Ᵽ PHC: Phase Connect
♨ FVR: FlaVR
▷ HLO: Hololive
☆ HST: Holostars
◷ NIJ: Nijisanji
₪ IDL: Idol Corp
Ⓥ VSJ: VShojo
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₪ IDL | Coni is going to learn about Warhammer 40K
post | Mister Metokur is in remission from cancer
post | No sources on that, seems like a troll
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♨ FVR | Sena Deep Dive into human experimentation
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▷ HLO | About Dottovu burning out in the past
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◷ NIJ | Aia is DM-ing another one shot TTRPG, with Enna, Millie, Doppio and Kyo
post | Anny, Neuro-sama's artist mom, is having a rough time
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▷ HLO | Ina couldn't hug Suisei, but there will be more chances
post | Sayu visited San Jose Obon festival, posted photos
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Ᵽ PHC | Lumi wishing the best for Roca, who were not in a mean girl group (unlike Menace/Coni)
post | More Tomoe military talk, from someone from an army support admin unit
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Ᵽ PHC | Pippa and Kirsche about cakes and cai-eeks
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Ⓥ VSJ | Question - Where is Autisticus? It is anniversary of Nazuna
post | Nazuna and Kson will have a collab with Cafe in Taiwan
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▷ HLO | Calli released a song in collab with One Piece, Future Island
post | Tweet with a link to full version
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▷ HLO |
◷ NIJ | Salome in Pekora's anniversary stream
post | Pekora 24 hours stream, part 3
post | Pekora is the official ambassador for FGO's 8th anniversary
post | A whole lot of info on Bandai collab
post | An insanely stacked 3D live for the end of 24 hour stream. Also Towa's new outfit is announced
post | JP FGC Pro Kouji learns that Shigure Ui is not a Holo
post | Recommendation - (@Yakuzagawa on YouTube), uploading Eilene's old VODs
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₪ IDL | Archive - Roca Rourin - 【UNARCHIVED(_) KARAOKE _ 歌枠】City Poppin' - Sweet and nostalgic tunes to relax to
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Ᵽ PHC | Pippa about her anxiety while dealing with famous people
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▷ HLO | Botan Reine off collab
post | Starts here
post | Sawa voice roulette clip, samurai with Korsche
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▷ HLO | IRyS might get spats for 3D
post | Filian putting the call out for small chuubas again
post | Nano answers the call
post | Some other replies
post | Filian brakes a table (unrelated to above)
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Ᵽ PHC | Panko admits she runs Banned Vtuber Memes
post | Rie PL opens commissions
post | Archive - Kaneko Lumi - [UNARCHIVED] 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY KARAOKE
▷ HLO | Also Archive - Hakos Baelz - unarchived singing ft lazy rat
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Ᵽ PHC | Lumi celebrates anniversary
post | Talks about Hylo and Yuri
post | Screenshot of a new outfit
post | Plans to crusade Hungary, recruiting Clio
post | Naiyo Spede Germany update
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▷ HLO | Idol Showdown June 3rd patch
post | Kqsii drew Asmon Ayaya emote
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₪ IDL | Fuyo approves lewd art of herself
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▷ HLO | Ano Yatsu with Kiara's Sussy Roads from GTA
post | Towa singing stream with JP girls
post | Archives of NITRE statements on 3 graduating talent
post | About V&U Oracle box thing - it is removable, design without it. Speculation - she is Blair Labri, formerly of NexStage
post | Mutuals with Ayla Yew from NexStage on Twitter
VCR GTA Server
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▷ HLO | Botan got invited to VCR GTA Server
post | List of invited people
post | LaPlus also got an invite
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☆ HST | Gamma too
post | RPR and Axel on VCRGTA Server
post | It was eventful
post | Towa got in too
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▷ HLO | IRyS found out about Queen Medb from F/GO
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₪ IDL | Coni is thinking about a stream on NPC fetish
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Ᵽ PHC | Lia already made a deep dive
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▷ HLO | Gura with a Pizza Tower stream. Gura location speculations
post | Recommendation - SharklettVT, plays Project Wingman atm
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▷ HLO | OmegaAlpha's channel was removed from the channel list. Rrats, go wild!
