"'Are you lonely?' YES... y...no, of course not, I just like to hug my blankets OK?"Fujikura Uruka

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  1. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You take a couple days off, and before you know it you're 10, 50, 100 pages behind. Only took a month to catch up. Now that I have, maybe I can do something productive and.. ..shit. Anyway, did anyone see this Palworld game that just came out? You think any vtubers will pick it up?
  2. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    I'd imagine you could do it pretty easily with Stable Diffusion. Why not give it a try? https://civitai.com/generate Here's "abstract background featuring birds" Of course you would need additonal steps to make a larger image, but it's a starting point. Also there are so many models to choose...
  3. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Damn, rushed home to try and catch some of this as well. Guess I'll just spend the time catching up on 90 pages of posts here instead. Wishing a quick recovery, in no small part because I want to see more Half-Life.
  4. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I only ever really watched one of her older ASMR videos and the more recent "ASMR" video. I recommend you download this while you can, it's quite.. something. (54:12) Spoiler: That's not your ear she's digging through (make sure to keep going to 55:45) (1:14:40) Not the usual kind of "mommy...
  5. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Now that I've nearly caught up with something like 50 pages of mostly drama about people I've never heard of, I will wish you all a merry christmas, and give you this christmassy family picture I hacked together.
  6. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Well, I think just about every Holo member already has at least one high quality LORA up on Civitai which are pretty easy to find. But I guess an organised list could be helpful since Civitai's search is a bit shitty sometimes. I did plan to try making a bunch of the lesser known vtubers (and...
  7. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    ...and sold out. You better not tell me a load of idiots went and bought a multi-thousand dollar mic they have no use for just because some vtuber said they like it in a tweet. On another note, I've got to say I'm liking this sudden interest in one of my favourite franchises. Now Wemi's going...
  8. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    On the topic of favourite vtuber songs (well it was on topic before something weird happened on the forum).. I've gone these last few years mostly ignoring all musical things, be it official releases, 3D lives or just karaoke streams. But recently I decided to start catching up. Since not...
  9. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Maybe I'm just terribly uncultured, but I flicked through her Pixiv page very quickly and had a hard time actually noticing a theme or style shared by all the pictures, so I could see why the AI would be having trouble. I have not tried making a style LORA yet (except by mistake with my...
  10. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Guess that's one advantage of simpler character designs. Easier for everyone - including AI - to draw. I haven't forgotten about that Mozumi LORA I was going to upload "tonight" a week and half ago. Infact I've been wasting days of my life trying to get the different outfits working like I...
  11. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    So what's this streaming on youtube shorts thing that people are doing recenty? Only just caught up with the thread and didn't see an explanation, and searching didn'r help. Is it a means to bypass some new youtube bullshittery?
  12. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I know this is over 2 weeks old now, but it seems like no one else mentioned it and I just wanted to shill this song for a bit since I find myself playing it multiple times a day over the past week or so. I don't know about "make you cry", (especially if you're like me and can't even understand...
  13. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Remember @Nenélove, if you're being held against your will, you can always let us know so we may.. sit and laugh? join you? I dunno.
  14. Clem the Gem

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    First read that as "the car in front of the bumper is dead lmao" as in they'd just killed some other driver and thought that was kinda funny.
  15. Clem the Gem

    Like the avatar

    Like the avatar
  16. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Will work on it some more when I get home tonight (like I have been consantly for a week now..) and maybe release what I have. I'm trying to get a model where you can call for outfit1 or outfit2 (coat / no coat) while still being able to use any other clothes you want without them being affected...
  17. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Alright, alright.. I think my failed attempts are already better than this one. I will continue to improve it and release when it's done. You can't fool me. I refuse to believe!
  18. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Was that my LORA, your own, or purely from prompting? I've spent the last while struggling to get the different outfits working consistently in a single LORA while being flexible enough to allow completely different clothes. Would be kinda bummed if someone beat me to it
  19. Clem the Gem

    AI Waifus and You 101

    Improvements have been made! But so have some sacrifices.. Ran the LORA training locally this time using the same sample images, but with different settings and modified captioning. As you should see, I'm getting a more accurate result, but the downside is it is harder to control. You...
  20. Clem the Gem

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    Well.. maybe not completely. But anyway.. this is becoming a bit of a Duolingo Bad (which it is) thread. To get back on topic, does anyone know of anywhere other than Duolingo where you can practice actually writing (typing) Japanese sentences?
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