"I don't get why rodge (Rogue) equals random though, that's an interesting way to call it"IRyS

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  1. Continuous Retardation

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I somehow missed the last Gura Karaoke... Good thing there's archives of that shit! I'm not going to miss this one that's about to happen. Although I think everyone should listen to her sing Shinkiro and watch her cute movements (this was actually her encore, she sang it once already earlier in...
  2. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    New overseas positions are open at Niji according to the stock site. The stock bros are lamenting the fact that it seems low pay for such an important job lol Here's an image of someone posting the requirements and pay.
  3. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    I was wondering if there is any way whatsoever that NijiEN can get back to anything resembling normalcy. If this happened in HoloEN I would legitimately quit watching. I couldn't ever watch another stream without being reminded of all the drama. Difficult to be a seiso idol when you turn out to...
  4. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    I'm not questioning your loyalty man. It doesn't matter to me if you believe her or not. I'm refuting the portion of your comments that suggest she absolutely must be producing receipts for the people to see. Niji is proving her correct with every statement they make themselves. If she's worried...
  5. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    I understand what you're getting at, but you aren't taking into account the whole situation. Only Niji is getting caught out with contradictory statements, only Niji is going on the attack, from the termination reasoning to the subsequent statements and 'mean girls' stream. Doki has most...
  6. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    When the drama gets as spiteful and backstabby as has been shown by the three dipshits on that disgrace of a stream, then almost anything becomes believable. I would have laughed this off a month and a half ago, now I have to actually wonder if it's true or not. Niji has fucked up this badly...
  7. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Wow that's funny let me try- :dandanl:Niji mass shooting arc:amegunl:
  8. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Damn she is so finished isn't she? A shame because she can be funny at times and her model is extra hot don't @ me nijjas. Also does all this mean she has stronger moral fiber than everyone else or did management take control of their socials again so they could all do the corpo drone thing? I...
  9. Continuous Retardation

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    These motherfuckers on the stock site are so funny sometimes lol
  10. Continuous Retardation

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Damn I must've just glazed over when I read this stuff the first time. I don't remember that happening at all, but I guess I didn't realize how, uhh, important Nolan would be to my viewing experience lemao. This all went down before I made my first post in the thread, and I was still in the...
  11. Continuous Retardation

    Termination of Selen Tatsuki and the Glorious Revival of Dokibird

    I'm pretty sure the retards see her as a different case. You can watch as people spring up to say that 'Zaion was right', and a gaggle of braindead twitter users will mention that she deserved it, essentially because she's got the tiniest little bit of edgy in her. They constantly bring up that...
  12. Continuous Retardation

    Termination of Selen Tatsuki and the Glorious Revival of Dokibird

    "RPR my eldest brother" I will know refer to RPR only as 'Eldest Brother' from now on. I love that he's standing for her. He's pretty well connected in the JP fps scene so it could always bite him. I'm giving him all the props for this. :nenebased: I'm pretty sure she just likes doing it, also...
  13. Continuous Retardation

    Termination of Selen Tatsuki and the Glorious Revival of Dokibird

    Never forget bros Actually the most you can say is actually something positive. One of the EA people who played early Anthem mentioned you ought to be able to fly instead of just boost around, and the team added it back in after they had removed flight from Anthem. So EA unironically saved...
  14. Continuous Retardation

    Termination of Selen Tatsuki and the Glorious Revival of Dokibird

    How much longer until the actual Niji shills inside the company start barking? "I LOVE MY NIJI FAMILY I LOVE MY NIJI FAMILY" It's hard to be upset when this is almost certainly going to end up being great for Doki. One of the few Niji's I actually watched semi regularly now will be out from...
  15. Continuous Retardation

    Evil racist Nijisanji rejects DEI and embraces white supremacy (aka Kyo Kaneko graduation thread)

    If she doesn't stream then even your curse can't work:mitothink: checkmate :amedumbass: Gura lives to stream another day :gurasemperfi: At the risk of turning another Niji graduation into a Holo thread... How come Cover has been more successful with keeping their branches from snaping off...
  16. Continuous Retardation

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Gura somehow has the cutest screams. Don't know how else to put it but it's true. However, Ame screams are still my favorite. Is it not time to just get the fuck over it? Nearly nobody alive even directly experienced it. Shouldn't they feel some catharsis over the fact that the nips almost...
  17. Continuous Retardation

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Even in the main thread after he had said he left, I made a post, criticized him for contributing to the tribalfagging, but still also said his posts about niji info were good. He just could never realize that he, too, was just as retarded as the rest of us. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong now...
  18. Continuous Retardation

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You guys should've seen this coming when he already took these same actions a year and a half ago. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/vt-and-related-vtuber-lunacy.100431/post-12238013 In this post on the vtuber lunacy thread he drops that he had 'left' the main thread. He is replying to a discussion...
  19. Continuous Retardation

    Termination of Yozora Mel

    I cannot believe The Prostate would disrespect the beautiful banpire in this way. DEATH TO ALL TEAYamanbaS :BijouBijou:
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