"No Service No Life"Juufuutei Raden

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  1. Zizara

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    buh what if it was a tranny Shut the fuck up retard I don't care about culture war sperging about this, it's a blind assumption into the bargain, you don't know what I think about other situations or hypotheticals If... IF Kiki actually abuses a child or there is credible evidence that she...
  2. Zizara

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    Honestly it's an incredibly apt summation of the accusations. I don't give an iota of a fuck about the sad testimony of a bunch of creeps who went looking for jailbait and found it - you're not convincing me that they genuinely thought she was legal when Kiki couldn't have been more than 16 at...
  3. Zizara

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    Randbot's typing like he wants to physically blow Josh for this but has to settle for only metaphorically doing so.
  4. Zizara

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    I mean, what's being excused in this instance? Has Kiki herself abused children? Does she have actual CSAM? So far as I've seen all she's done is roleplay as/bait sexual attention for herself as a minor. She confesses only that she's "had issues" being attracted to kids as a result, but that's...
  5. Zizara

    Rage Pig Ho Down - Ralph Discovers vTubers to Spite GAYTOR

    Sucks that Kiki's a menhara getting off to her own abuse, but on the other hand, "I'm innocent because that underage whore baited me into it" is the oldest lie in the book - literally the premise of Lolita.
  6. Zizara

    Culinary Catastrophes

    I do toast, grilled cheese, etc in the oven because you've got much more control to get it exactly how you like, but you gotta watch it man. You can't just fire it in there and leave like you would with a toaster which is what I assume has happened here.
  7. Zizara

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Panko's pretty cute guys. Like damn.
  8. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    man I LOVE how the Internet is going through the exact same forced ads and shit that drove me away from TV and cable as entertainment in the first place
  9. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    The average fan has the memory of a goldfish who's opinion is informed by current public sentiment, and that's assuming most of them have even been around long enough to remember how the Chinese market imploded in the first place.
  10. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Some uncomfortable questions to be asked at the next family gathering with the cousin who told her motorboating is a totally normal and non-sexual thing to do...
  11. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It's always for the market. There's always a dumbass company or new guy who thinks they can expand into China and make billions and it never works because the customer base is a mirage and the things you need to do to get your foot in the door of such an insular market are a poisoned chalice.
  12. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Henri's unbanifesto was peak content, if Kakun - or whoever - has produced something similar then I want to see it.
  13. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If Lumi was even a fraction as deranged as these hysterical losers would have you believe, it would have been extremely obvious and come out across the significant amount of time she's spent in Phase now & in the interactions she's had across the larger community. It hasn't. In fact, curiously...
  14. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    How is it possible to not recognise Nyaru, she has like negative opsec and can't help but out herself at every possible turn, they deserve the lost connection frankly.
  15. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Yeah the legs look like latex, can't say I'm a fan of that, but it's not like we'll see them much either.
  16. Zizara

    Vidya Games Thread

    DD2 is the most mid game I've played in years but in a passive, inoffensive sort of way. You could dump 100 hours into the game and by the end you won't have found it a waste of time, and then promptly forget about it when the next interesting thing comes around (which I did). Combined with the...
  17. Zizara

    Vidya Games Thread

    So many of these look like the next dead on arrival AAA chasing old trends, and I'm just here to catch the next update on Monhun Wilds. The update here is supposed to be more substantial than the trailer we just got a bit ago. Also, nothing but trailers and cutscenes. No gameplay. No confidence...
  18. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

  19. Zizara

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    A lot of Pekoras mannerisms are gone now, like her laugh is very reduced. It's an unfortunate side-affect of the vocal training they go through as singers - it smooths out all the vocal quirks they had that became so beloved. I think Pekora herself has talked about it though I don't have the...
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