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Ᵽ PHC | Dizzy Q&A stream. There are issues with that girl,
post | Fumio (@fumio_nyan) got a Lumi tattoo
post | Ember plays modded New Vegas
Obsydia 2nd Anniversary
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◷ NIJ | Obsydia 2nd Anniversary streams, they raid into each other
post | Other links
post | Minecraft resource pack of NijiEN
post | Selen about the resource pack, behind the scenes (this one is much later)
post | Rosemi made an RPG, plenty of screenshots follow
post | Nina, Vox, Final bosses
post | Rosemi talks about the anniversary
post | Depressed Nousagi about OG vtubers becoming irrelevant
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▷ HLO | About Jenma being a Kiara only manager now
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₪ IDL | Pochi with pregnant minion girl, presented without context
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◷ NIJ | Lumi and Kyo connection
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Ᵽ PHC | Lia retro model?
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₪ IDL | Archive - Poko Rakun - 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】

post | Mari Mari is an official speedrunner, got a mod note
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Ᵽ PHC | She talked about Pippa
post | Moral of the story. I'm not going to link more Mari Mari clips of the same VOD, go watch her in full!
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▷ HLO | New 2ManySnacks video, Pekora and Jill
post | Question - How does Risu make lewd jokes without coming off as low brow
post | Dottovu tried speedrun
post | Gura announcements - animated op will be soon, thinking about ED
post | Sora Iofi off collab
post | Korone clipper JShay Too has a new channel, uploads a vid on a meaning of AZKi's name
Also Questions about lore
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Ᵽ PHC | Shiina had to turn her account into brand one
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◷ NIJ | NijiEN Dating show #4, feat Banana Man (Shu Yamino)
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☆ HST | Lord Commander Chaos fleshtubes on his Twitch
post | About Commander Connor
post | SpaceCrow tells about his corpo vtubing dream. Not like the dream dream, like I was sleeping and saw this shit kinda dream
post | Kilia with "That's chuuba culture" parody song
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Ᵽ PHC | Shiina takes a break to rest her voice
Tempus Rrats and Vagueposting
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☆ HST | Tempus VG vagueposting, leads to Vesper speculations
post | Archive
post | Bettel was about to take a 26 hour roadtrip soon
post | Timeline with Twitter activities
post | Question - What is the "fuck it" attitude everyone here attribute to Vesper? He seems normal
post | About Altare/Omega rumors
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☆ HST | Notice - Tempus 1st year anniversary celebration is postponed
post | About "lost luggage" theory - that happened before with Trash Taste guys
post | /vt/ rrats
post | Lando posts photos with a cat, he was sad and his pet comforted him
post | Axel addresses the Anniversary Notice
post | Pako retweeted clothing merch using Vesper's new design
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▷ HLO | BVM with chumpedo post
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Ⓥ VSJ | Ukraine posting with Pippa and Nyanners, unrelated to vtubers
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▷ HLO | YouTube messed up AZKi channel
post | She tweeted about it
post | Hololive Summer 2023 unit info
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◷ NIJ | Update on VTA
post | About possibility of VTA graduates debuting as EN livers
post | Onolumi talking about
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▷ HLO | About same face problem, example of Fubuki art mama. Context - Fauna mama anime design
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₪ IDL | Pochi wants to move past certain types of content, members post
post | Cassette Beasts BGM with vocals by Shelby Harvey sound like Lisa Chikafuji
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Ᵽ PHC | Airi talks Shiina song collab
post | The V&U robot/memory card girl Echo Lyne introduction
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☆ HST | Oga plays Placid Plastic Duck Simulator
post | Isa talks a bit about her plans, she is nearly 3 months in
post | Another Nene Amano "Announcement" on plain background, it is about solo live
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▷ HLO | Gura with Papa Freezeria Delux stream
post | Gura said no to a video interview when applying to Holo. Also how she sees chumbuds
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₪ IDL | Roca with NPC stream
