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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Ok, I'm a bit more interested in this now, anyone can give a rundown?

What I can figure out, Lia invites a dude on stream he acts a bit of a creep, keeps going in chat after, Tenma comes and bans him, lia blocks him, and then the dog piling went too far.

Is it correct, or am I missing something?
There's a VOD archive few pages back. You better check and judge it yourself.

Full VOD: https://gofile.io/d/KbShHG around 4hrs 58m for the male on stream

Male on stream: https://files.catbox.moe/fhwjok.mp4

I checked it and I don't see any issue with exo call-in. After the call, there is an instance when Lia went completely quiet when exo commented on the 4 horsemen stuff. After 2 instances of standby screens, Tenma came into chat and timeout exo.

Maybe some Lia fans here chime in and point me out that I'm wrong.


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There's a VOD archive few pages back. You better check and judge it yourself.
I saw it, just wondering why there's drama over it.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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I'm not too keen on involving myself with discourse about the ID branches but I would offer a general caution against using HoloID as a measuring stick of domestic success.

HoloID has a significant Western and Japanese fanbase baked into their numbers and their streams are overwhelmingly done in English. There was even that week that got memory-holed where Risu was angry she was being told to speak Indonesian more for domestic fans that management seemed to give up on.

They are obviously doing far better than NijiID ever will but they are also an outlier with nebulous demographic distribution relative to any other ID-based branch you can think of. It's paradoxical to accuse the Niji management of telling them to appeal to other audiences via other languages for growth (which they haven't) when that is effectively what happened to the branch they're being compared to, while ex-ID have maintained that they have never been asked to speak in anything other than Indonesian and most do just that.

Derem Kado is a unique example because it wasn't management but instead a small group of Japanese fans finding her cute and deciding to stick around. Of course she is going to be aware that speaking Japanese is an angle she can take to find a new audience because it's exactly what ex-KR did.
But HoloID is an experimental branch playing second fiddle to EN is it not? I wouldn't worry about them...


Dread Father
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>be me
>go to pcg to read and lol at Lia drama
>see fat Shiina fanart
>desire the sweet relief of death

Een Gevolg

Undead Nurse #1
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Gundou explains her travel hiatus; she's doing it since doctors told her not to wear headphones for a while, she has Ménière's disease just like Kanata.


I like to watch.
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To wit, the tweets basically point out that some of the NijiID doing a offline met up with the now-graduated NijiID Miyu Ottavia since they are in the same country and all (barring Azura Cecilia who are currently in Straya and possibly other IDs who live in area that isn't central aka Jakarta/Jabodetabek), and they kinda playing it around like they were being haunted by the soul of a shit-posting otter, but generally speaking its not really connected to the rest of the vagueposting where they probably just mentioned about needing some break and all.

On the second link, though, I did hear about this since some Nijifans on a place I was part of did talk about it. One of the talent, Derem Kado is basically not really feeling well because she felt like she has to essentially commit more to use her JP speaking expertise to get more viewerships and she would want to try to ya know, not use JP. She also mentioned some sort of internal issue (unsure if it was Nijisanji related or her own real life matters), but she said she don't want others to try speculating. So it might be just her being burn out.

Generally speaking, at the moment NijiID themselves are having a bit of issues with their lives right now and not exactly because of the Niji-related issue. Azura Cecilia is having issues with her home, Siska Leontyne is dealing with throat issue that rendering her lacking the ability to talk long, and other stuff that each ID talents couldn't easily mention except by vagueposting. There is possibility that they too aren't exactly enjoying the merge, but at the same time, they don't have anything that is damning enough for them to follow like Miyu and graduate (who did it partly because of her creative differences with Nijisanji post-merge), and would stay in the boat for now, until they believed they are ready to move on, or that things would change.

