"If you want to rotmaxxing, you should rotmaxxing at home. If you want to go out, you should shower"Remilia Nephys

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  1. Tamavitch

    Nijisanji L Collection

    You know as well as I do that in private, Fauna just absolutely shits on Kurosanji's chump "talents" constantly. Like she'll start in and she's calling Vox a "sloppy inbred SEAmonkey pedophile" and Mumei or whoever is sitting in the call with her, waiting to start a stream. Mooms laughs along...
  2. Tamavitch


    Sure, and legal professionals, etc., there are worthless unprofessional dipshits in all fields but they get called dogshit, because they are. Artists are nearly unique in how much they feel like it's a hobby when they want to play Nintendo and not work, but also deserve money now now now. I...
  3. Tamavitch


    They think it's a magical power for which muggles should throw them cash. Combine this with muggles usually thinking "drawing is a fun thing I did as kid instead of schoolwork" and wanting to pay you accordingly, and you get the current year shit sandwich where the reality needs to be in the...
  4. Tamavitch

    Vidya Games Thread

    See, this right here. This is the whole problem. The Relic who made Dawn of War existed 20 years ago. Long enough that a child could be born and get a 2 year degree. We could have BRED new game devs in this amount of time. And how long has it been since that Relic, actual Relic, has existed...
  5. Tamavitch

    Gonna miss you now that you've decided to get permabanned on purpose though. :depressedtako:

    Gonna miss you now that you've decided to get permabanned on purpose though. :depressedtako:
  6. Tamavitch

    Tora Karu, the 'No honey, we have Vox Akuma at home', and the Twitter Thot Chronicles

    Yes also mean no, chud. Even if there is signed paperwork, yes can turn into no. Look it up. In related news, once I have had to use a certain number of HORRIFIED stickers, do I start getting them free of charge?
  7. Tamavitch

    V&U - Proving that Koreans can be as bad as Singaporeans and Japanese.

    Prostate if you keep putting twatter links on top the page along with thread links, I am skinning you. I will not even pluck you first. Put that shit in a post, if you insist on twatterposting.
  8. Tamavitch

    >ban Reticule >Pippa thread drops absolutely dead now that mods etc. are no longer able to make...

    >ban Reticule >Pippa thread drops absolutely dead now that mods etc. are no longer able to make literally thousands of replies to constant meatposting
  9. Tamavitch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    It means they don't want to be hit on by poor or ugly men.
  10. Tamavitch

    Vidya Games Thread

    giving money to capcom
  11. Tamavitch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    I get the feeling that this shouldn't have been a huge mess but woman brain said "post about this on my alt and bitch" rather than stfu and get it resolved. Definitely need a Dizzy or whoever to wrangle harder. She did the usual early-20s idiot thing where they think "should" and "want" rather...
  12. Tamavitch

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    She very clearly thinks she will get to Doki lil' ol' Idol Corp. She's wrong. That's very last month and the plebs will want a new story with a new ending. So is this timeline correct as far as we know it: Does Donothon 1, ambitious goals reached. Idol pays for these goals (she does not need...
  13. Tamavitch

    Mecha and Other Model kits

    The smaller of these pegs fits. Or you can sand down the larger one. This is AB 4 and 5. If I were you I'd just cement the arm that came with the kit into a good position and use its peg, though, so it matches her.
  14. Tamavitch

    Vidya Games Thread

    Y E A R O F T H E C H A D:smugpipi::gloomiLaugh::pomuLove:
  15. Tamavitch

    Mecha and Other Model kits

    Ummm we don't call it a "backpack" now, we call it a dumpy. But if the GSC stand works then great. If not, an Action Base will in fact work. They come with a billion varieties of connectors, including the standard 3mm pegs that ATK Girls use, a 5mm, etc.. You can caliper that shit to get a match...
  16. Tamavitch

    Vidya Games Thread

    Hi I'm here weeks late cause I forgor that this thread existed, and had to tell you that I fucking died at this. My ribs hurt. From now until the end of time I will call utterly pointless virtue signaling etc. "grinding faction rep". It really is the only reason that the mentally (and actually)...
  17. Tamavitch

    Mecha and Other Model kits

    Fat shaming plastic model kits...SAD.
  18. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I like Fauna period. That's it. That's the post.
  19. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Mike is on the 35 year olds council. But we do not grant her the rank of :holohag:
  20. Tamavitch

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Imagine a world where all 4 of the other girls always showed up when Kiara had plans to do shit like this. Kiara IS HoloEN.
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