videos, 2 from a no view channel, 1 from a mexican channel lmao and one from a possible gimmick account on twitter, it's their only post. I guess you don't love dizzy that much, looking at you john vtuber.
Leaving the most recent clips I got for your amusement, there were pebbel clips but those were old I linked the newest. The erina supercut should remind you how cool blightown is

If he isnt here, then I hope someone let him know. I wish more of the clippers would help promote themselves and their clips to get more views on em.

Just saw this kinda interesting

Interesting. I wonder how much she will get nerfed to avoid having her say yab shit about the talents. Inb4 she calls Idol a Jewcorp.

She'd better hope those viewers still like her because payment processors don't find data misuse funny. It was a mistake even admitting this, honestly, all it takes is a couple of antis pretending to be concerned fans emailing StreamLabs/Gumroad/PayPal/etc linking the tweet and asking if she has their address and they'd probably nuke her shit from orbit.
Maybe left a small written note with the merch calling them out. Overall seems like a bad thing to admit to but Shondo sometimes does or says stupid shit.

Finally the league ended for now with HoloPro as our champion :nenedance::subaruclapping:
View attachment 29578
Im confused. Wtf is this and what are the rankings based on?
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Planetary Bombardment

It's the only way to be sure.
Joined:  Jan 7, 2023
Edit 1: New model is horrifying but I believe she will releasing a new outfit on the 21st along with her flamingo friend Kerimara.
Call me tasteless but I like the model. It's cute.

Went to look at the stream for context. I have some of those noodles myself. They are brutally hot, so I can understand her reactions. I usually add a huge amount of extra stuff to them and make a kind of soup with stock and chopped vegetables before putting in the noodles and spice. Fun to stream eating it on Discord and have SEAMonkeys tell you your voice has them questioning their sexuality.
Well I have six instant cups on order so not only will I be punished for my hubris AGAIN it will happen six times because I won't want to waste them. I need to acquaint myself with some humility.

Jolted Cookies

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Finally the league ended for now with HoloPro as our champion :nenedance::subaruclapping:
View attachment 29578
The top 8 will go to the final of the season cup while the bottom 4 will get relegated and i will ask for teams to get promoted for now i have NorioPro and VEE
View attachment 29579
View attachment 29580
Kawaii getting regulated... GET FUCKED NENE!!

Edit 2: Reincarnated dragon Beryl has some kind of announcement in a few hours:

5 mins. till start time - hopefully this will be a new outfit or something like that

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
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Find your own damn thesaurus!
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The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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I should have expected this....but she's definitely knows her way around the guitar. She needs to start doing guitar streams. I would 100% tune in for those.

Lee Crabb

Resident Liacon
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Kawaii getting regulated... GET FUCKED NENE!!

5 mins. till start time - hopefully this will be a new outfit or something like that
Graduation. June 26. And I just started watching her. :depressedtako:


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Unless my ears deceive me, she saying she is graduating.
e: late, I'll accept those clocks like a man.
e2: Star*Ring apparently didn't really know what to do with her. Sakana, pick her up she plays good games.


Shared joy is double joy
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Belle Delphine's Armpit

Joined:  Dec 7, 2022
I should have expected this....but she's definitely knows her way around the guitar. She needs to start doing guitar streams. I would 100% tune in for those.
Tbh I'm surprised she hasn't really done that, seems like a great way to get people watching.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Tbh I'm surprised she hasn't really done that, seems like a great way to get people watching.
Considering when most vtubers in this sphere whip out an acoustic guitar or a ukelele but then Rie whips out a fucking electric guitar and plays speed metal/anime metal shit you would think it would be a major selling point


You gonna eat that?
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Looking forward to Magni's 2.0 redesign. Here's to hoping it's more expressive compared to the plain whiteboard face he has now. Good enough for a few expressive memefaces at least.