I mean, of course they probably gonna be feeling something when they lost their branch while the other competitor not only retain theirs, but also managed to hit way higher than everyone combined despite them being the first.
HoloID proves that the VTuber market can flourish here so I don't really understand why niji thought it'll be wise to let them do their own thing and gives them the bare minimum adverts during company-wide projects, I too would question the merging decision if I'm getting no real incentive out of it beside "now you have to git gud on other audiences too unless you wanted to stay on the bottom barrel"
Derem Kado
Honestly I don't know. NijiID pre-merge was doing on their own well enough, but either they were operating at a loss that is enough for Niji management to merge them or that they felt like, since KR pretty much fucked that badly, ID might be the same, just not as explicit as KR was. I still see India's failure less of lack of advertisement and more like they went to a market that they don't fully understand, which isn't helped with their sudden brand change (and rebranding before disclosure).

They are overwhelmingly in english, but it was until 2nd and 3rd gen where the talents are more confident (i guess) to talk in ID for their stream. Especially Kobo, whose english skill is somewhat lower than most of the HoloIDs. While yes, their popularity can be chalked up by the numbers from overseas viewerships, I am specifically pointing at Kobo and how she manages to made every weebs in Indo to praise "Mantra Hujan" (Kobo's original).

I'm not exactly want the NijiID to appeal to outside like EN at the moment (I don't want another Mika, thanks), but I do want ID to get more aid with the management from JP, at the very least. They already have their own capacity in ID pre-merge and even they managed to do things after that (Alice in Musicland cover, which was a group project/effort), why not let them continue their thing post-merge? It kind of feel like, alienating since the fans and weebs in ID couldn't really understand the merge and would just refer NijiID as "no longer ID" or something.

The fact that each weeb cons here that I go to keep having NijiEN cosplayers while there's barely any NijiID cosplays irks me.

Anyway, just giving the ID some support or acknowledgement is already a blessing as it is, especially now that they got actual merch and all. But right now, I kinda wonder if it was too little too late or not. As for Derem, I'm sure that she just burned out, not really part of the possible current NijiID issues right now. But who knows?
But HoloID is an experimental branch playing second fiddle to EN is it not? I wouldn't worry about them...

Just wanted to add than even tho people keep bringing up HoloID as a measurement of success against NijiID, that as far as im aware Cover hasn't opened up Audition for ID4, even tho we are closing in on ID3 anniversary, and they don't have open auditions like EN and Jp so its looking very likely there no plans for more HoloID gens, so it feels that both big corpos are pulling out of the Id market in their own way.

Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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Assuming that Idol Corp astroturfed /vt/ for views - which I suspect is the case - it is entirely possible that there is an Aviel lurking right here.
Woah there buddy, that's a serious accusation. Are you trying to tell me that the jewcorp did some shady shit and is manipulating things behind the scenes? I don't buy it.


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Did she never finish Arise?

How many other corpo Vtubers have lore asserting that their company kidnapped them?
I suppose Cocos lore was that she crashed into the Hololive Office in dragon form and shes now forced to work there to pay off the damages.
Also I believe Ollie was something similar, where after she got reanimated the house where she used to live in as a human was turned into a ramen shop, Yagoo happend to be visiting ID Gen1 in Indonesia and was eating there and saw the supernatural creature and pretty much forced her to work for him.
So place your bets this ain't tutu so is she gonna reveal tutu as Calli and pretend she only has one or is she gonna say fuck it and reveal both on both DDK and Calli with different names?
Im pretty sure she will reveal that she has two cats very soon, she already talked on stream about wanting a second one

The only thing Kiara loves more than KFP might be cats, shes already encouraging her

Regarding Suiseis 1st Take:

A JP vocal coach with 1.8M subs reacted to her
I grabbed some TLs from Suisei discord, read if anyone cares
Suisei on billboards in Japan

Some JP clipper I follow even TLd an overseas reaction to Suisei lol

Voice Acting for Multimedia Project Annoucement Rikka and Kageyama Shien will be voicing in Bandai Namco's new mixed media project, Polaporiposupo currently featuring characters from two bands: WAKAZO and chirp×chirp. Rikka will be voicing as SO from WAKAZO and Shien will be voicing Itsuki from chirpxchirp. In addition, there will be videos posted from January-March on their Youtube regarding the project. Please show your support by following the project on Twitter and Youtube as there will be more information released in the future.

