Depends. This is a reason for a lot of the cultural structures around a Woman's virginity. Once they start, they really need to get it on the regular. We have plenty of data on the positive neurological & physiological effects it has on Women. The issue is the Pair Bonding effect, which is why Monogamy is the absolutely dominant familiar structure and violating that always careens into a cultural dead-end rapidly.
This is also a lot of the reason for the "don't put your cock in crazy" advice, as the instinct actually runs deep. It's one of the ways you can, actually, get your Woman off the ledge, so to speak. But, there's very significant limits on how much crazy you can keep down. Being pregnant also really lowers the crazy in most non-Cluster B Women.
A man's explicit attractiveness in the relative hierarchy dictates whether he's good or bad dick. And, yes, a Woman that feels like she had sex with a "low tier" Man will resent that far more than a Man that actually sexually assualted her.
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