Belle Delphine's Armpit

Joined:  Dec 7, 2022
Considering when most vtubers in this sphere whip out an acoustic guitar or a ukelele but then Rie whips out a fucking electric guitar and plays speed metal/anime metal shit you would think it would be a major selling point
Definitely, imagine if she did a "give me random guitar tabs/songs and I'll try playing them" stream that'd be tight, or just a jamming stream.


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Tbh I'm surprised she hasn't really done that, seems like a great way to get people watching.
This is what happens when you have a talent for something and you then ignore it. She made it a point during her debut to pull out her guitar and she has barely used it. Similar to Reimu from Niji3 who was pushed as a great singer (and she is) yet she has barely done any karaoke or singing streams. If you have a skill, and you market yourself as having that skill (and the company hires you in part due to that) why the fuck won't you use it?

Hime could have a guitar jam stream, or she could critique other people playing guitar n shit. Just something chill. Worst case scenario it just turns into a zatsudan while she just randomly plays or practices.

Looking forward to Magni's 2.0 redesign. Here's to hoping it's more expressive compared to the plain whiteboard face he has now. Good enough for a few expressive memefaces at least.
I do like the deadpan and fairly simplistic face of his. Its more meme-worthy.

Unless my ears deceive me, she saying she is graduating.
e: late, I'll accept those clocks like a man.
e2: Star*Ring apparently didn't really know what to do with her. Sakana, pick her up she plays good games.

Sakana has watched and donated to her i believe. Maybe he was looking into grabbing her. (inb4 shes in jewcorp)

She doesnt seem THAT sad about it so I guess she has something already set. EN girl that knows JP with a great song selection and is a great singer. Holo EN3?
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Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster
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Definitely, imagine if she did a "give me random guitar tabs/songs and I'll try playing them" stream that'd be tight, or just a jamming stream.
As if she would like an anti-debuff and get popular.

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Some people don't consider Slavs or Russians white.
Lumi's family allegedly descends from some Slavic country like Russia or a country nearby.

Shit I guess I'm actually a double ni‎gger.

I just ordered some of this ramen. She sounds like she's dying and I can't imagine it could possibly be that bad.

I keep forgetting to look into ordering this shit myself, from googling I don't know which of the two this is but one is like 4k SHU which is nothing, and another variant of the brand that is 12k SHU, about half-again over typical jalapeno. Now on paper that doesn't sound too bad but I feel like there's probably something with how condensed it is or how it's presented that might make it worse, or else these bitches have zero tolerance for spice at all because jalapeno is still barely anything.

Also want to say, it never occurred to me I've never watched this girl at all, didn't expect that kind of voice. Jesus.

She'd better hope those viewers still like her because payment processors don't find data misuse funny. It was a mistake even admitting this, honestly, all it takes is a couple of antis pretending to be concerned fans emailing StreamLabs/Gumroad/PayPal/etc linking the tweet and asking if she has their address and they'd probably nuke her shit from orbit.

I'd do it for a laugh and I don't really care that much about her at the end of the day, but if she wants to talk shit about real life consequences over assuredly petty shit I'm a god of ruining women's lives.

Went to look at the stream for context. I have some of those noodles myself. They are brutally hot, so I can understand her reactions. I usually add a huge amount of extra stuff to them and make a kind of soup with stock and chopped vegetables before putting in the noodles and spice. Fun to stream eating it on Discord and have SEAMonkeys tell you your voice has them questioning their sexuality.

Define what makes them brutally hot for you, because I just can't believe they're all that bad if they're just 12k.

Avian Agricultural Refugee

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Former MyHolo TV and Tsunderia talent Miori Celesta has signed on with Idol Corp.
Correction: Miori Celesta will be doing a watchalong of Idol Corp's EN2 generation along with various other VTubers notably including Neuro and Filian.

