"You know what I did? I would drag my friends into a discord call, and I'd be like 'watch me play!' and then listen to me commentate nghuenhueHueHUEHUAHUAHuah!!!"Dokibird
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Christ my heart. Watame's such a precious thing holy shit. I mean I knew that already but still.
Mio's outfit looks like what you probably 100% expected from the shadow teaser. A bit more chuuni than I expected from her with the hair rose and bangs over one eye. It and the short haired variation are both cute though, overall I like it.
I didn't expect the card motif so that's a neat touch. Kind of wonder what brought that on. Would've figured a tarot lean if they were going to do cards.
Regardless: Hag love, Mio love.
Mio's outfits have always been on the more wholesome and realistic side so I'm glad she decided to go for a chuuni outfit this time. Hags are the best.
Remember the shitpost end to her second stream, when she had this whole thing prepared ahead of time to interrupt the stream and play like it was "hacked" by "Pippa squad"? I'd guess she just likes to do that kind of meta "jolt you out of your comfort zone" content sometimes.
(timestamp 25:11)
I mean, she put a non-trivial amount of effort into the shitpost. Finding the Linkara clip and editing Pippa's hair onto it, along with the other pics and music and stuff.
These fuckers are getting dangerously close to looking like Shido, AKA '4℃', from Steins;Gate.
Designs aside, Nijisanji is like the fucking MCU, with Ethyria being the Endgame for me. It's way too much for anyone sane to give a shit about. And like @chihirogumi mentioned, every wave/gen is just a chance for a complete retard to get in. We already have Nina, Aia and her debut identity bullshit, Enna apologizing over 'muh racism', Rie with her brave opinions about JKR. Yes I'm aware that most vtubers, being asian/white western women, have very progressive opinions and that's fine, it's just that it can quickly turn into a shitfest of virtual singaling if the truly pozzed entities get in.
Sorry for the sperg. Here's best NijiEN member finally returning to AC.
This might have been answered a million times already but the reason Roboco ended up with that name is because that's what the demo designers were calling the model between themselves, years before they even found someone to play the character.
Probably safe to say, yeah. I think Nina was potentially talking out of her ass about an announcement, since the others didn't mention that, but who knows. IMO it would be very unprofessional if they were talking about a yet to be announced graduation since vtubers generally keep that stuff under wraps instead of sadposting about it. Not saying its impossible but it would be a bad way of handling it if that is true, and while I can imagine Nina and Scarle kinda doing that I'd think people like Rosemi and Ike would know better.
I don't think it's a graduation. My rrat is a physical/mental health or family crisis. That's one scenario where the livers might have believed management would make an announcement and acted accordingly*, but management decided not to, either on their own or in agreement with the person involved. Neither party would be in the wrong.
* Nina was the only one who said an announcement was coming, but as you said, they wouldn't all sadpost about something that's usually kept under wraps.
Re: Xsoliel
- Just put an X anywhere, it worked for HoloX.
- I remember complaining that Luxiem's names were too on the nose. Noctyx and Iluna were fine. But here we are again. The girls' names are fine, oddly enough.
- Verver is definitely becoming Verver or VV or similar. With Elu the Elf you can just call her Elu and ignore the subtitle, but somehow that doesn't work in this case. I like calling him Verver though.
- This time no one posted the lore. Usually I try to see if I can match the designs to their titles/codenames/jobs/whatever. I have a very low hit rate; the only time I've gotten 100% was HoloID3. But this takes the cake.
① Zaion LanZa (ランザー 罪恩)
Category: The Highest Infinity
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 1st Year
Treasurer of the Student Council who came from the future. She hides her loneliness with a self-imposed goal of preventing the apocalypse.
② Doppio Dropscythe (ドッピオ ドロップサイト)
Category: Duke of Discipline
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 1st Year
Enforcer of the Student Council who is true to himself. He’s a delinquent turned disciplinarian, so can order really be expected?
③ Meloco Kyoran (狂蘭 メロコ)
Category: Arcana of Melancholy
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 2nd Year
Event coordinator of the Student Council who is an exorcist by night. She casts out ghosts and demons with her trusty umbrella.
④ Hex Haywire (ヘックス へイワイヤー)
Category: Sage of Grief
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 2nd Year
Counselor of the Student Council who greatly wishes to care for people. He can absorb the pain of others, at the cost of his own wellbeing.
⑤ Kotoka Torahime (虎姫 コトカ)
Category: The Haute Allure
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 3rd Year
Vice President of the Student Council who is as fashionable as she is dependable. She specializes in glamouring as anyone she touches.
