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These First Take videos create a crazy amount of clicks (millions in a few days depending on how famous the artist is). Crazy, that it's the first time I heard from that. Waiting room is up, premiering in an hour (still there are over 16k people waiting). It will be interesting to see if it bumps Suisei's next stream/karaoke and/or her sub count. It's still good promo for her next live concert next week.
It’s pretty upsetting that I missed every other JP member x En member off collab (especially TakaMori and Noefure).
Glad I could finally catch this one
I have a few pairs of the MDR7506. I may have to pick at least a pair up of these since they are only $162. I have a lot of more expensive headphones than these like the Sennheiser HD 650, but I really do love the flat sound of the Sony’s as they are ideal as monitor headphones and natural listening.
I doubt that the fisherman will hire them, they have less managers(if I'm not mistaken it's only 1) and more members than tsunderia, it would be a lot of things to manage out of the blue. There's some Lumi and Yuri streams where they said that the fishman is overworked at PC but can't find a lot of good managers in Canada to help him.
I think the reason that PC was able to survive with 15 members while being a small corpo is because he's good with money and it's a bit transparent with it. For example how they deal with merch, where most of them works as pre-sale, they don't overhire it and leave discord moderation to the talents and mods(which most of them aren't paid or is paid by the talent itself).
A thing that vtuber-corpos should learn is not to follow hololive and niji when it comes to stream. I remember some vtubers from PC and Tsunderia saying that the management doesn't like(or liked in PC) to stream on twitch. The problem with this is that the discoverability on Youtube is shit, you don't have a way to seach lives by category/games, you don't have hype-train where if is met it announces your channel to other people on the platform.
Lumi and Yuri for example streams most on twitch and they have 3-4 digits CCV, while being less famous and active on media than the other talents
I'm pretty sure Roco (or Anycolor I guess) rented out two amusement parks for that bit in her debut.
The park with the coasters was Nasu Highland Park in Tochigi prefecture. I know that because I've been there. The second one was Chichibu Geogravity Park in Saitama. I believe it's the off-season for both of these places.
Her lore is that she's trying to recruit people to help re-open her local amusement park by any means necessary and her entire debut was trying to Ponzi scheme the viewers into joining her cause. All the normal details of a debut scrolled past really quickly at the bottom of her screen towards the end and she didn't talk about any of it.
Overall solid picks, though I do believe at least half of them (Roco included) are going to be borderline impenetrable for non-JP speakers. Roco and Sophia will probably be the most popular with Toru and Akari possibly being able to secure FPS autists - especially if they're good. Nozomi will likely find a community in her chuuni drawfag antics. Rika and Meruto may need the most time to find their niche.
I think the reason that PC was able to survive with 15 members while being a small corpo is because he's good with money and it's a bit transparent with it. For example how they deal with merch, where most of them works as pre-sale, they don't overhire it and leave discord moderation to the talents and mods(which most of them aren't paid or is paid by the talent itself).
I have a few pairs of the MDR7506. I may have to pick at least a pair up of these since they are only $162. I have a lot of more expensive headphones than these like the Sennheiser HD 650, but I really do love the flat sound of the Sony’s as they are ideal as monitor headphones and natural listening.
Oh cool. I brought up the product when the first trailer came out and figured Sony would be using it with their own forgotten chuubas. I never thought Holo would pick it up. Interesting.
When you first bring up Hololive, I thought you were going to refer to HoloEN's "take a break whenever you want" approach, feels like smaller agencies would get screwed hard if they take constant break and lose the algorithm.
@sbm how well do you know stock market jargon to help me with something interesting? Or anyone else, for that matter.
If you scroll down to Financial Highlights on Anycolor's IR page you'll notice two PDFs released in the last day or so. The one on the 18th in the most interesting because it reads that LC Fund - Anycolor's only major Chinese investor - plans to sell about 72% of their shares via a secondary offering and become a minor investor instead.
I know enough about stocks to know this is normal behaviour after a lock-in period (which lifted at the beginning of December), but am too uneducated to know exactly what this means or what to look for.
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