"A new record: I've only insulted the British twice this stream. I'm on a roll!"Gavis Bettel

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  1. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It feels like forever since I last caught a Nabi-mama stream.
  2. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    They generously gave us a single song. It sucks being brokegang.
  3. ペンネーム

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I'm sad that I can't pay to watch Blue Journey. I guess I should debut so I can start pulling in supas.
  4. ペンネーム

    DEV_IS Discussion/Debut Thread

    If you haven't heard the original, I found it. Raden is a treasure. My favorite debut stream ever. Fuck the format, I'm doing whatever the fuck I want is big time energy and huge freaking balls.
  5. ペンネーム

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Ok, I completely missed it... who is Bijou's past life? If someone can please summarize all four, that would be awesome.
  6. ペンネーム

    vHoeShow New Debut Containment Thread

    So I was chatting with a friend about Pika becoming a hoe, how much I hate twitch and how I typically just turn off chats regardless and he was like "I don't. I need the chat to interact with my oshi, influence the stream and be noticed." I believe my friend may need professional help. Is there...
  7. ペンネーム

    vHoeShow New Debut Containment Thread

    Yeah, her breast jiggle. She's gone full whore. Never again.
  8. ペンネーム

    vHoeShow New Debut Containment Thread

    Wow, Twitch chat is even worse than I remembered. God I hate this platform.
  9. ペンネーム

    vHoeShow New Debut Containment Thread

    Late and gay. As expected
  10. ペンネーム

    The Anime Thread

    They need autism options, eh?
  11. ペンネーム

    The Anime Thread

    I've been watching anime since the Blockbuster days and this is the most pain I've experienced. I might be growing a fetish. Halp.
  12. ペンネーム

    The Anime Thread

    I have been pain watching The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure.... and it is killing me. Why when there is so much better to be watched, am I still watching this garbage?
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