"OH NO DESU WA!"Hyakumantenbara Salome

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  1. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I don't think the result was ever posted (though I'm not quite fully caught up), so here it is in case anyone wants to see the results. Looks really cute and good job for someone who isn't an "artist". 1000% better than I could ever do! Roca love, go watch her karaoke linked a few posts up...
  2. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I finally let my membership run out at the end of year, so of course Gura posts something now. Thanks for keeping yours up and keeping us informed. One generic post with no definitive date or stream link is not going to pull me back in, I swear! Unless she starts scheduling some streams and...
  3. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Mumei just wrapped her karaoke up. Near the end she talked a little about being gone and said she would be out for a while, with no date planned to come back. She didn't get into specifics about why, but she did slip in that it was not due/related to "civilization duties", which was surprising...
  4. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Damn, been away a while since I've been on here, but too much craziness going on lately with niji - Selen getting screwed on her song and injured(?) and now Pomu graduation! Feels like Selen might not be far behind, as soon as her contract runs out too hopefully. I'm assuming Pomu will pop up...
  5. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    She definitely has gotten close to Flare, doesn' t use honorifics or senpai for her anymore either, even while addressing the others with them.
  6. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hopefully this wasn't already posted as I can't keep up with the entire thread anymore, but came across this while mindlessly scrolling instagram... Apparently keekihime liking a Kiara cosplayer, which I thought was pretty funny. Not sure where HL management draws the line but their IRL accounts...
  7. VTuberBobDole

    Riro Ron and other Staff sacked by Idol Corp for on-stream drug use and other offences

    Sure flipped from "I can't talk about this bc of NDA" to leaning into it fast. Hope she consults a lawyer before really slipping up and saying something she shouldn't.
  8. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    On FWMC Morning, FuwaMoco said mama puppy will come on when they reach 5M subscribers, so get subscribing! Actually, what I was wondering was if they ever talked about their background/parents before? They were saying that their parents don't know english very well and that their mom needed to...
  9. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    They just said Gura got hit in the head with a phone and that's why she couldn't sing along with Kiara during the karaoke portion today (not sure why she couldn't sing if she could talk and chat normally, but whatever). That sounded like a recent event, not what has been keeping her from...
  10. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    AnimeNYC panel for Advent (-FWMC) starts soon, then one of the StarsEN, and then Kiara & Gura a little after that. Interesting to see if Gura addresses the elephant in the room and talks about what she has been up to the past year, or if they just completely ignore it and keep it BAU. Saw that...
  11. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Can a Teammate weigh in on what this is? I tried to do my reps and went back 10+ pages and didn't see (or totally missed) anything about this. I need someone to drip-feed me some Gura news, I'm going through withdrawal (besides the upcoming MV). If I remember correctly, sharing member post...
  12. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Glad Gura is still doing stuff, but don't really want her in tons of special projects that take all her (limited seeming) time. Just let her be funny memeing shork girl streaming random games please! Speaking of, does anyone actually subscribe to their RL account here? I kind of wonder how...
  13. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Do they do extra members' streams, maybe even more depending on what level? (I don't have membership so I don't know, or how many tiers they have.) Or they might be trying to slyly refer to the occasional Ally&Sally streams they do? (Again I'm not a member/patreon for that, but I see them...
  14. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Gura not going to beat the allegations only using twitter to repost and shill merch.
  15. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Who was her PL again? I forgot/lost track who Advent PLs were other than FuwaMoco. Yeah I'd say that is backwards. I'd imagine she maybe moved down to TX to try to do VA work, as I think that's where a lot of the anime dubbing studios are, but moved back north to MN sometime or another. I'm...
  16. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    In the Advent collab Minecraft stream, Nerissa just mentioned that she might have connection issues as she was hearing a bunch of lightning outside. Assuming she's in the midwest, the only place around there with thunderstorms is the Twin Cities. Interesting... She might just be a true...
  17. VTuberBobDole

    DEV_IS Discussion/Debut Thread

    Had one of my kid's birthday and family over yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to catch up on the 2nd day of debuts until now. Raden: Felt like one of those acts that are meant to seem like they are off the cuff/improv, but I think this was her plan all along. She did well though, if it was...
  18. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Yes, hopefully after the anniversary streams they can settle down some and she can stream semi-regularly. Not expecting every day, but couple times a week would be nice. I think she needs to reconnect with her fans/audience pretty badly right now. No! Copium is all I have right now, I won't...
  19. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    What does this even mean? The best way to support her and show her you want her to stream more is to... stop watching? This is my thought as well. I enjoy the concerts and other activities, but the core of what these made these girls popular was simply streaming and interacting directly with...
  20. VTuberBobDole

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Did she get separated/divorced recently or something? "Move on", but makes an entire video about it and other drama? It's simple what killed old-school fansubbing - Crunchyroll (and later other streaming sites, but CR was the first big one). When it became easier to just rip stuff off their...
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