➅ Ver Vermillion (ヴェール ヴァーミリオン)
Category: The Soul Prophet
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 3rd Year
President of the Student Council who is veiled in charisma and mystery. He can look into your very soul and read your future.
Usually the character concepts can be cut down to one or two words, whether or not they match the designs. "Chaos, nature, civilisation". "Mafia, novelist, demon". What am I supposed to do with these categories? And did anyone guess student council from their designs?
- The girls' names are written in different orders in Japanese and English while the guys' names are in the same order.
- The song snippet sounded alright.
The vid looked like business as usual, a non-descriptive teaser with the Vtubers doing self-suggested lame one-liners. Hex tryharding a Corpse-esque voice is fucking hilarious, at least. The song also sounds alright so far, based on the teaser? Definitely curious, so I'll watch their debuts as long as they aren't the same timeslot as Hisui's 3D stream. Probably a good time to remind that debuts generally mean nothing in terms of whether a Vtuber's worth watching, more so just being a lore showcase that's forgotten within 48 hours, and a thing they can say "ew cringe" about on their birthday. I'd definitely recommend giving them a month to get comfortable with their position -- at that point if you like them, cool, and if you don't like them, cool.
I don't think it's a graduation. My rrat is a physical/mental health or family crisis. That's one scenario where the livers might have believed management would make an announcement and acted accordingly*, but management decided not to, either on their own or in agreement with the person involved. Neither party would be in the wrong.
* Nina was the only one who said an announcement was coming, but as you said, they wouldn't all sadpost about something that's usually kept under wraps.
Re: Xsoliel
- Just put an X anywhere, it worked for HoloX.
- I remember complaining that Luxiem's names were too on the nose. Noctyx and Iluna were fine. But here we are again. The girls' names are fine, oddly enough.
- Verver is definitely becoming Verver or VV or similar. With Elu the Elf you can just call her Elu and ignore the subtitle, but somehow that doesn't work in this case. I like calling him Verver though.
- This time no one posted the lore. Usually I try to see if I can match the designs to their titles/codenames/jobs/whatever. I have a very low hit rate; the only time I've gotten 100% was HoloID3. But this takes the cake.
① Zaion LanZa (ランザー 罪恩)
Category: The Highest Infinity
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 1st Year
Treasurer of the Student Council who came from the future. She hides her loneliness with a self-imposed goal of preventing the apocalypse.
② Doppio Dropscythe (ドッピオ ドロップサイト)
Category: Duke of Discipline
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 1st Year
Enforcer of the Student Council who is true to himself. He’s a delinquent turned disciplinarian, so can order really be expected?
③ Meloco Kyoran (狂蘭 メロコ)
Category: Arcana of Melancholy
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 2nd Year
Event coordinator of the Student Council who is an exorcist by night. She casts out ghosts and demons with her trusty umbrella.
④ Hex Haywire (ヘックス へイワイヤー)
Category: Sage of Grief
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 2nd Year
Counselor of the Student Council who greatly wishes to care for people. He can absorb the pain of others, at the cost of his own wellbeing.
⑤ Kotoka Torahime (虎姫 コトカ)
Category: The Haute Allure
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 3rd Year
Vice President of the Student Council who is as fashionable as she is dependable. She specializes in glamouring as anyone she touches.
➅ Ver Vermillion (ヴェール ヴァーミリオン)
Category: The Soul Prophet
Profile: XSOLEIL Institute of Infinity 3rd Year
President of the Student Council who is veiled in charisma and mystery. He can look into your very soul and read your future.
What am I supposed to do with those categories? And did anyone guess student council from their designs?
- The girls' names are written in different orders in Japanese and English while the guys' names are in the same order.
- The song snippet sounded alright.
I am once again asking Yagoo and God (mostly God, because there's no way this would ever happen) for HololiveExYu, where they're all from the ex-Yugoslavian countries, and the gimmick is that they all hate each other on an ethnic basis.
Rather unexpected choice of collab, having the collab partner being that of Dewi Fujin. Most folks probably doesn't know her, but back in the history stuff, she's pretty much known as one of the wives of Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia.
While nowadays she's more known as a businesswoman, philanthropist, socialite, television personality, two time anime seiyuu and runs her own YT channel in her homeland of Japan, it's quite unexpected choice of person to collab with. At least they have Ollie (another ID) to help around, but still, its weird to see it.
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