post | Beri thanks fans for celebrating her anniversary stream
post | Sawa with You will never be a real vtuber
post | Kirsche touched the poo
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▷ HLO | Hololive cake merch and Haachama relax figure
post | About girls having an input on figures, possible hint that Haachama approved it
post | Moe Shop song with Namie illustrations
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◷ NIJ | Uki celebrates his Birthday
post | He's looking at fan projects, website wwww.stargazercord.wixsite.com/ukibday2023
post | Iluna 1st Anniversary, with silhoettes
post | About Iluna livers TVA likes, according to Nolan. Followed by several polls on who is a whore etc
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Ⓥ VSJ | About Haruka Karibu PL
post | Some agency headed by sethwmad (@SethWW_) has been poaching vtubers
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♨ FVR | Jubi of FlaVR is redebuting as Stela Fritter
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▷ HLO | Hololive Meet feat VRChat
post | Translation
post | Hololive City
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Ᵽ PHC | Rie chibi
post | Pippa about saying stupid shit and changing opinions
post | About dropping big money dono
post | Knudsen spotted in Mari's chat
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◷ NIJ | Scarle streams Trouble Days
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Ᵽ PHC | Speculation on why Chinchilla girl Natsumi Hanamori is not in Phase. Discussion
post | From the Future - About why Natsumi better suited to stay indie
post | Airi family bought her new monitor
post | About new member of JP branch
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▷ HLO | Kiara tweet, she is in Japan, met ID girls
post | Tech - How to archive
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▷ HLO | Calli sings One Piece song for the TV Tower at Yunika Vision
post | Clip of Calli uncensored Trouble Days stream
post | Gilbert Gottfried segment
post | Towa new outfit reveal
post | Screenshots and a cover
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Ⓥ VSJ | Henya clip, she fell for the trick of K. Roll playing dead
post | Lia clip on The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters on Rumble. Some politsperging follows
post | Clip of the relevant part
post | Kirsche is open to talk with Sargon. Pippa and Lia herself replied to that
post | Declined
post | Kirsche is talking to Vee
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₪ IDL | Katta like Seths
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▷ HLO | About Hitomi Chris
post | Then and now
post | About Mel's old manager from 3 years ago
post | More info on that from Mel's Twitter
post | Translation from Reddit
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▷ HLO | Notes from Subaru's member karaoke
post | planet drop (@planetdropper) made a game about picking out either Moom's or Gura's voice
post | Question - Whats wrong with Games Done Quick?
post | Peari Morino, live2d artist, with a Twitter space, sings "toxic gossip train"
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Ᵽ PHC | Tenma's 'tism results
post | Question - Who the fuck is Henry?
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◷ NIJ | Xia Ekavira with a concerning premiere. Also Anycolor posted an article regarding their "countermeasure team"
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▷ HLO | Rima Evenstar on Ina's growth
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◷ NIJ | Notes from Pomu return stream
post | Pomu will take the week off
post | Members post, she had a rough time lately
post | Recommendation - LYRA, moth vtuber
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◷ NIJ | Kyo plays Trouble Days
post | There is a
'tism test class test based on food trend going on. It is not just a random jumble of words, I promise!
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▷ HLO | Kson photo with Choco
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◷ NIJ | Mika's cat Toast passed away
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▷ HLO | Bae and Sora are going to collab on Sora's channel
post | Sawa's neighbor got in some kinda accident, she is late
post | Neighbor is fine
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₪ IDL | Coni bought herself an ad at Times Square
post | Shondo posts a Shondo conspiracy iceberg
post | Recommendation - Yukinoshita Peo, JP Flower Fairy vtuber studying English
▷ HLO | Also Bae released first ep of podcast Brewin' and Groovin' with Bae
Also there is some kind of B-Side talk with Kiara and Bae on Amazon Music JP about Connect the World
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▷ HLO | Shiyu / Nakaoka plans to get married after her "gachikoi business" is over