"If you try to put pressure on kohais, people will call you otsubone-baba; Yes I've experienced it, but I've decided also to become a good otsubone-baba when it happens!"Houshou Marine

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  1. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    PART 1 INTRO A lot has changed in the AI art world since this thread was first made 9 months ago, so I though I'd write up an updated guide. I won't go into how awesome AI art is, since if you're here you probably already have a good idea. I'll just say that this technology just continues to...
  2. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Man, anyone else getting some big Chris Chan vibes from this guy...
  3. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I never watch youtube shorts, but this time Mio made me Could only understand every other word, but who cares, :holohag::hololove:
  4. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Kids don't know how easy they got it. Remember back when the best you could hope for was the teacher to bend over and get a peek of something? Now they just look them up onmline and find them posting pics with everything hanging out for the whole world to see.
  5. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    On the twitter nonsense: My entire interaction with the site is reading tweets embedded in posts here. Anyone else completely unbothered if the site disappears forever? I was about to have an old man moment and start going on about how computer illiterate normies should never have been allowed...
  6. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    That music video was pretty good, eh. Also pretty impressed with the technical side of the motion capture stuff where they're playing the ball games. Getting some use out of their fancy new studio?
  7. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    You know what? I got lucky. I only now realise I never even checked the fingers or made changes to them. You can see some of the hands are a bit blurry, but no obvious extra fingers!
  8. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Posting this now even though it's full of imperfections, since I've been working on this one image for days now and am getting sick of looking at it. Composable LORA is now working with Latent Couple (technically, the Extensions list changed to a different, working branch of the extension) which...
  9. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Couldn't decide between "informative" or "horrifying"
  10. Clem the Gem

    I'm sure you noticed everyone has animated avatars now. You no longer need to limit yourself to...

    I'm sure you noticed everyone has animated avatars now. You no longer need to limit yourself to a (spooky) still image!
  11. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Just a heads up if you were thinking about watching Fubuki's 5 year anniversary holiday thing, some madlad live translated the whole thing, so fellow EOPs can follow along if you have the LiveTL addon.
  12. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Just wanted to let you know I was reading this while at work with no sound, and had to watch it anyway since I could hear it in my head. Wanted to watch this when I got home.. anyone know why it got taken down?
  13. Clem the Gem

    Not looking too bad yourself

    Not looking too bad yourself
  14. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    What are you, 15? The show only came out like 10 year ago, right?..Right?
  15. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Damn, that Lui clip at the start was pretty spot-on.
  16. Clem the Gem

    3D VTubing: An Introduction.

    Appreciate the effort put into this. If I ever think I'll get into chuubing myself, I'll be sure to come back here for reference. Hope others can find it useful too.
  17. Clem the Gem

    What a weird coincidence. I was also thinking of making the exact same thing, before seeing the...

    What a weird coincidence. I was also thinking of making the exact same thing, before seeing the still version was already taken. Then I come here to see if I could offer the animated version, and see that's already been done too. This is all before I find out animated avatars aren't even...
  18. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Just catching up after work, and your description reminds me of Marine's 3rd anniversary concert, done in a 80s/90s VHS style, and was absolute peak hagdom and one of my favourite streams. Looking forward to this one too. [Edit[ Well worth the watch
  19. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Arms, wrists, ankles and even heads. Scandalous! You should keep this kind of filth to the degenerates thread.
  20. Clem the Gem

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Thanks for answering the question. I remember this video, I didn't realise we were talking about something that long ago. Wasn't about to search through 4 months of posts contating the words "Tenma" and "collab".
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