Aha, so he finally embraced it.
For context, the deacon (Friar Phillip Calington) has been doing some work visiting places around South East Asia (primarily Singapore, based from what I gleamed from his Facebook and Instagram post) and interacted with the local churches there.
I guess that at some point (either 2022 or 2023), he was on Jakarta's malls during the time they hosted one of them cosplay weeb events and encountered a Kobo cosplayer who, judging by the looks of it, decided to take a picture with her.
I know for the fact that it was posted on his personal facebook first, then it got deleted and around six weeks ago another Instagram account posted the facebook screenshot. I guess they tagged him, in which he decided to accept it and post the unedited picture on his Instagram.
Either way, its still funny.
EDIT: For the record, even the indo weebs and netizens find it a bit funny and charming, since the differences is pretty hilarious. And the fact that the facebook post has a quote where the Kobo cosplayer outright asked the Friar "what are you cosplaying as?"
EDIT2: Might as well add the picture
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