This will be my last post on this topic because I don't want to spam this thread anymore with explaining to people why math they learned in elementary school is not applicable to the real world.
In Richard Feynman's
The Feynman Lectures on Physics, he uses the rule where implicit multiplication denoted by juxtaposition holds higher precedence than explicit multiplication or division. To give an example, on page 6, he used the expression
For that expression, the solidus was evaluated last after the implicit multiplication denoted by the juxtaposition of the "2" next to the "√
Landau and Lifshitz's
Mechanics, they solve a problem regarding the conservation of motion of the momentum and angular momentum in that of an infinite homogeneous cylindrical helix. In their solution, they present the constant as
In this formula, Mz is the angular momentum in the z-direction, h is the pitch of the helix and Pz is the axis of the cylinder in the z-axis. Both the second and third variables are presented as being "above" the 2π.
Hate to break it to you but your parents forcing you to spend 2,000 hours at Kumon to practice rote memorization actually did more harm than good because elementary PEMDAS is wildly inaccurate. PEMDAS is an overly simplified order of operations to help elementary students learn basic math.
Unless you have some actual evidence to debate otherwise, please shut the fuck up and stop spamming this thread. The amount of people arguing with "nuh uh, it doesn't seem natural to me!" just speaks more to failures of the education system. Until you realize the error of your ways, you have demoted from Asian to Bsian.