Link / Archive
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We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Well in the case of Sana, she never did art streams because of how it reminded her of her day job dooling chink gacha. Which reminds me of my absolute favorite Sana stream where it's her technically picking out and gushing vtuber fanart. Sometimes being talented isn't enough, you gotta have someone sharp or astute with a keen eye and clever streaming ideas.


Find your own damn thesaurus!
Joined:  Jan 4, 2023
Just some info-posting for future reference and for people that don't understand why the Frog bosses are routinely dumpstering everyone. Beat this on GM after ~5 hours and fighting them this early is really awful.
>Hitboxes are broken
Their hitbox doesn't reflect their animation on a lot of their attacks. The most notable is the forward leap they do. It is avoided by either jumping over them, hoping the other frog bodyblocks them (RNG) or getting very lucky and dodging it at range. The frog does a very short upwards ascent during its leap, which actually moves the hitbox up too. So you either have to be jumping over them at the start of it or near the end. If you aren't at the peak of your double jump during the first half of their leap, you can get hit by it despite not actually touching him.
>The arena is actually a dome, not a circle
The invisible arena walls aren't flat walls like a cylinder, they're curved near the top. So if you're trying to double-jump over a leap or tongue near the edge of the arena, you can hit your head on the ceiling. Unlike the Jedi Knight series where they'll let you hang at the ceiling for the duration of your ascent in a double jump, this game will cause you to bounce off the ceiling and get sent straight down.
>Synced unblockables
So unless you're lucky or at range, the only way to avoid the forward leap is to jump over them. The only way to avoid the unblockable bite they do is to dodge on the ground. So this is where RNG comes in and just decides you don't get to kill them. Similar deal with the tongue attack that is only avoided if you jump over it or if you're on the other side of the stage. One move will require a double jump while the other move requires a ground dodge so you're getting hit if they're properly synced. Even if you're staying away from them, the leap can cover most of the arena and the bite can cover 1/3 to 1/2 of the arena. This is why the best strat is to play aggressive and kill one of them as quick as possible because these synced unblockables are what will kill you most of the time no matter how well you're playing. It's basically a race to remove one of the frogs before RNG comes knocking.
>Hitstun can kill you with higher levels of HP
If you dumped your skill points into the survival skill tree and picked up health-upgrades along the way, you can survive some of their "1-shot" moves like the bite or leap, it's only the tongue that is a guaranteed auto-kill. However the hitstun on some of these will lock you down long enough to get hit by the other frog and die. The worst example is if you get hit out of the air. If you're lucky, you'll immediately get thrown to the ground on your back so you can recover off the ground and dodging way from the next incoming attack. The more likely result though is that your character does a stagger animation in the air for ~1.5 seconds as they fall to the ground on their feet, which further extends the duration of the hitstun lockdown.
>The leap aways blind you to the other frog
Once you hit Phase 2, the frog will try to leap away and will usually do the tongue attack. In phase 3, they'll start leaping away more often to prepare for the new leap-slam. The problem here is that they can jump over you and completely fuck with your camera briefly. During this brief second, all you hear is the second Frog preparing an unblockable but you'll have no idea what it is. Is it a forward leap? You better time your jump and not dodge. The big bite? You better not jump because that move has some crazy air tracking.
>Phase 3 makes all but 2 of the attacks unpunishable
Aside from the heightened aggression in Phase 3 with 1 new move, nearly all of their punishable moves get their recovery frames significantly reduced and they'll usually follow those up. The leap? Yeah, they always immediately follow that up now. Waiting for 2 bites? Yeah, RNG can decide they do 4 bites. The only 2 safe moves to punish are the unblockable bite and the vomit puddle. This is why most people die after downing one of the frogs. They'll have spent the past 5+ minutes being trained to react a certain way to specific moves and now you can't.
Reading this and rewatching it I can see how bullshit this fight is. Tenma got killed after one of the frogs reset it's bite animation before it was even finished with the first double bite. That wasn't even the only time an attack started before the other one stopped. 69 hours to get to this point. The lengths she goes to to give us content.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
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