Some of the Stars are getting sponored for something, not quite sure what exatly it is because I dont know these JP brands

Clip Tax:


This bot generated meme showed up in my feed :deztheroom:


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Derem Kado's gimmick was her personality would be different depending on her model. In her bound form, with the ribbons wrapping her head and face she would be meek and childish. In her unbound form with both her eyes uncovered she would play up the chuunibyo and language. The closest I can compare them would be Risu when she's Ayunda.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Just wanted to add than even tho people keep bringing up HoloID as a measurement of success against NijiID, that as far as im aware Cover hasn't opened up Audition for ID4, even tho we are closing in on ID3 anniversary, and they don't have open auditions like EN and Jp so its looking very likely there no plans for more HoloID gens, so it feels that both big corpos are pulling out of the Id market in their own way.
Just because COVER isn't shitting out talents on a yearly basis doesn't mean that they don't plan to do so in the future. There was never a rule of "1 gen per year"
Also who was using HoloID to measure the Nijis? /vt/? As far as im aware the nijiIDs don't even exist as their own separate entity anymore, the only person i saw bring this up was mornlurker and then scuddle


I'll see the truth, m'lady
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Additionally, Vtubing on a resume will be more appealing than some shit fast food or low end service industry job.

Will it, though? Maybe if you spin it as "multimedia production" or some fluff like that…

To heal from the last pics, have a pic of one of Calli’s cats

A real old cat lady in the making.

I saw it, just wondering why there's drama over it.

At this point there seems to be two possibilities, in my opinion, for what's going on here. One is that there is more to the relationship between Exo and Lia such that there was some sort of subtext to that call that everyone else missed out on, and that affected Lia and she decided to unfollow Exo and take down the VOD in response. The second is that the /vt/ schizoposting theorizing about the existence of such a relationship freaked out Lia so much she decided to unfollow Exo and take down the VOD in response. Maybe it's a bit of both. If and when Lia wants to stop vagueposting and tell us what's going on here, she will, but until then I don't think it does anyone any good to keep spreading the schizoposts until people start accepting them as indelible truth.


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I don't know if anyone else has been watching Koyori's playthrough of Yoshi's Island but it's been pretty great so far. Highly recommended if you like the game. Unfortunately she streams at the perfect time for me to never be able to watch it live.


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The fact that each weeb cons here that I go to keep having NijiEN cosplayers while there's barely any NijiID cosplays irks me.
That EN is so successful in SEA without having a name that limits their fans to SEA is probably a part of why ex-ID are pretty low on the list of priorities for management. I do think that management is fine letting them do whatever when it comes to personal projects and whatnot. They’re just not going to go out of their way to promote them that much. Hopefully the merch is a sign that they’ll be getting at least the same basic level of promotion as the bulk of JP, but that’s probably too late to really lead to much growth for ex-ID.

ID members got to continue their activies, unlike IN, and still get numbers that would make the vast majority of vtubers jealous. Most indies would kill to have their sub counts and connections with both the rest of Nijisanji and other agencies including HoloID. However, the fact that they are stuck in a rut that there’s no real way out of - and that they have a first hand view of EN becoming the first genuinely successful foreign branch that is actually run by Nijisanji - probably takes a toll on them. Frankly speaking I imagine people like Derem would be happier in an Indo-focused smaller company.

Just wanted to add than even tho people keep bringing up HoloID as a measurement of success against NijiID, that as far as im aware Cover hasn't opened up Audition for ID4, even tho we are closing in on ID3 anniversary, and they don't have open auditions like EN and Jp so its looking very likely there no plans for more HoloID gens, so it feels that both big corpos are pulling out of the Id market in their own way.
I do think that we’ll get more HoloID members in the future. HoloID is definitely successful enough that I doubt Cover will pull out of the market. However I would say that Indonesia is also a lower priority market for Cover than Japan and, well, the vast EN market. ID is older than EN and has that experimental branch reputation, and Indonesians are used to male vtubers, but nonetheless Cover decided to do EN Stars first. HoloID nonetheless is doing really well so there’s not much incentive to change things up.

Will it, though? Maybe if you spin it as "multimedia production" or some fluff like that…
Probably depends on the industry. If it is something related to entertainment, content creation, marketing, etc then that spin would have a decent chance of being effective.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Yabairys is really excited that Watame went to the pornograffitti concert



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Our local British Blahaj Enjoyer is live


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God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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