"Would you love me if I was Canadian?"Aia Amare

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  1. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Don't be so disingenuous and try and make it seem like I'm saying he was the only reason he got fired. I said he was the one who outed that it was the manager and that he was still there, in power, able to contact her. His video blew up and Cover faced a surge of terrible press because of it. I...
  2. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    He's not moralizing he's explaining why it happened the way it did. Get off your high horse and read what he actually said. JP Keemstar. He's mostly a useless bag of shit but he's the one who broke the story of Mel's manager harassing her. The manager was removed from his position but still...
  3. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    To be fair to Narukami, in exactly one instance his dramafag tendencies were useful and did result in the ousting of the scum that harassed Mel. The guy was still actually working at Cover until he broke the news and only then did they shitcan him. Maybe it was a massive coincidence and they...
  4. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    It is common knowledge, and it's so common that it's used to shit on Niji in 4chan all the time these days, can't remember who said it outright though. Either he's lying and trying to seem more connected, or someone really did tell him and endangered their position over already public knowledge...
  5. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    You can literally watch it in action when you get the Youtubers who put up the graph of 'the people who watch who are subbed vs unsubbed'. In the first month or so of them doing that, you can see the percentage of unsubbed drop.
  6. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Felt like Calli was getting real for a moment. Not in a bad way, but I did feel kinda sad after listening to this clip...
  7. Continuous Retardation

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I just fucking love Gura lol Man guys this is so exciting! It just feels good to not worry about new people. With both Council and Tempus I was somewhat concerned deep down that Cover was going to fuck up, but at this point I'm just able to enjoy the ride. Like I said in the main thread, they...
  8. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    In addition to what @La+ de Central Norte said; I also think it's because, for all the posts people make about Holo being idols and no men or whatever, the percentage of real unicorns is absolutely miniscule. Kronii's unicorn death arc could've been entirely avoided had she not given them the...
  9. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Ever since I started watching Hololive, Cover has had really great success with their hiring of new talents when it comes to their personalities. Sure, Aloe and Sana didn't work out in the end, but I don't think it was because they were a bad fit personality-wise. They both had circumstances...
  10. Continuous Retardation

    There's no greater evidence for vtubers being mentally ill than the Mang0 vtuber arc

    There's no greater evidence for vtubers being mentally ill than the Mang0 vtuber arc
  11. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Holy shit those last two tweets lol. Dude tweets out art of her with some, uh, extra padding and then tweets out the one with her actual chest size. What a legend.
  12. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Considering they don't even have the pictures posted that we know are 100% confirmed I'd say they're just retarded. EDIT: One of those pictures is from a fake senzawa account that she deboonked back in the day so they just fell for some bait. EDIT2: It took me a minute but this is where those...
  13. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I just thought someone did a really great job with it. I didn't realize it was actually Ordan... Makes it even better knowing it's straight from the source. :kiarachefkiss: :vespernosebleed:
  14. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I'm glad that Gura has found her resolve to stream again. I won't ever believe that there was somehow no time to just communicate a bit on twitter, but I'm not going to get mad at someone I've never met. I enjoy her streams and I think she's a sweet girl. I will continue my support as long as...
  15. Continuous Retardation

    Connect the World: Hololive English 1st Concert

    Gura dropping an orisong in the middle of the concert is based, and the only reason I have any criticism of it is because it was not immediately released for download afterwards. That kind of reveal is great and I was hyped beyond belief that we finally got another one, but then I was deflated...
  16. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Aqua thinking about gura: "She's just like me frfr!" Aqua thinking about Kiara: "Damn she do be talking a lot." My poor chimkin getting roasted by an onion... I'm not sure if I should've already known this Gura trivia or not, but apparently Gura is not scared of bugs.
  17. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I haven't ever watched Lia, so you people that do, how much of a Love Live fag is she? Is she just into LL in general, Aqours itself, or is she specifically into Yohane? Having her posters, plushies, and dressing up like her makes me think she has good taste. Yohane love I actually don't know...
  18. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    :architect:I hope Link will one day break his vow of silence so he can explain himself :architect:
  19. Continuous Retardation

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    If this translated segment went on any longer I might have started crying... Time for happy thoughts, though! Because I was begging for Holo summer to come back last year, and it really wasn't anything special, but this year they are making it nearly the whole summer like the madlads they are...
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